Book Review Intro by STARRS Director At Large/Public Information Officer Brent Ramsey An Eye-opening book that explains in...
Category - Issues
Interview With Dr. Carol Swain
Dr. Ron Scott interviews Dr. Carol Swain. Dr. Swain is a former tenured professor of political science at both Princeton...
Situation at US Service Academies
Lt Gen Bishop was interviewed on The Jim Breslow Show on TNT_Radio.Live regarding the situation at US service academies...
STARRS Leadership Talks Service Academy Vax Mandates
L. Todd Wood interviews STARRS President, Lt Gen Rod Bishop (Ret), Dr Scott Sturman, and attorney Mike Rose about the...
Biden’s Military Purge
On FIREBRAND: Rep. Matt Gaetz interviews 3 active duty service members standing up against Biden’s military vax mandate to...
Americans for Merit-Based Admissions
(Wall Street Journal Editorial Board) Progressives are preoccupied with imposing racial preferences in education and hiring...
Interview with Author Rebecca Friedrichs on the Far Left Control of our Schools
Dr. Ron Scott, Col, USAF (Ret), STARRS Board of Directors Vice Chairman, interviews Rebecca Friedrichs, author of Standing...
Cadets On Verge of Expulsion After Religious Exemption Appeals Were Denied; STARRS Is Helping
By Tracey Meck, Col, USAF (Ret) USAFA ’87 STARRS Newsletter Editor-In-Chief Only the “best of the best” are offered...
BOOK REVIEW: What Do White Americans Owe Black People: Racial Justice in the Age of Post-Oppression
Review by Brent Ramsey Jason D. Hill is a professor of philosophy and the author of five books: These include, What Do White...
BOOK REVIEW: Discrimination and Disparities
Review by Brent Ramsey Background: Dr. Thomas Sowell is the Rose and Milton Friedman Senior Fellow on Public Policy at the...
Ukraine’s War Highlights Again That Men And Women Are Different, And We Need Them That Way
By Elaine Donnelly Member of STARRS Board of Advisors A question asked in a recent Quinnipiac University poll sparked a...
Lt Gen Rod Bishop talks about the Woke Culture within the Service Academies
In this two part interview, Lt Gen Rod Bishop, STARRS Board President and CEO, sat down with Frank Gaffney, Center For...
The Military’s Abusive Imposition of Mandatory Covid Vaccinations
By Scott Sturman STARRS Board of Advisors Member In the past, the widespread introduction of vaccines has reduced the...
STARRS Letter to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Lt Gen Rod Bishop, CAPT Tom Burbage, COL Pat Hueman and many others recently signed a letter to the Chairman Joint Chiefs of...
How ‘Social Justice’ is Killing the Military
By Capt. Brent Ramsey, USN (Ret), STARRS Director at Large Col. Michael D. Pefley, USAF (Ret), VP of Communications for...
BOOK REVIEW: Black Eye for America: How Critical Race Theory is Burning Down the House
In their book, Black Eye for America: How Critical Race Theory is Burning Down the House, Dr. Carol Swain and Dr...
Help Academy Cadets Defend Themselves!
Save Our Cadets and Midshipmen! Right now, at least 16 cadets are in danger of being kicked out of West Point because they...
Veterans write to Milley to protest ‘woke’ political agenda
By Mike Brest | Washington Examiner A group of veterans upset with what they argue is the “indoctrination of our soldiers...
Yet Another Scandal at West Point? You Be the Judge (Part 3)
By William F. Prince, COL USA (Ret.), USMA ‘70 Sharp-eyed readers of the STARRS newsletters, editions 11 (15 Oct. 2021) and...
The Military’s Radical Imposition of Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations
By: Scott Sturman, MD, USAFA ‘72 Rod Bishop, Lt Gen, USAF (Ret), STARRS President & BOD Chairman Sen (Ret) Mike Rose...
Letter to Chairman JCS General Mark Milley
Dear General Milley, As the President of Stand Together Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services (STARRS, Inc.), I...
STARRS Honors Martin Luther King Jr
Each year on the third Monday of January America honors Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Watch his “I have a Dream” speech and...
USNA CRT/CP Smoking Gun
By Phillip Keuhlen Commander, USN (Ret), USNA ’71 If you have doubts that Critical Pedagogy and Critical Race Theory...
USNA CRT/CP Smoking Gun Train the Trainers!
By Phillip Keuhlen, Commander, USN (Ret), USNA ’71 If you have doubts that Critical Pedagogy and Critical Race Theory...
Why the Bill of Rights is the Opposite of Radicalism
By Jane Hampton Cook STARRS Board of Advisors Author of 10 books including Stories of Faith and Courage from the...
BOOK REVIEW: Pocket Guide to Communism and The Foundations of Critical Race Theory
Review by STARRS member, Chris Jeffries, USAFA ‘87 One of the big challenges we face in the battle to keep racism and...
Critical Race Theory (CRT) vs Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)
By Rod Bishop, Lt Gen, USAF (Ret) STARRS President and Board Chairman Many terms and acronyms used in public discussions...
Pentagon’s Radical Battle Against Extremism
The Pentagon has been concerned about prohibiting and addressing extremist activities in the services since 1969. In the...
Interview with Matthew Lohmeier
Air Force Academy graduate and former US Space Force Lt Col Matthew Lohmeier was relieved of his squadron command for...
Why Many of Our Troops will Needlessly Die in the Next All-Out War
By Dave Chamberlin, USAF/Air National Guard CMSgt, Ret In my current job, I get to talk to tons of military aircraft...
How Implementing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion will Harm Readiness in the Armed Forces and Fail to Solve Anything
By Brent Ramsey, STARRS Director at Large, CAPT, USN (Ret) The Department of Defense is doggedly implementing the policies...
BOOK REVIEW: Black Rednecks & White Liberals
Book Review by Brent Ramsey, STARRS Director at Large Black Rednecks and White Liberals by national treasure Dr. Thomas...
Signature block pronouns now allowed for Airmen, Guardians
(US Air Force Press Release) A recent update to the Department of the Air Force writing guide, The Tongue and Quill, now...
Radicalism (the second R in STARRS)
By Chris Jeffries, USAFA ‘87 STARRS Editorial Staff The acronym STARRS stands for “Stand Together Against Racism and...
FY 2022 NDAA – A Win in the Fight Against Radicalism!
On 15 Dec the Senate passed this year’s National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) a week after it was approved by the House...
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy (Response to Military Times Article on Racism)
By Dr Ronald Scott Jr., Colonel, USAF (Ret), USAFA Class of ‘73 On December 3, 2021, the Military Times website published an...
True Racism: Black Lives Matter
By Dr. Michael Padgett, COL, USA (Ret) What is the truth regarding racism in America? Is it the theme espoused by Black...
Yet Another Scandal at West Point? You Be the Judge (Part 2)
By William F. Prince, Col, USA (Ret), USMA ‘70 The editors of the STARRS newsletter have graciously allowed me to divide...
How CRT made its way into military academies
Lt Gen Rod Bishop, STARRS President and BOD Chairman, appeared on Debbie Georgatos’ Vimeo program America, Can We Talk? Gen...
Why You Should Care About Wokeness in the Military
Mike Huckabee interviewed on his show Tom Burbage, USNA ’69, and President of The Calvert Group; STARRS President Lt Gen...
STARRS Interviews 3 Former West Point Cadets
Three former cadets, who recently resigned from USMA, discuss their experiences with CRT, racist attitudes and policies...
The Hoax of Critical Race Theory: Interview with Dr. Wilfred Reilly
STARRS Ron Scott talks with Dr. Wilfred Reilly about the hoax of Critical Race Theory. See his books: BOOK REVIEW: Hate...
‘Hold the Line!’: Why the Military Must Repudiate Radical Politics
America finds itself in a culture war. While one side lives in a fundamentally flawed and systemically racist country...
Interview with STARRS Retired Flag Officers on How to Save US Military from Marxism
Information Operation podcast Host L Todd Wood speaks with retired flag officers, Lt Gen Rod Bishop (USAF), Brig Gen Chris...
Did I Flee Communist Romania to End My Life in Communist America?
By Alex Hogue, STARRS member A few months back, I was asked a question about what correlation I saw between Critical Race...
Does the Navy’s New Emphasis on ‘Diversity’ Put the Nation At Risk?
By CDR Phillip Keuhlen, US Navy ret, USNA ’71 After the 2020 summer of riots, the U.S. Navy’s Chief of Naval...
Lt. Gen. Rod Bishop: Radicalization is dividing our service academies
Gen. Bishop was interviewed on Secure Freedom Radio: GEN. (RET.) ROD BISHOP, Former Commander, 3rd Air Force, Ramstein Air...
Diversity and Inclusion at USAFA – A Trojan Horse
By Scott Sturman, M.D., USAFA ’72 STARRS BOD Member In 2013 the Air Force Academy announced “The United States Air...
Neo-Marxism in the Military
STARRS leaders were on The Professor’s Record with David K. Clements podcast discussing Critical Race Theory running...
Former West Point Cadet Nickaylah Sampson-Where are the Bonhoeffers?
American Conversations Host Christine Dolan speaks with former West Point Cadet Nickaylah Sampson on the ideological...