Category - STARRS Authors

Captain Rose versus The System

Part of the mission of STARRS is to educate/call-out unlawful/harmful policies/practices in the military, like the illegal...

The Navy and Diversity

By Capt. Brent Ramsey, US Navy In recent years, the Navy has put a lot of emphasis on “Diversity”.   If you visit the Navy’s...

Where Does Loyalty Reside?

By Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney (USAF ret), USMA ’59 Major General Paul E Vallely (US Army ret), USMA ’61 Col...

Who Are the Real Racists?

By Col. Sam Thiessen, US Army ret, USMA ’73 STARRS Vice President for Education The Senate Armed Services Committee...

Generational Responsibility

By Captain Tom Burbage, USN, ret; USNA graduate President, The Calvert Task Group Look up the word ‘generations’ today and...