By William F. Prince, COL USA (Ret.), USMA ‘70 Sharp-eyed readers of the STARRS newsletters, editions 11 (15 Oct. 2021) and...
Category - STARRS
The Military’s Radical Imposition of Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations
By: Scott Sturman, MD, USAFA ‘72 Rod Bishop, Lt Gen, USAF (Ret), STARRS President & BOD Chairman Sen (Ret) Mike Rose...
News Update – 11 Feb 22
STARRS announces video updates, colloboration and news for February 2022. Episode 6 with Charles Love, Executive Director...
Interview with Charles Love
Dr. Ron Scott, STARRS VP and Board of Directors Vice-Chairman, interviews Charles Love. Mr. Love is the Executive Director...
USNA CRT/CP Smoking Gun
By Phillip Keuhlen Commander, USN (Ret), USNA ’71 If you have doubts that Critical Pedagogy and Critical Race Theory...
USNA CRT/CP Smoking Gun Train the Trainers!
By Phillip Keuhlen, Commander, USN (Ret), USNA ’71 If you have doubts that Critical Pedagogy and Critical Race Theory...
Why the Bill of Rights is the Opposite of Radicalism
By Jane Hampton Cook STARRS Board of Advisors Author of 10 books including Stories of Faith and Courage from the...
Critical Race Theory (CRT) vs Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)
By Rod Bishop, Lt Gen, USAF (Ret) STARRS President and Board Chairman Many terms and acronyms used in public discussions...
Interview with Matthew Lohmeier
Air Force Academy graduate and former US Space Force Lt Col Matthew Lohmeier was relieved of his squadron command for...
Interview With Elaine Donnelly, Center For Military Readiness
STARRS Vice President and Board of Directors Vice-Chair, Dr. Ron Scott interviewed Elaine Donnelly, from the Center for...
How Implementing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion will Harm Readiness in the Armed Forces and Fail to Solve Anything
By Brent Ramsey, STARRS Director at Large, CAPT, USN (Ret) The Department of Defense is doggedly implementing the policies...
STARRS Responds to the Three Retired Generals
By Rod Bishop, Ron Scott, & Mike Rose The Washington Post published an article on Dec. 17 titled “Opinion: 3...
It’s Time for the Black Community to Embrace a Post-Racial America
By Kendall Qualls, former Army officer STARRS Board of Advisors In some respects, I feel as if we are living through a time...
Interview with Kendall Qualls
Intellectuals Host Ron Scott talks with Kendall Qualls about the problems facing the republic. “We will be victorious...
Radicalism (the second R in STARRS)
By Chris Jeffries, USAFA ‘87 STARRS Editorial Staff The acronym STARRS stands for “Stand Together Against Racism and...
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy (Response to Military Times Article on Racism)
By Dr Ronald Scott Jr., Colonel, USAF (Ret), USAFA Class of ‘73 On December 3, 2021, the Military Times website published an...
Four chaplains of the USAT Dorchester
By Charles C. Baldwin, Chaplain, Maj Gen (Ret), USAF They all were Chaplains, First Lieutenant, US Army. They all were in...
STARRS Leadership Spotlight: Ron Olds, Maj (Ret), USAF
Ron Olds, Maj (Ret), USAF, is the STARRS VP for Administration and on the Board of Directors. If you ever have the privilege...
Interview with Dr. Zuhdi Jasser
Dr. Ron Scott hosted an interview with Dr. Zuhdi Jasser on CD Media’s series, “The Intellectuals.” Dr. Jasser is a first...
George Washington Knew the Enemy, Do We?
By Jane Hampton Cook Member STARRS Board of Advisors One of the most important lessons we can learn today from George...
True Racism: Black Lives Matter
By Dr. Michael Padgett, COL, USA (Ret) What is the truth regarding racism in America? Is it the theme espoused by Black...
Yet Another Scandal at West Point? You Be the Judge (Part 2)
By William F. Prince, Col, USA (Ret), USMA ‘70 The editors of the STARRS newsletter have graciously allowed me to divide...
How CRT made its way into military academies
Lt Gen Rod Bishop, STARRS President and BOD Chairman, appeared on Debbie Georgatos’ Vimeo program America, Can We Talk? Gen...
STARRS Gathering In Colorado Springs Honors Our Veterans, Focuses on “Orbit Shot”
By Patti Stuart, USAFA ‘87 Member STARRS Board of Directors On 11 November, 2021 at an Irish Pub in Colorado Springs, a...
Why You Should Care About Wokeness in the Military
Mike Huckabee interviewed on his show Tom Burbage, USNA ’69, and President of The Calvert Group; STARRS President Lt Gen...
The Hoax of Critical Race Theory: Interview with Dr. Wilfred Reilly
STARRS Ron Scott talks with Dr. Wilfred Reilly about the hoax of Critical Race Theory. See his books: BOOK REVIEW: Hate...
‘Hold the Line!’: Why the Military Must Repudiate Radical Politics
America finds itself in a culture war. While one side lives in a fundamentally flawed and systemically racist country...
Defending Against “Enemies Foreign and Domestic”
Ken Battle, retired Air Force Chief Master Sergeant and board member of Stand Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services...
Lt. Gen Rod Bishop and Politics in the Service Academies
On today’s episode of the RealClearDefense podcast “Hot Wash”, RCD Editor David Craig (Lt Col, USMC, Ret) speaks with...
A Message from STARRS’ President Lt Gen Rod Bishop, USAF (Ret)
As you may know, over a year ago, myself and a growing group of concerned citizens formed Stand Together Against Racism and...
Interview with STARRS Retired Flag Officers on How to Save US Military from Marxism
Information Operation podcast Host L Todd Wood speaks with retired flag officers, Lt Gen Rod Bishop (USAF), Brig Gen Chris...
STARRS: The First Year
The leaders and members of STARRS have already taken numerous actions to learn about specific examples of the infiltration...
Did I Flee Communist Romania to End My Life in Communist America?
By Alex Hogue, STARRS member A few months back, I was asked a question about what correlation I saw between Critical Race...
Why Does STARRS Exist?
By Mike Pefley, STARRS VP, Communications, USAFA ‘74 Our twin American ideals of liberty and equality have made us the...
Does the Navy’s New Emphasis on ‘Diversity’ Put the Nation At Risk?
By CDR Phillip Keuhlen, US Navy ret, USNA ’71 After the 2020 summer of riots, the U.S. Navy’s Chief of Naval...
Lt. Gen. Rod Bishop: Radicalization is dividing our service academies
Gen. Bishop was interviewed on Secure Freedom Radio: GEN. (RET.) ROD BISHOP, Former Commander, 3rd Air Force, Ramstein Air...
Diversity and Inclusion at USAFA – A Trojan Horse
By Scott Sturman, M.D., USAFA ’72 STARRS BOD Member In 2013 the Air Force Academy announced “The United States Air...
Neo-Marxism in the Military
STARRS leaders were on The Professor’s Record with David K. Clements podcast discussing Critical Race Theory running...
Gen Colin Powell, A Soldier’s Soldier (1937-2021)
By Patti Stuart, USAFA ‘87 STARRS BOD Member Inspiring Quotes by Colin Powell: – Regarding America’s leadership in...
STARRS Launches Stand Against Racism and Radicalism in the Military
Stand Together Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services (STARRS) a 501(c)3 headquartered in Colorado Springs, Colorado...
Lt Gen Bishop Resigns from Falcon Foundation
On Oct 20, 2021, the President and CEO of STARRS, Lt Gen Rod Bishop, USAFA’74, resigned from his position as a governing...
St. Crispin’s Day
By Scott Sturman M.D., USAFA ’72 STARRS BOA member On St. Crispin’s Day, October 25, 1415, in the north of France, the...
Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier speaks out against Cultural Marxism
STARRS Matthew Lohmeier was on Newsmax on why he was speaking against Cultural Marxism: “Seeing that essentially...
Which United States Constitution?
By Phillip Keuhlen, USNA, ‘71 STARRS Member Fifty years ago my United States Naval Academy Class accepted its individual...
Yet Another Scandal at West Point? You Be The Judge (Part 1)
By Bill Prince, Colonel (Ret), US Army, USMA ’70 Scandal, cover-up?! Certainly, the apparent quibbling and stonewalling on...
What is STARRS Doing? Meet External Affairs
By Chris Petty, Brig Gen, USA (Ret), USMA ’87 Last week, a West Point classmate of mine shared a disheartening story...
Part 3: There Is No “I” In Honor Code
By Doug Goodman, STARRS member, USAFA ‘72 By Scott Sturman M.D., STARRS BOA member, USAFA ’72 “Duty, Honor, Country. Those...
STARRS Leadership Spotlight: Dr. Ron Scott, PhD, Col, USAF (Ret)
STARRS President, Board of Directors Dr. Scott is: Vice President and Director of Operations, American Constitution...
Discrimination Against Me and the Founders’ Writings
By Jane Hampton Cook STARRS member This summer I was asked to contribute a chapter about women and religion for a book about...
Politics and the Academy Boards of Visitors
An Open Letter to STARRS Members Regarding Service Academy Board of Visitor (BOV) Firings By Rod Bishop, Lt Gen, USAF (Ret)...