Statement to DACODAI – Greg Thompson

Statement to DACODAI by Greg Thompson

DEL must DIE

I have been taught, and always believed that “THE RIGHT PERSON FOR THE JOB” is that person who is not judged by race, color, or religious beliefs.

You hire a person to a position, or promote them based on HIS or HER qualifications, drive, ambition, and work ethic.

That is it, period. There is NO PLACE for this DEI ideology in America today, especially in our great armed services.

To think that our military leaders are “bowing” to these leftist groups is appalling to me. As I read more about our military “leaders” who are part of this DEI ideology, it makes my stomach turn.

Our entire country is being over run by leftist thinking and it must stop, or we will not survive as a country.

I truly believe that this type of leftist thinking and its ideology is so radical, that it borders on mental retardation. This is what happens when a society closes the doors to its mentally challenged institutions. We have mentally challenged people in high profile positions in this country, when they actually should be institutionalized.

We must get these people out of these high positions in our military or they will get us all killed. It is that simple.

To think that a high ranking General, or other “leader” bows to this ideology or flat out believes in it, just to get ahead, or grab a spot on a national news channel after retirement is sickening.

It has now come to this and “We the People” must voice our opinions. So, thank you for giving us the opportunity to speak our minds on this horrible situation we have found ourselves in.

FIGHT the radical LEFT and DEI with all of your military might STARRS.

You may be our last hope.

DEI must DIE.

Gregory Thompson


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