By Capt. Charles “Cully” Stimson, US Navy JAG Corps, ret | Daily Signal Can the United States Naval...
Category - Naval Academy
Naval Academy Defends Race in Admissions
So they are racist? Here is another stunningly bizarre headline: US Naval Academy says considering race in admissions helps...
American universities are rebranding DEI departments instead of eliminating them, study finds
This is what happened to the West Point DEI office, they renamed it to the “Office of Engagement and Retention.”...
Affirmative action trial against Naval Academy begins in Baltimore
By Ian Round | Maryland Daily Record A retired Air Force general testified that racial diversity mattered “not one bit” to...
‘Don’t Give Up the Ship!’ New Book from Calvert Task Group Available Today
In honor of Constitution Day, Calvert Task Group proudly announces the launch of their latest book, DON’T GIVE UP THE SHIP...
U.S. Naval Academy, affirmative action foe square off at Baltimore trial
(Reuters) The group that successfully convinced the U.S. Supreme Court to bar the consideration of race in college...
Preserving Military Excellence through Leadership and Unity with Tom Burbage and Bruce Davey of the Calvert Task Group
Join STARRS & Stripes podcast with host CDR Al Palmer, US Navy ret, for an inspiring conversation with leaders of the...
Goldwater Teams Up with Prof. Richard Epstein to Challenge Biden Admin’s Military Academy Power Grab
(Goldwater Institute) Joining forces with renowned legal scholar Richard A. Epstein, the Goldwater Institute filed a...
The Corrupting Influence of DEI on Military Education
By CDR J.A. Cauthen, USN ret, USNA ’02 By now, the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) industry’s capture of...
Is the Naval Academy Going Rogue?
Choosing candidates based on their skin color or gender over the most qualified? From the channel “Service Academy and...
Interview with Calvert Task Group
CDM Host L Todd Wood speaks to Tom Burbage and Bruce Davey of Calvert Task Group on efforts to save the Naval Academy from...
DEI, Critical Race Theory Pervades Military Trainings: Report
By Megan Rosevear | The College Fix Diversity, equity and inclusion and critical race theory topics now pervade U.S. Armed...
Calvert Task Group Announces the Upcoming Publication of ‘Don’t Give Up the Ship’
The fate of our country is in the hands of the American people. The time to act is now. ‘Don’t Give Up the Ship’ will be...
The Military Academies and a Biden Power Grab
By Richard A. Epstein | Wall Street Journal A lame-duck President Trump appointed Heidi Stirrup to a three-year term on...
Sparks Fly As Republicans & Dems Clash Over Affirmative Action Ban For U.S. Military Academy Admissions
At last week’s House Armed Services Committee hearing mark up for the NDAA, lawmakers debated an amendment barring...
Rep. Banks Passes Amendment to End Racial Discrimination at Military Academies
(Press Release) Today, Chairman of the House Armed Services Military Personnel Subcommittee Jim Banks passed an amendment to...
Naval Academy’s Diversity “Search Advocate” Program
by CDR Salamander | Substack There was once a time when the US military was a positive, forward moving force in bringing...
Statement to DACODAI – Larry Purdy
Statement to DACODAI by Larry Purdy, USNA ’68 To: General Lester L. Lyles (USAF, Ret.), Chairman Defense Advisory...
Statement to DACODAI – Bob Neumann
Statement to DACODAI by By former Navy Lt Commander Bob Neumann, USNA ’69 Equity A record 41,000 recruits short in...
Marxist CRT at the US Naval Academy
On 18 & 19 April 2024, the U.S. Naval Academy Stockdale Center for Ethical Leadership held the 23rd annual McCain...
Our Service Academies Must Discard Race-Based Admissions
By Lawrence Purdy, USNA ’68 Eliminating racial discrimination means eliminating all of it… [T]he Equal Protection Clause …...
Around the Naval Academy
The U.S. Naval Academy hosted all the Supes at the annual Conference of Service Academy Superintendents (COSAS) with tours...
30-Year Naval Academy Teacher Details Depth Of DEI Rot In America’s Military Institutions
By Shawn Fleetwood | The Federalist It’s no secret the Biden administration has “reimagined” the U.S. military into a left...
Leadership Standards and Accountability: The United States Naval Academy
This letter by a 1970 Naval Academy graduate, who was in the nuclear power industry, was written in November 2021 and...
Answers to Questions re Service Academy Admissions and a Change to the Mission Statement
By Scott McQuarrie, USMA ’72 President, Veterans for Fairness and Merit A USNA grad emailed some perceptive questions...
Latest wave of wokeness to hit West Point reveals one simple solution
Cut to the chase re Doug MacKinnon’s unusual solution: instead of just complaining about wokeness in the service...
Many top colleges, including service academies, ‘training a cadre of political commissars’ through DEI certificate programs
Many American colleges and universities are offering diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) certificates that are not only a...
Meeting of the U.S. Naval Academy Board of Visitors
Calling all our Navy readers to attend the morning meeting of the Naval Academy Board of Visitors on March 19, 2024 from 9...
Military Service Academy Affinity/Culture Clubs
No, not THAT Culture Club, but close. (Only people from the 1980s will get this) A look at identity-based clubs at the...
Expand Fair Admissions to the Military Academies
By J.A. Cauthen, retired Naval officer, USNA ’02 In June 2023, Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. (SFFA) prevailed in...
Military Leaders Do What Makes Them Look Good
Another excerpt from US Naval Academy professor Bruce Fleming’s new book, Saving Our Service Academies: My Battle...
US Military Archbishop Leads Pro-Life Cadets in March for Life
Archbishop Timothy Broglio for the Military Services led a group of pro-life cadets and midshipmen in the March for Life...
Naval professor’s new book flags leftist ideology infiltrating military
A U.S. Naval Academy professor who has been disciplined by the institution for speaking out against the school’s practices...
DEI Destroys Excellence, Military Cohesion at the Naval Academy
By Bruce Fleming, USNA Instructor since 1987 This is an excerpt from Bruce Fleming’s new book, Saving Our Service...
Are the Military Services Prepared for Race-Neutral Admissions? Part II
By Major Geoffrey Irving, U.S. Marine Corps Reserve . . . . First, the Supreme Court required that any use of racial...
US Military Academies Focus on Oaths and Loyalty to Constitution as Political Divisions Intensify
For 75 minutes, Maj. Joe Amoroso quizzed his students in SS202, American Politics, about civilian leadership of the...
Navy Completes Work on Naming Commission Recommendations
(US Navy Press Release) “When Secretary Austin directed us to implement the recommendations of the Naming Commission, he...
The Dangers of DEI Indoctrination Happening at the US Service Academies
By Col. Rob Maness, USAF ret STARRS Board of Advisors Considering Harvard President Claudine Gay’s resignation, and her...
NEW BOOK: Saving Our Service Academies
Saving Our Service Academies: My Battle with, and for, the US Naval Academy to Make Thinking Officers, By Bruce Fleming From...
The Navy and Politics: Questions That Deserve Answers
By Capt. Brent Ramsey, US Navy ret STARRS Board of Advisors Recently there has been an increase in naval threats around the...