Review by STARRS member, Chris Jeffries, USAFA ‘87 One of the big challenges we face in the battle to keep racism and...
Category - Marxism
Critical Race Theory (CRT) vs Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)
By Rod Bishop, Lt Gen, USAF (Ret) STARRS President and Board Chairman Many terms and acronyms used in public discussions...
Interview with Matthew Lohmeier
Air Force Academy graduate and former US Space Force Lt Col Matthew Lohmeier was relieved of his squadron command for...
Radicalism (the second R in STARRS)
By Chris Jeffries, USAFA ‘87 STARRS Editorial Staff The acronym STARRS stands for “Stand Together Against Racism and...
Yet Another Scandal at West Point? You Be the Judge (Part 2)
By William F. Prince, Col, USA (Ret), USMA ‘70 The editors of the STARRS newsletter have graciously allowed me to divide...
How CRT made its way into military academies
Lt Gen Rod Bishop, STARRS President and BOD Chairman, appeared on Debbie Georgatos’ Vimeo program America, Can We Talk? Gen...
STARRS Interviews 3 Former West Point Cadets
Three former cadets, who recently resigned from USMA, discuss their experiences with CRT, racist attitudes and policies...
The Hoax of Critical Race Theory: Interview with Dr. Wilfred Reilly
STARRS Ron Scott talks with Dr. Wilfred Reilly about the hoax of Critical Race Theory. See his books: BOOK REVIEW: Hate...
‘Hold the Line!’: Why the Military Must Repudiate Radical Politics
America finds itself in a culture war. While one side lives in a fundamentally flawed and systemically racist country...
Interview with STARRS Retired Flag Officers on How to Save US Military from Marxism
Information Operation podcast Host L Todd Wood speaks with retired flag officers, Lt Gen Rod Bishop (USAF), Brig Gen Chris...
Did I Flee Communist Romania to End My Life in Communist America?
By Alex Hogue, STARRS member A few months back, I was asked a question about what correlation I saw between Critical Race...
Lt. Gen. Rod Bishop: Radicalization is dividing our service academies
Gen. Bishop was interviewed on Secure Freedom Radio: GEN. (RET.) ROD BISHOP, Former Commander, 3rd Air Force, Ramstein Air...
Neo-Marxism in the Military
STARRS leaders were on The Professor’s Record with David K. Clements podcast discussing Critical Race Theory running...
STARRS Launches Stand Against Racism and Radicalism in the Military
Stand Together Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services (STARRS) a 501(c)3 headquartered in Colorado Springs, Colorado...
Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier speaks out against Cultural Marxism
STARRS Matthew Lohmeier was on Newsmax on why he was speaking against Cultural Marxism: “Seeing that essentially...
Yet Another Scandal at West Point? You Be The Judge (Part 1)
By Bill Prince, Colonel (Ret), US Army, USMA ’70 Scandal, cover-up?! Certainly, the apparent quibbling and stonewalling on...
STARRS Navy Update, Part II
By STARRS Member Brent Ramsey, Capt, USN (Ret) In Part I, we raised questions about the Navy’s establishment of Task Force...
BOOK REVIEW: American Marxism
Reviewed by Scott Sturman, USAFA “72 Member of the STARRS Board of Advisors Robert Ruark’s historical novel Something...
Personal Stories Contrasting Capitalism and Communism
By STARRS Member, Col, USAF (Ret), USAFA 1987 In late 1989 I was a young first lieutenant stationed at Comiso Air Station on...
BOOK REVIEW: Irresistible Revolution: Marxism’s Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military
BOOK REVIEW by Keith Fletcher STARRS Staff Writer USAFA ’87 “Irresistible Revolution,” absolutely belongs in your home or...
BOOK REVIEW: Critical Race Theory – An Introduction
Review by Scott Sturman, USAFA ’72 Member of the STARRS Board of Advisors Long before power is achieved, radical...
Air Force Academy Promotes BLM with Cadets
STARRS leadership recommends everyone watch this video because it is the best analysis we have seen to date about the BLM...
Air Force Academy Reportedly Forces Cadets To Watch Racialized Training Video That Promotes BLM
By Brianna Lyman | Daily Caller News Foundation The U.S. Air Force Academy is reportedly requiring incoming cadets to...
Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier Exposes Divisive, Woke Politics in Our Military
Dinesh D’Souza interviewed Matthew Lohmeier, former Lt. Colonel of the U.S. Space Force, who reveals how senior...
Air Force Academy requires training linked to critical race theory and Black Lives Matter
By Mike Brest | Washington Examiner The Air Force Academy requires its incoming cadets to watch a diversity and inclusion...
Space Force Officer, Punished After Denouncing Marxism, to Leave Military
The Space Force officer who was removed from his command post for condemning Marxism and critical race theory is leaving the...
Commie Lieutenant Spenser Rapone Shows the Radical-to-Academic Ratline Is Still in Operation
By a former infantry officer, CGSC grad and Army Operations Center alumnus A short four years ago, we had one of those...
West Point teaching Marxism
Future officers at the U.S. Army‘s military academy at West Point are being taught several leftist courses that an active...
BOOK: How to Win Nearly Every Political Argument With a Socialist
Why do leftists consistently side with evil? You must understand the most fundamental principle in the Marxist playbook...
Military academies stonewall demands for transparency of CRT curriculum
As concern grows nationally over the teaching of Critical Race Theory and related Marxist ideology at our military...
Open Letter from Retired Generals and Admirals
Our Nation is in deep peril. We are in a fight for our survival as a Constitutional Republic like no other time since our...
A Letter to the Dean of the Academic Board, U.S. Military Academy
By Bill Prince, USMA 1970 Office of the Dean Attn: BG Shane Reeves Greeting BG Reeves, Col. (Ret.) Bill Prince here. USMA...
Herbert Marcuse And CRT: A Solution Looking For A Problem
By Scott Sturman, MD, USAFA ’72 STARRS Board of Advisors Critical Race prophet Herbert Marcuse, a German born Marxist and...
Opposing Marxism, Critical Theory Policies in the US Military Makes You Unfit For Command
STARRS co-founder retired Air Force Lt General Rod Bishop joined retired Air Force Colonel Rob Maness to discuss the Marxist...
Reading List for Military Cadets? Start with the Constitution
By Hon. Thomas B. Modly, USNA ’83 The current controversy regarding the teaching of Critical Race Theory (CRT) in...
USAFA Sup General Clark Tries To Avoid Accountability For Training Marxists
An interesting discussion took place online this week between the current Superintendent of the U.S. Air Force Academy, Lt...
The Whistleblower Files: The Marxist Conquest of Our Military
Matthew Lohmeier is the former Space Force Commander who was fired after speaking out against the growing influence of...
Who Are You?
By Scott Sturman STARRS Board of Advisors “Game of Thrones” is one of the most popular and successful cable television...
The Indoctrination of Air Force Academy Cadets
1. Once USAF Academy candidates accept an appointment offer, they are given an extensive checklist that must be completed...
How the Air Force Academy Makes the Disloyal Military Leaders of Tomorrow
Front Page Magazine published a good article about the evolution of CRT indoctrination over the last couple years at the...
US Naval Academy: Full Speed Ahead on Critical Race Theory
By Stu Cvrk, USNA ’74 Military institutions are being destroyed from the inside out by critical race theory – by...
Has The Military Gone WOKE? – Space Force Commander Opens Up
Matthew Lohmeier was interviewed by Patrick Bet-David where they talk about ideologies that are infecting the military, how...
Interview with Col John Mills (USA Ret) on Behavior of US Flag Officers
Information Operation host L Todd Wood talks with Col John Mills (USA, Ret) on the current behavior of active duty and...
General Raymond Takes the Space Force to War Against Racism
The Space Force was created at the end of 2019. Six months later it declared war on “racism”. “Racism is an enemy,” Gen...
Former Air Force Academy Professor: Stop Teaching Cadets Anti-American Racial Marxism
By Jeffrey H. Anderson In a recent Washington Post op-ed, United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) political science...
USAFA Superintendent refuses to discuss Marxism being taught at Academy
STARRS member, USAFA graduate and CD Media IO host L Todd Wood attempted to interview USAFA Superintendent Lt Gen Richard...
Roundtable on Critical Race Theory
Lt Gen Rod Bishop and STARRS VP Dr Ron Scott joined Matt Lohmeier in a panel discussion about CRT on Denver’s KOA 850...
Interview with Service Academy Grads on CRT Instruction
Information Operation Host L Todd Wood speaks with Lt. Gen Rod Bishop (USAF, Ret), USNA grad Tom Burbage, and 72 USAFA grad...
‘For The Sake Of Our National Security:’ GOP Congressman Demands End Of CRT At Military Academies In Letter Calling For Professor’s Removal
STARRS leadership has been engaging with members of Congress to educate them on the dangers of the teaching and...
Letter to Secretary of the Air Force
By Congressman Mark Green, USMA ’86, Army veteran The Honorable John P. RothActing Secretary of the Air Force1670 Air...