Matthew Lohmeier is the former Space Force Commander who was fired after speaking out against the growing influence of...
Category - DOD
Interview with Col John Mills (USA Ret) on Behavior of US Flag Officers
Information Operation host L Todd Wood talks with Col John Mills (USA, Ret) on the current behavior of active duty and...
Indoctrination Vs Understanding
Recently Gen Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff, discussed the teaching of CRT at West Point. He stated we...
The Whistleblower Files
Yes, there is “wokeness” seeping into our military, despite the denials of DOD leaders. Rep. Dan Crenshaw and Sen. Tom...
The Military’s Perilous Experiment
By Col. Bing West, USMC ret Former Assistant Secretary of Defense In war, the moral is to the physical as three is to one...
Whistleblower statements about CRT examples in the military
Military service members sent Sen. Tom Cotton statements about radical CRT/DEI examples they experienced in the military...