The Modern War Institute at West Point published on their website an article by by two Army LT Colonels entitled, “Do...
Category - Army
Army CGSC teaching officers that only “whites” can be racist
Army Majors currently attending ILE (intermediate level education) at the Command and General Staff College (CGSC) at Fort...
Be All You Can Be
New Army ads emphasize winning, but under the Biden junta the possibilities for losing are truly limitless. In the run-up to...
If we cannot defend our nation rhetorically, we will be unable to do so kinetically
By Dr. Meaghan Mobbs, USMA 2008 Former Army Captain Bio My name is Dr. Meaghan Mobbs, and I am the daughter of two former...
Take Politics Out of the Military
By Jeremy Hunt, USMA, 2015 Former Captain, US Army Watch the latest video at US military has ‘serious...
Army pulls ‘Be All You Can Be’ ads after on-screen narrator arrested
The Army paused its new multi-million dollar advertising campaign Sunday after its featured actor was arrested the day...
The cost to rename 9 Confederacy-honoring Army bases has doubled
The cost of renaming the nine Army bases that honored the Confederacy has nearly doubled, an Army official told lawmakers...
Army’s Woke Drive Alienates Potential Recruits
By Michael Reagan (son of President Reagan) The U.S. Army has learned that if you torture data long enough it will confess...
Future of all-volunteer Army in peril as Gen Z shuns military service
The U.S. Army is in a minor panic. The biggest branch of the U.S. military missed its recruitment goals by 15,000 soldiers...
Military Gender Pronoun Training
At a recent congressional hearing, the Air Force Chief Master Sgt. responded to a Congressmen’s question that the Air...
The Army Might Be Ditching Its ‘Woke’ Image As It Faces Historic Recruiting Problems
The Army’s new branding campaign, unveiled Wednesday, shied away from social justice and diversity themes as it seeks to...
Beyond a Slogan, the Army Needs a New Narrative Strategy
Whether it is increased politicization or the transition out of the “Global War on Terror,” the Army’s public communications...
Army’s New Ad Campaign Brings Back ‘Be All You Can Be’ As It Courts Gen Z
What is old is new again in the Army’s latest marketing campaign launched Monday, resurrecting the 1980s and...
Army Secretary Dragged For Prioritizing ‘Resiliency In The Face Of Climate Change’
United States Army Secretary Christine E. Wormuth took some heat via Twitter when she boasted on Thursday that the Army was...
Hours Before Army Dropped COVID-19 Rules, GOP Reps Pressured Top Officials For Answers
Hours before the U.S. Army dropped COVID-19 policies, including the COVID-19 vaccine requirement, two GOP reps called out...
Army secretary shoots high for recruiting goals despite crisis in finding enlistees: reports
U.S. Army Secretary Christine Wormuth made an “ambitious” pledge to recruit 65,000 new enlistees, as the...
Army rescinds COVID-19 vaccination requirements
(US Army Press Release) Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth has issued a memorandum today that rescinds all policies...
Meeting Military Recruitment Goals
By Bob Saxby, US Army, ret Recently we’ve heard arguments that the failure of the military to meet its recruitment goals is...
Navy to Forgive Past Fitness Test Failures in Move to Keep Up to 1,500 Sailors from Getting Kicked Out
Still not addressing the core problem of recruitment and retention. The Navy says it will forgive past fitness test failures...
Army Sees Safety, Not ‘Wokeness,’ as Top Recruiting Obstacle
(AP) While some Republicans blame the COVID-19 vaccine or “wokeness” for the Army’s recruiting woes, the military...
‘Woke’ U.S. Military Recruitment Video vs China
(CBN News) The U.S. Army’s latest recruitment ad features a soldier who tells about her “two moms” and...
Go Woke, Become Weak: The Consequences of Lowering Military Recruiting Standards, from a former Commander’s Perspective
By LTC Darin Gaub, USA, ret. The American military in which I served for twenty-eight years continues to struggle to meet...
We the People Pulse – How to Increase Army Recruitments?
An op-ed was written on Fox News by a Washington intelligence insider and a marketing academic, both of whom never served in...
US Military Going To The Dogs
By Rod Dreher | The American Conservative What the hell is wrong with the culture of the US military? Last week, an...
Battalion Commander Relieved for Refusing Vaccine – Resigns Commission
There have been a number of heroic officers and NCOs who have publicly spoken out and put their careers on the line in the...
Military’s Recruitment Shortfall a Direct Result of Vaccine Mandate: GOP Lawmakers
Forty-seven Republican lawmakers recently expressed “grave concerns” about military readiness as a result of the Pentagon’s...
Army LtCol Theresa Long MD – Full Testimony
Exclusive testimony of Army Whistleblower LtCol Theresa Long MD (flight surgeon). Her testimony shows how the DOD, FDA and...
Army Approves Appeal and Eviscerates DOJ’s Entire Argument in One Paragraph
The Acting Assistant Secretary of the Army for Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Ms. Yvette C. Bourcicot, approved the appeal...
‘Woke’ Military Policies to Blame for Recruitment Crisis, Service Members Say
The U.S. Army is expected to fall nearly 40,000 troops short of its recruiting goals over the next two years. The Army is...
Four chaplains of the USAT Dorchester
By Charles C. Baldwin, Chaplain, Maj Gen (Ret), USAF They all were Chaplains, First Lieutenant, US Army. They all were in...
Gen Colin Powell, A Soldier’s Soldier (1937-2021)
By Patti Stuart, USAFA ‘87 STARRS BOD Member Inspiring Quotes by Colin Powell: – Regarding America’s leadership in...
Medal of Honor Recipient SSG Leroy A Petry, US Army
By STARRS Board Member, Patti Stuart, USAFA 1987 Modern-day hero Leroy Petry was born in New Mexico in 1979. Shortly after...
Medal of Honor Recipient Daniel K. Inouye – A Life of Service
STARRS believes it is important to tell the stories Medal of Honor recipients because they loved their country and fellow...
Commie Lieutenant Spenser Rapone Shows the Radical-to-Academic Ratline Is Still in Operation
By a former infantry officer, CGSC grad and Army Operations Center alumnus A short four years ago, we had one of those...
Medal of Honor Recipient Sergeant William Harvey Carney
By Col Brent Ramsey, USAF (ret) STARRS CITATION “When the color sergeant was shot down, this soldier grasped the flag, led...