DOD Woke Agenda

Pentagon’s Pride Month Event Pushes The Agenda

The apparatchik of the Pentagon recently held a gathering in the courtyard to worship and push an ideological political agenda in order to demoralize and drive out those in the majority who don’t want this agenda forced on them.

Although their plan seems to be working too well as the Deputy Pentagon Apparatchik seemed rather desperate to recruit anyone.

(DOD Press Release) As part of a Pride Month commemorative event today at the Pentagon, Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks noted that now, more than ever before, anyone who is qualified to serve in America’s military is welcome to apply. And, that everybody is also needed.

“Maintaining a world-class force made up entirely of volunteers requires us to reach across the breadth of talent this country offers,” Hicks told an audience gathered in the Pentagon courtyard. “That’s true both because it yields the most capable military, and because our republic rests on the principle that a military should reflect the society it is called to defend. Every qualified American who desires to serve and will uphold their oath of office is welcome at our recruiting stations.” . . .

. . . Hicks said the DOD is committed to expanding opportunities for all those who serve, as a civilian or in uniform. “It’s our job to create those pathways and ensure that they not only remain open but are broadened,” Hicks said. “That’s a charge we take seriously. And during this Pride Month, we commit ourselves to fulfilling that promise.”

OUR NOTE: So where are all the LGBTQ+ASDFGHJKIntersex lining up to join? Can’t fill the ranks with them?

Then the DOD apparatchik of personnel and readiness tried to equate “diversity” to diversity of talent, thought and experience. Which is not the actual DEI agenda they are actively pushing on the military: focusing on skin color and gender (or confusion of gender) for promotions and selections. If they were so “open” to diversity of thought, how tolerant would they be of someone who has different thoughts and refuses to put their pronouns on their signature line or lie and call a man a woman? Of someone who says this agenda goes against their beliefs and values so doesn’t want to ‘celebrate’ it?

This is from DOD’s official graphic for the month. We fixed it by saying the quiet part out loud.

Video from DVIDS:

DoD 13th Annual LGBTQ+ Pride Event

Evidence that the DEI/CRT agenda in the military DOES hurt recruiting and retention

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