By Tracey Meck, Colonel, USAF (Ret)
STARRS Newsletter Editor and Chief
Dr. Eddie Glaude Jr. was the Colvin keynote speaker at USAFA’s 2023 National Character and Leadership Symposium in February. His was one of the few presentations that was mandatory for the entire cadet wing.
Dr. Glaude is a professor of African American studies at Princeton University and speaks publicly about the state of black America. He has appeared on various news shows on various networks.
“Eddie Glaude’s intellectual work accounts for the modern explanations of white supremacy and the formation of Black Power movements, making references to slavery and histories of white dominance. As Glaude argues throughout his bodies of work, anti-Blackness and white supremacy continue to structure American society as a result of the Value Gap, in which white lives are valued more than Black lives, impacting many of the political decisions in the United States. Black identity and Black Power Movements arise in response to and are emphasized because of the increasing expressions of white supremacy.”
A First Class Cadet introduced Glaude as one of the nation’s most prominent scholars, author and an “American critic in his writings and spoken words.” He has published several books about Black America. He mentioned in his introductory comments that one of his favorite quotes is “Not hopeless, but a bit unhopeful.”
After introductory thank-yous, the professor launched into a speech centered on racial justice and DEI. He emphasized that “leadership and character are often revealed in our willingness to confront our own shortcomings, to confront our own biases and blindnesses, to see the ugliness in ourselves.”
Although he acknowledges America has made progress since the 1950’s, he contends that “the value gap still dictates much of our lives….this belief that some people matter more the others evidences itself today in housing, in education, in labor markets, in policing, in healthcare, in our military, and in who leads our companies….”
Some of his troubling statements include:
“If we are going to be the people we want to be, the country we want to be, we can no longer tell ourselves this story of American virtue that secures our innocence. We must confront the lies that sustain our innocence….This country has never been a beacon of virtue, nor is it the shining city on the hill. I know that upsets some of you….If we don’t admit who we are and what we’ve done, we cannot become a full-fledged democracy, we cannot become that beacon of light to the rest of the world. An honest reckoning is required of us.”
“We have to be deliberate in our efforts to build a more just America and a more racially diverse and equitable armed forces, and that will involve stepping outside our comfort zones and taking risks, and we need leaders that are committed to these values.”
There was a question and answer session after Glaude’s speech. In answering the first question, he defines equity vs equality, explaining that they are not in opposition to each other. “Equal opportunity is needed for an equitable society, that equality of opportunity is needed to acquire the skills to pursue your dreams.” “Equity is needed to address those structural barriers that are a reflection of historical choices that reproduce advantage and disadvantage…..equity is the work of repair in light of historical choices.”
Later an instructor from the Department of Behavioral Sciences, stated that one of the perspectives they are trying to emphasize is the social-cultural perspective.
He explained that we’ve recently seen “elected civilian leaders for which character, leadership and patriotism have a very different meaning” than what is taught at USAFA.
In his response Dr. Glaude stated that to him “that flag” is a very complicated garment. I have a very vexed relationship to patriotism…It borders on idolatry” based on his faith.
“There is no middle ground on slavery; no middle ground on Jim Crow, no middle ground on January 6th. You’re either for democracy or you are not. Where are you? It’s a character question.”
The final question was from a Cadet Third Class who wore the purple arm rope of a squadron D&I staff member. He stated they have D&I discussions “twice a semester.” He asked how they could have intellectual discussions around D&I without allowing “stupid talking points” aimed at shutting down intellectual augments and destroying the discussion.
Dr. Glaude replied the cadet had “just described America.” He said the talking points used to disrupt the discussion are an attempt to “undermine the basic values that define this place” and “are coming out of a particular media ecosystem that I believe, and I am saying it from my vantage point and not because I am on MSNBC, is a clear and present danger to the functioning of our democratic life, it is interrupting the deliberative process. Facts don’t matter as much as they used to anymore.”
He concluded by telling the cadet to use the moment to say “that is what is getting in the way”; or sometimes you just need to say it is time to move on and ignore it. He then pointed out that the cadet wing was “hierarchical so you have the right to say “Shut the hell up, let’s go.” This last comment brought enthusiastic applause from the audience.
In light of how concerning and filled with propaganda Glaude’s speech was, it was encouraging to hear that enough cadets are pushing back against the indoctrination to frustrate the sophomore cadet from the D&I staff. There is a glimmer of hope, not all cadets are falling for the indoctrination.
This article is from the April 2023 STARRS SITREP Newsletter
Soviet military Political Officers (Commisars/Zampolit) were placed in all units to indoctrinate soldiers in Marxist-Leninism. This political control system created artificial tension, friction and paranoia among military professionals. The indoctrination dulled the critical thinking processes by the constant barrage of Marxist propaganda, thus the Marxist formula became the only framework for evaluating reality. Criticism and self-criticism were a core fuction of mandatory training. The system also encouraged officers to inform on their comrades. The political officers were the eyes and ears of the government. Soldiers despised the politcal officers and found the mandatory training sessions “extremely boring”.
From a CIA report, “The attitude of Soviet soldiers toward political indoctrination may be qualified as indifferent and apathetic. Soldiers feel, instinctively if not clearly, that the political indoctrination is mostly based on lies. . . . Everybody is afraid to ask any questions which may be interpreted as criticisms of the regime or of the party policy.”
For more information, see our post on our website: White House Executive Order Installs Political Commissars Throughout Government
Below: Cadets pose for a photo after graduating from the Cadet Wing Diversity and Inclusion Program, allowing them to advise students on diversity at the U.S. Air Force Academy. Each cadet wears a purple rope across their left shoulder symbolizing their position as a diversity representative. (U.S. Air Force Academy photo)
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