DOD Woke Agenda

DOD training called “Right-Wing” as example of political terrorist groups

The ongoing purge of DEI stuff from the military is showing some disturbing things. Former Army intel analyst Sam Shoemate ( showed this a recent post on X, a screenshot (taken on 23 Jan 25) of online DOD extremism training (click to enlarge).

The quiz asked what are example of “political terrorist groups” and the “correct” answer is Right-wing.

Should send shivers that servicemembers had to take this training for the past four years, conditioning them to think negatively about anyone on the right or with conservative views:


“NPR is reporting that Trump is going to end the investigation into extremism in the DOD. Not that I trust anything NPR says, but Trump SHOULD end a DOD investigation into extremism until that word can be properly defined and the far left ideological agendas of those who author training in the military are fired. This is CURRENT (screenshots taken yesterday) anti-terrorism training in the DOD.

Calling “right-wing” an example of a political terrorist group, and cherry picking examples of terrorism on abortion clinics to call pro-life activists terrorists, is a prime example of political propaganda and partisan activities in the military and exactly why they can’t be trusted to investigate a topic like this on their own.”

Here’s another one where the DOD says one of “the most radical and violent social terrorist groups in the US” are pro-life activists. Not Islamic jihadists, not cartel gangs, but pro-lifers who all tend to be Christians! Click to enlarge:


Other comments:

“I expect this to be rescinded. Do you remember what that training was like? I felt like it was a block of instruction telling me why I’m an awful human and American.”

“At our “Extremism Stand-down” struggle session in March 2021, I remember the full-bird in my chain briefing slides taken directly from the AF Portal. There was one slide in the deck that detailed 9 instances of actual extremism across DoD from 2019-2020.”

“Had to sit through my DoD agency’s training a few years ago..dude giving the class said an extremist was “someone who owned a lot of guns”…without explaining what that even means.”

Good News:

Bad News, the US Government considered conservatives a threat:

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