STARRS Authors Woke Agenda

Goodbye to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

STARRS Chairman LTG Rod Bishop email about this article to a colleague: “This article makes the same points that you do on merit–but also works in “indoctrinating students using Marxist-Leninist (CRT) instruction, and violating academic freedom to subvert the constitutional order.” While I agree with their premise that DEI and CRT are being sent to the grave–it will take a while to rid it from our military. Legislation, policy changes and/or the courts can make it happen. In the end, it will most probably take a combination of all three—and time. As you have noted–as Supreme Court Chief Justice has opined–“The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.” VR, Rod

By Col. Andrew P O’Meara Jr., US Army, ret and
Maj General Paul E. Vallely, US Army, ret

We consider Affirmative Action to have failed. Thank God that diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Critical Race Theory are being sent to their grave.

A collision course with WOKE authorities, who control our government and society, has come to fruition. We defended and won our position.

Since affirmative action is unconstitutional, there should be no need to outlaw the practice or other divisive issues. Congress should establish penalties for violating Constitutional Law that protects every race, color, and creed.

Setting mandatory prison sentences and forfeiture of tenure and endowments for each offense involving the imposition of affirmative action would discourage the Left from outrageous disregard for the constitutional order and the sovereignty of the people.

Shelby Steele makes a case for us in White Guilt: How Blacks and Whites Destroyed the Promise of the Civil Rights Era. Steele argues that liberty and full equality require each citizen to acknowledge self-reliance.

Each citizen competes and advances based on merit.

Each free and equal citizen competes with obligations to sink or swim.

Thus, freedom is not free. We must earn it.

Full equality also disenfranchises the race baiters and hustlers who have become wealthy, shaking down Whitey. If all are equal, the label of racist becomes an empty threat. And the racebaiters are out of work.

Where did we go wrong?

Slavery and segregation were based upon the assumption of the inferiority of blacks. Whites within the academic community had long supported the premise of black inferiority upon which segregation was built.

The blacks’ inferiority required equal opportunities to advance, which was not genuinely equal. Thus, the academic community was complicit in denying opportunity to the black community. This was true at all levels since their teaching concealed the reality.

The arrival of freedom through Civil Rights Legislation unmasked the prejudice of educators, who were mortified by their long history of racism.

As Yogi Berra opined, please take it when you come to a fork in the road. We had arrived at the fork in the street.

To mask their record of racial prejudice, Shelby Steele argues that the academic community offered to support black affirmative action based upon the assumption that blacks were indeed inferior and unable to compete as equals.

The Jesse Jackson of the black community bought into affirmative action and accepted the assumption of black inferiority, preserving Jessie Jackson’s cash cow of white guilt for denying blacks freedom.

Thus, the evil compromise was adopted to assume black inferiority over the objections of the leadership of the Civil Rights era.

The assumption of inequality was adopted by the academic community that divorced black students from the obligation to carry their weight as equals, thereby rejecting the burden of self-reliance.

It was an outcome that denied blacks full equality in return for a free ride with the unequal opportunity to advance without merit in the academic community.

Thus, it has come to pass sixty years later. We have pilots who can’t fly planes safely, educators who cannot express the fundamental principles of the subjects they teach, and doctors who are unable to master the technical subjects that are the foundation of their profession.

It is a dangerous situation that promises to result in failures, representing the predictable results of rejecting merit; it has simultaneously resulted in the collapse of American exceptionalism.

Critical Race Theory (CRT) institutionalizes all the worst aspects of affirmative action while it demonizes whites as beneficiaries of white privilege. CRT will continue the decline of society by demonizing merit and accelerating affirmative action, exacerbated by eliminating white competitors.

We are on the high road to catastrophic failure.

We got there by denying merit, abandoning exceptionalism, and rewarding incompetence and ignorance. It is time we mend our ways or see the loss of man’s last best hope.

Confiscation of endowments should be a priority to pay for damages inflicted upon society by insurrections planned and launched by academe that have violated public safety and inflicted grievous harm upon property, private businesses, and the people.

Confiscation of endowments and forfeiture of tenure would simultaneously disempower tyrannical academic oligarchs of the educational community. (The professoriate has carried out the fundamental transformation of America into a socialist police state in collusion with the Obama/Biden regime in an autocratic demonstration of raw power in complete disregard for the Law of the Land.)

The Law should include penalties for advocating the overthrow of the government, indoctrinating students using Marxist-Leninist (CRT) instruction, and violating academic freedom to subvert the constitutional order. Thus, stiff penalties should be imposed for teaching communism and for imposing mandatory affirmative action.

Such legislation is needed at the state and national levels since much of the funding and authority for educational institutions originate at the state level.

Ultimately, state authorities must take responsibility for cleansing sedition, treason, and unconstitutional indoctrination from our entire educational system, K-12, colleges, and universities. This is the responsibility of the people, who remain sovereign only insofar as the will of the people remains the law of the land.

We are all free and equal. Merit remains the foundation of American exceptionalism.

All must accept the obligation of self-reliance. All enjoy the liberty promised by the founders.

Moreover, we must outlaw affirmative action. As Shelby Steele, Walter Williams, Thomas Sowell, and countless others have demonstrated, Blacks will show that they can compete as equals in society.

And guilty white educators should shut the Hell up.

In addition to racial prejudice, their adoption of socialism fully justifies their white guilt. Suffer your humiliation in silence! There is no need to destroy Western Civilization to conceal your old sins of bias and sedition.

Released and Distributed by the Stand Up America US Foundation

Colonel Andrew P. O’Meara Jr. is the author of Liberty Vs, Tyranny

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