DOD Woke Agenda

U.S. Rep. Greg Steube Introduces Legislation to Eliminate DEI in the Military

(Press Release) U.S. Representative Greg Steube (R-Fla.) today introduced The Eliminate DEI in the Military Act to prohibit federal funding from being used for any diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) activity in the armed forces, service academies, or at the Department of Defense.

“The military’s sole focus should be on the safety and security of the American people, but under the Biden administration, our nation’s military has become engulfed in left wing propaganda. These so-called DEI programs are harming the recruitment and retention of military personnel.”

“Recently, the Air Force selected students for a pilot training class based solely on specific race and gender requirements, rather than by time served in their units. What message does that send to individuals who put in the time, but don’t check a DEI box?” said Rep. Greg Steube. “My legislation ensures these divisive and racist activities are eliminated from our nation’s military.”

The legislation will eliminate DEI activities in trainings, programs, educational materials and with respect to a position of employment or an appointment in the armed forces, service academies, and Department of Defense.

Read the bill text here. 


To prohibit the use of Federal funds for any DEI activity in the Armed Forces, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,

This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Eliminate DEI in the Military Act’’.


(a) IN GENERAL.—No Federal funds may be obligated or expended for any DEI activity of—(1) an Armed Force; (2) a national service academy; or (3) the Department of Defense.

(b) DEFINITIONS.—In this section:

(1) The term ‘‘DEI activity’’ includes, with respect to diversity, equity, and inclusion—
(A) a training;
(B) a program;
(C) educational material;
(D) a position of employment; and
(E) an appointment.

(2) The term ‘‘national service academy’’ means the United States Military Academy, the United States Naval Academy, the United States Air Force Academy, the United States Coast Guard Academy, or the United States Merchant Marine Academy.

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1 Comment

  • U.S. Rep. Greg Steube Introduces Legislation to Eliminate DEI in the Military

    HOW & WHY?
    In order to rid the military of DEI and CRT, the ENTIRE military will have to be removed, and then rebuilt from the ground up.
    DEI & CRT are both built into the modern military since the 1990s.
    ALL standards were lowered during the 1980s and they continued to lower to present — based upon race and sex, along with don’t ask don’t tell. Then obubba threw anything left of real military personnel out.
    SO, it is now an integral part of the military whether that Steube likes it or not.

    I retired – I saw too many liberal changes to ever get a Military back by passing a ‘bill’.

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