Only 43 of the more than 8,000 US service members who were discharged from the military for refusing to be vaccinated...
Category - Vax
Meet The Covid-Obsessed Biden Nominee Who Thinks You Should Suffer For Not Getting An Experimental Shot
. . . . While Tuberville’s critics have baselessly claimed his protest is harming “military readiness,” a deep dive into the...
Senator demands answers on military’s vaccine mandate
(Press Release) U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville has sent a letter to Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro, Air Force Secretary Frank...
Courageous Book Exposes DoD’s Treachery During the COVID Crisis
By John Hughes, MD, USMA ’96 Veteran of Haiti, Iraq, Afghanistan President of MacArthur Society of West Point Graduates BOOK...
Military Mandates
On his show, Steadfast & Loyal, Lt. Col. Allen West, US Army ret, talks with Lt Mark Bashaw, who served 17 years first...
Military Members Kicked Out For Refusing COVID Vaccine Seek To Have Their Discharges Upgraded
By J.M. Phelps Service members who received general discharges when separated from the military for their refusal to obey...
Army Student Pilot Suffers Cardiac Arrest While Flying; Dozens of Other Pilots Have Become Incapacitated or Had Cardiac Arrests This Year
Since the rollout of the COVID-19 injections, hundreds of U.S. pilots have reported adverse side effects, most often chest...
A Review of Two Important Books
Reviewed by Brad Miller Former US Army Battalion Commander Irresistible Revolution: Marxism’s Goal of Conquest &...
Coast Guard announces Return to Service Team initiative
Now they want them back . . . . (US Coast Guard) The Coast Guard has launched a team to help Coast Guard members who...
D.C. political class’s phony outrage about military readiness
Democrats and weak Republicans have launched a series of attacks against Sen. Tommy Tuberville in recent weeks for forcing...
Using vaccines as a political weapon, U.S. military leaders have wrecked the force’s combat readiness and morale
Under pressure from Republicans in Congress, the Defense Department announced at the start of this year that it would no...
Unvaccinated Green Beret Pressured to Leave the Army
My name is John Frankman. Up until very recently, I was a Captain in the United States Army serving as a Green Beret at 7th...
Congress Opens Investigation into DOD COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates
(Press Release) Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Chairman Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio) has opened an investigation...
Service members discharged for refusing COVID vaccine still seek remedy after measure’s defeat
By Bethany Blankley, The Center Square Three Republican U.S. senators helped defeat an amendment to the fiscal 2024 National...
Hearing Wrap Up: COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Sacrificed Individual Freedoms for False Security
(Press Release) The Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic held a hearing titled “Because I Said So: Examining the...
Despite reversal, discharged military members still feel impact of COVID vaccine mandate
By Casey Harper, The Center Square Federal COVID-era vaccine policies hurt U.S. service members, according to witnesses...
Senate Democrats Block Cruz Amendment to Reinstate Servicemembers Wrongfully Discriminated Against Based on Covid-19 Vaccine Status
(Press Release) Senate Democrats blocked U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) from adding an amendment to the FY24 National Defense...
Trailer for new documentary of Navy Seals vs C19 vax mandate
Not sure of all the details about this yet, but here is a powerful two-minute documentary trailer about the Navy SEALS who...
Keeping the Oath to the Constitution
On the Rob Maness Show and guest US Navy Commander Robert Green, author of Defending The Constitution: Behind Enemy Lines:...
Facing the Truth
From former US Army Battalion Commander Brad Miller’s Substack: The Department of Defense’s (DoD) August 24, 2021...
Senators introduce NDAA amendment to reinstate servicemembers wrongfully discharged for Covid-19 vaccine status
(Press Release) U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and U.S. Rep. Dan Bishop (R-N.C.) are introducing amendments to the FY24...
New book documents the fight for conscience and Constitution amid the military’s Covid vaccine mandate
Book review by USAF Colonel Paul Vicars In Defending the Constitution Behind Enemy Lines, Commander Rob Green offers a...
Senator pledges to reinstate service members fired for refusing C19 vax
Sen. James Lankford is criticizing the Biden administration for prioritizing a ‘woke’ agenda over protecting...
STARRS Supports and Recommends New Book by Robert A. Green, Jr.
‘Defending the Constitution Behind Enemy Lines, A Story of Hope for Those Who Love Liberty’ is Available July 4...
Rep. Banks anti-woke military amendments included in NDAA
Congressman Jim Banks, US Navy Reserves, secured three amendments to be included in the FY 24 NDAA regarding anti-work...
Over 300 Canadian Soldiers Launch $500 Million Lawsuit Against Military For COVID Vaccine Mandates
Around 330 active or former members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) who say they were harmed by COVID-19 vaccine mandates...
Defense Secretary Austin Needs To Obey Orders And End The Military Vaccine Mandate
By M. Oakland, attorney On Aug. 14, 2021, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, after months of build-up, mandated that all...
Protections for Troops Booted over COVID Vaccine Mandate Added to House Defense Bill
House Republicans moved Wednesday to protect former service members who were discharged over the military’s now...
Military Members Kicked Out for Refusing COVID Vaccine Seek to Have Their Discharges Upgraded
By J. M. Phelps Service members who received general discharges when separated from the military for their refusal to obey...
Texas Victorious In Case Challenging Biden’s Illegal Vaccine Mandate for Texas National Guard Members
(Attorney General of Texas Press Release) A federal appeals court sided with Texas Governor Greg Abbott in a case...
BOOK REVIEW: Defending the Constitution Behind Enemy Lines
By Capt. Brent Ramsey, USN ret Dear Shipmates, Friends, and Colleagues, “Now Hear This!” is very familiar to all...
Retired vice admiral speaks out for Coast Guard members in ongoing vaccine mandate lawsuit
By Bethany Blankley | The Center Square Even after the Coast Guard rescinded its vaccine mandate, their attorney says Coast...
Despite dismissal, attorneys ‘never giving up’ on military members punished under COVID vaccine mandate
By Bethany Blankley, The Center Square Even though a federal judge dismissed a religious freedom case that lasted for nearly...
Congressman Introduces Bill to Reinstate Unvaccinated Servicemembers
(Press Release) Congressman John Rutherford (FL-05) introduced H.R. 3458, the Reinstate Our Troops Act, to require the...
Military leaders must learn the right lessons from the Covid-19 vaccine mandate debacle
By Col. Paul Vicars, USAF Covid-19 is no longer a threat to national security. And, contrary to prior opinions, neither are...
Airmen Get New System for Tracking Religious Accommodations After Pandemic Fiasco
Air Force officials unveiled a new effort Monday that will show airmen and Space Force Guardians the status of their...
An Appeal to Those Who Went Along: A Call for Courage Among U.S. Military Leaders
By Brad Miller, former Army officer NOTE from LTG Bishop: Brad–you really lay it out there! You, bb, and Rob have a...
USMC Commandant Allegedly Pressured VAX-Injured Two-Star’s Silence
A two-star Marine General was injured by the COVID vaccine, but was told not to say anything so that thousands of Marines...
Court Protects Airmen in Vax Mandate Fight, ‘Upholds Religious Freedom Rights’
The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld a ruling that shields airmen from COVID-19 vaccine mandates. The U.S. Air...
If Our Senior Leaders in the Military will not Fight Against Unlawful Mandates, Who Will?
Dr. Robert Malone, Ret. Army Major Gen. Paul Vallely and Ret. Lt. Col. Dave Trombly join The Constitutional Colonel Larry...
SPECIAL EVENT: Are The Skies Safe?
CD Media and American Conversations will host an evening event, “Are the Skies Safe?” featuring Wings for...
Sixth Circuit Refuses to Vacate Opinion on Air Force Covid Vaccine Requirement
Last fall, a unanimous panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit upheld a district court preliminary...
Army Trainee Had Two Heart Attacks After COVID-19 Vaccine. Now, She’s Likely To Be Discharged
By Micaela Burrow, The Daily Caller News Foundation Karolina Stancik, an Army National Guard enlistee who suffered severe...
Complete loss of trust and confidence in the military attributed to the vaccine mandate
By an anonymous military member DOD’s hateful disrespect of inherent human dignity destroyed service member and public trust...
DoD Vaccine Policy Update
By Joe Arbuckle, MG, USA (Ret) STARRS Vice Chairman of the Board After NDAA Win, STARRS Continues the Fight to Restore Those...
Status of Vaccine Refusers & DoD/Service Policies
By Tracey Meck, Colonel, USAF (Ret) USAFA ’87 Newsletter Editor and Chief The FY 23 NDAA rescinded the COVID-19 vaccine...
Is There Evidence of Adverse Vaccine Impacts on Service Members?
By Tracey Meck, Colonel, USAF (Ret) USAFA ’87 Newsletter Editor and Chief The VAERS database shows more vaccine injuries in...
What You Should Know If You Have Taken the Vaccine
By Dr Scott Sturman, MD, USAFA ‘72 STARRS Board of Advisors The Pfizer mRNA vaccine trial lasted 28 days and was not...
DOD’s 1st Pandemic Preparedness Plan In 2007 Required NO Mandated Masks Or Vaccinations
By Jim Zietlow, Colonel USAF (retired) US Air Force Academy Class of 1987 Former lead military planner for the 2007 DOD...
Livestream Replay of Event: The Assault on Our Children and Military
STARRS President Ron Scott was a member of a panel during a special event in Colorado, The Assault on our Children and Armed...