Woke Agenda

Elon Musk: “DEI must DIE.”

Elon Musk recently stated on X:

“DEI must DIE. The point was to end discrimination, not replace it with different discrimination.

“Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” are propaganda words for racism, sexism and other -isms.

This is just as morally wrong as any other racism and sexism. Changing the target class doesn’t make it right!”

Jordan Schachtel: “The point was marxism.”

Gad Saad: “The DIE cult is uniquely nefarious because it is an aggressive cancer that diabolically cloaks itself in the robe of “progressive justice.” Hence, it kills all of our foundational values whilst patting itself on the back for being just.”

Steve Ferguson: “DEI brought back Jim Crow laws on steroids.”

“DEI was never about ending discrimination; it was always about anti-White hatred.”

“The whole point of everything seems to be to keep us divided. If the ants ever find out…”

“Being racist to end racism doesn’t really make sense.”

“They became the thing they sought to end … oh, the irony.”

“As we know, they never wanted to end discrimination. They just wanted discrimination to benefit them instead.”

“If anyone who supports DEI truly is against hate and racism, and wants diversity, equity, and inclusion, then they’d be the most vocal people against DEI since all it does is discriminate, segregate, and spread more hate.”

“DEI and restorative justice are nothing but Marxism that has been deconstructed and then built anew to attract the next generation of victims.”

“The irony with DEI, is it IS institutionalized discrimination. It creates racial divide, and sows racism as a virtue.”

“And think of what it’s doing to our military.”

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