STARRS Authors Woke Agenda

The more diversity officers and DEI training, race relations get worse

From former Army Captain Kendall Qualls, President of TakeCharge and STARRS Board of Advisors:

Gallup has been tracking race relations in the U.S. for decades. In 2003, nearly 70% of black and white Americans rated race relations either good or very good, which was one of the highest ratings in its tracking history.

However, in 2013, race relations began to plummet.

The catalyst for this decline was the false narrative of widespread racist cops shooting unarmed black men (since disproven by multiple sources), the media’s 24/7 reporting of “systemic racism,” and the army of Chief Diversity Officers (CDOs) lecturing everyone that the country and all white people are irredeemable racists.

The chart below shows two independent graphs overlaid to demonstrate the correlation between the decline of race relations and the growth of DEI agents over the past two decades.

It’s time for a full retreat of the Trojan Horse known as DEI. Leadership matters.

Click graphics to enlarge

It’s all manufactured:

Here’s another slide from Kendall (click to enlarge):


Bishop E.W. Jackson recently gave a powerful sermon at Cornerstone Chapel in Leesburg, VA. In addition to talking about following and anchoring yourself in God in a culture that celebrates wickedness, he rejects the ideology that is trying to divide people by the color of their skin.

And just as Kendall Qualls says about the problem of the lack of Faith and Family that is harming black families, Bishop Jackson attributes his being able to go from an F student to an A student and eventually to Harvard Law School not because of a government project or affirmative action, but by having a father who cared enough about him to “inject himself into my life and give me the guidance and direction that I needed.”

Watch this patriotic preacher who loves our nation and God.

Here’s a short excerpt:


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