John Frankman formerly served as a captain in the U.S. Army as a Green Beret. But after a years-long struggle to stand up...
Category - Army
Book Review: American Doctor Coming Home to War
By Capt. Brent Ramsey, USN ret American Doctor Coming Home to War, by John Hughes, MD (available in paperback and Kindle)...
Army: An Alternate Opinion of its Readiness
By LTC Tricia Vinson, US Army ret My topic is the COVID-19 vaccine mandate and potential impacts on the military’s readiness...
Army Secretary: Trust in the military is declining
Army Secretary says “Trust is declining”. You think? On Thursday’s “PBS NewsHour,” Army Secretary Christine...
Gen. Boykin: Military denying real impact of ‘wokeness,’ failing America in the process
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and other Democrats have offered grave concerns of “military readiness” in...
Pentagon politicization: Talking points can’t mask reality
By William Thibeau, former Army Ranger Two weeks ago, the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Military Personnel held a...
Army Corps of Engineers to Solve “Nation’s Toughest Engineering Challenges” Through “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion”
By Capt. James Nault, US Navy ret If you’re an organization that helped defend Bunker Hill from the British during the...
After missing goal again, Army announces sweeping recruiting reforms
The Army has launched far-reaching reforms that will transform how it attracts and recruits new soldiers, its top leaders...
The US Air Force Failed To Hit A Single Recruitment Goal This Year
By Micaela Burrow, The Daily Caller News Foundation The U.S. Air Force failed to meet its recruiting targets for enlisted...
Insight into Army recruitment
National Public Radio did a story on Army recruitment at a state fair, Who’s in the Army now? A pitch switch aims to...
Strategic Plan Unveils Army Corps Of Engineers’ Goal To Force DEI Onto Service Members
A strategic plan produced by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) reveals how the branch intends to force neo-Marxism...
‘Diversity’ is NOT a National Security Imperative
By Brigadier General Ernie Audino (US Army ret), USMA graduate Bullets snapping across a battlefield are equal opportunity...
It Takes a Man
From STARRS Vice Chairman, Major General Joe Arbuckle, US Army ret: The below article from the 1945 Infantry Journal came...
A Patriot Day Remembrance: 9/11 Twenty-Two Years Later
By Lt. Col. Darin Gaub, US Army ret Co-founder of Restore Liberty On September 11, 2001, I was sitting in class in Fort...
Activist wants ‘unconstitutional’ Christian bookstore off Army Base
An activist hopes to remove a small Christian bookstore operating in an exchange mini-mall on Fort Liberty, N.C. claiming a...
What an Army Colonel Biden Wants to Promote Had to Say About Elizabeth Warren, Confederate Statues, NFL Kneelers
Kareem P. Montague has been opinionated on Facebook since 2011, taking jabs at Republican political operative Karl Rove...
Military Mandates
On his show, Steadfast & Loyal, Lt. Col. Allen West, US Army ret, talks with Lt Mark Bashaw, who served 17 years first...
The Army is tired of of being used as guinea pigs for social experimentation
The following was written in December 2016 by an Army paratrooper who was in Ramadi in 2006 and had four more deployments...
Army Student Pilot Suffers Cardiac Arrest While Flying; Dozens of Other Pilots Have Become Incapacitated or Had Cardiac Arrests This Year
Since the rollout of the COVID-19 injections, hundreds of U.S. pilots have reported adverse side effects, most often chest...
The Women in Army Special Forces Report reads like a soap opera
U.S. Army Special Operations Command recently release a survey report called, “BREAKING BARRIERS: Women in Army...
7 Things the New Sergeant Major of the Army Can Do to Restore Trust in the Military
By Major Chase Spears, US Army On Friday Michael Weimer became the 17th Sergeant Major of the Army. He assumed the role in a...
The Army Can’t Feed Its Soldiers Stationed at Texas’ Ft. Cavazos—And That’s Not the Only Problem There
Things at Fort Cavazos are not optimal. Cavazos (formerly Fort Hood) is located not far from Killeen, Texas, and is the home...
Using vaccines as a political weapon, U.S. military leaders have wrecked the force’s combat readiness and morale
Under pressure from Republicans in Congress, the Defense Department announced at the start of this year that it would no...
Unvaccinated Green Beret Pressured to Leave the Army
My name is John Frankman. Up until very recently, I was a Captain in the United States Army serving as a Green Beret at 7th...
General, West Point Professor Ran Shadow Investigation to Hunt Down and Silence Military Whistleblower for Mean Tweets
By Kristina Wong, Breitbart News An Army three-star general and a West Point associate professor used government resources...
Insight into today’s Army?
By an Army veteran in Richochet Like many other Americans, I’ve been following the strange (with a factor of 10) odyssey of...
“To Win Our Nation’s Wars”? Lions Led by Donkeys
By John Lucas, USMA ’69 Army Ranger and Special Forces Green Beret Served with the 1st Calvary Division in Vietnam The...
There’s No Denying Our Military-Recruiting Crisis
By Kyle Schulz, Army veteran . . . . . As a former Army noncommissioned officer (NCO), I made the decision not to re-up my...
No plans to change abortion policy despite GOP demand, Army secretary says
Christine Wormuth said the policy is important to ensure that the Army can retain female troops who might leave the military...
Memo Shows Extensive Taxpayer-Funded Treatments, Surgeries And Exceptions Offered To Transgender Servicemembers
By Micaela Burrow, The Daily Caller News Foundation Newly revealed policy guidance for the U.S. Army details the extensive...
Female recruit considered resigning after being forced to shower with trans women with full male genitalia
An 18-year-old military recruit forced to shower with biological males as part of the Biden administration’s...
There’s woke and then there’s Army woke
Woke military cartoons (click on graphic to enlarge):
Is The Military Still Interested in Defending America?
By James Nault, USNA ’81, ret Navy Captain In late June, the U.S. Army, through the Army Sustainment Command’s Public...
Is Woke Culture Ruining The Military?
Colonel Douglas Macgregor, US Army (ret) and USMA graduate, talks with Patrick Bet-David about the problems of a woke...
Social Media Erupts as Official DOD Says Trans Soldier ‘Inspires Us All’
Two days before the Fourth of July, the Biden administration’s woke Department of Defense celebrated a male U.S. Army major...
Army Special Operations Command Posts Intersex-Inclusive ‘Progress Pride’ Flag on Social Media
By Kristina Wong, Breitbart News United States Army Special Operations Command posted an intersex-inclusive pride flag on...
How leftist ideology has distorted the Army’s ‘readiness’ pillars
By Janice Roberts, military academy graduate and parent [This author’s name has been changed to a pseudonym to protect...
What my first platoon sergeant taught me about military service
By Tony Lentini, USMA ’71, Army Captain Founding member of the MacArthur Society of West Point Graduates There are three...
Rep. Wesley Hunt: Woke Initiatives Have No Place In Our Military
Texas Republican Congressman Wesley Hunt (USMA ’04) joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to share his thoughts...
Lowered standards and disregarded data have weakened the US military
By Dr. Meaghan Mobbs West Point 2008 graduate and former US Army officer Member, VMI Board of Visitors The primary role of...
The Army must choose: Diversity or meritocracy?
By Forrest L. Marion, Ph.D. Retired U.S. Air Force officer and military historian In March 2023, amid an ongoing recruiting...
Not the 82nd!
Woke mind virus hits the 82nd Airborne, using the Left’s weaponized “nice” words. Why someone’s...
Top Army official blames anti-woke rhetoric of right for severe recruiting crisis
Blaming the weatherman for the bad weather The Army’s top civilian leader pushed back amid Republican criticisms that the...
The Last Full Measure
By LTC Darin Gaub, US Army ret Co-founder of Restore Liberty When I was eighteen years old, I was stationed in the US Army’s...
‘Covers Up History’: Retired Army Rangers Hammer The Pentagon For Purging Confederates From The Ranger Memorial
After the Army erased names on the Ranger Memorial believed to be associated with the Confederacy, retired Rangers told the...
Army Expects to Miss Its Recruiting Goal Again This Year
Hmmmm, wonder why? It’s a great mystery. The Army does not expect to hit its ambitious recruiting goal of 65,000 new...
Removal of names from Ft. Benning Ranger Monument Memorial
The chairman of the National Ranger Memorial Foundation has sent out a letter about the demand to remove names from the...
Getting back to ‘mission first’
By Col. William Connor, USA ret The Citadel, ’90 Member, Citadel Board of Visitors With military recruitment and...
Strange manifestations of DOD’s embrace of DEI damages the Army and hurts recruiting
Watch or read this exchange between Rep. Matt Gaetz and the stunning tone-deaf things Secretary of the Army Christine...
Army, Navy and Air Force predict recruiting shortfalls this year
The Army, Navy and Air Force are preparing to miss their recruiting goals by thousands this year, service leaders said...