
Stand Together Against Racism and
Radicalism in the Services (STARRS)


US military veterans and citizens concerned about the divisive racist and radical CRT/DEI ideology infiltrating the military and seek to expose, stand up against, and eliminate it in order to keep our country safe.


STARRS is made up of retired military members and patriots dedicated to ensure the greatest fighting force on the globe remains the U.S. military.

STARRS mission is to help educate our fellow Americans regarding the criticality of having a military that focuses solely on the essential readiness needed to fight and win our Nation’s wars.

Winning requires a military which provides equal opportunity and a meritocracy leadership system which rewards high standards, ethical character, teamwork, and selfless service to our Nation.

This mission accomplishment requires the elimination of DEI from the DoD by informing people about all ideologies, policies, agendas, and organizations that threaten a meritocracy based military.

  • We STAND against the CRT/DEI/Woke agenda in the military & service academies
  • We educate on the dangers of this racist and radical ideology in the military
  • We monitor the CRT/DEI/Woke agenda in the DoD through our website & social media
  • We seek the truth of what is happening in the military through FOIAs
  • We hold accountable the Academies and Services when they push this radical agenda
  • We speak Truth to Power . . . Hard Truths
  • We write articles and policy papers alerting people to this harmful agenda
  • We work with Congress and Panels to provide knowledge and ideas to combat the problem
  • We help like-minded organizations and media to get out the truth
  • We provide a network and listening ear to cadets, service members, veterans and families who are sick of this ideology being forced on them and worried about the future of our country. If you feel this way too, know that you are not alone!


A Constitutional Republic representative government

Free market capitalism-individuals profit from their labors

Maximizing military readiness and team building

Focusing on War fighting with high standards enforced

Equal opportunity for all, no discrimination

Meritocracy rewarding performance, character and integrity

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Marxist collectivism and one party rule

Socialism—government control of the economy and personal property

CRT which destroys unit cohesion-pits one group against another

Politically correct woke policies, lowering standards

“Equity” meaning equal outcomes based on racial or gender quotas

Diversity and Inclusion race and gender selection criteria vs meritocracy

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Eliminate all CRT and DEI indoctrination training and programs in the Department of Defense

Eliminate the mandatory COVID vaccination policy (accomplished); Seek remedies for those harmed

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About STARRS Flyer (pdf)

Facts About DEI Ideology in the US Military STARRS Flyer (pdf)

 STARRS Infographics Handout (pdf)

Cultural War / Citizens Action Plan Flyer (pdf)

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To unify and inspire all Americans to acquire a deep understanding of our unique heritage and to develop a lasting love for their country by embracing America’s founding principles enumerated in our Constitution and Declaration of Independence.

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We will not lie, steal, or cheat nor tolerate among us anyone who does. We are men and women of character who don the armor of integrity. We welcome you to join us.

We believe in the underlying principle of natural rights, which are endowed by Our Creator and established in America’s founding documents as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These rights are essential for the health of a thriving Republic and guarantee individual rights for all people.

We affirm the US Constitution and Declaration of Independence anchored their source of authority on the transcendent, first principle, that all men are created equal, and all rights derive from God.

We celebrate a diversity of ideas while condemning discrimination based upon age, race, color, sex, religion, ethnicity, national origin or political affiliation. We proudly stand against all ideologies that condone discrimination or collectivism in any form.



What STARRS Accomplished in 2024 Because of You

What STARRS Accomplished in 2023 Because of You


History of STARRS

The genesis of our organization, Stand Together Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services, Incorporated (STARRS, Inc.) began in July 2020, when Rod Bishop (USAFA ‘74), Dr. Ron Scott (USAFA ‘73), and a small group of interested individuals viewed a three minute United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) football team video promoting Black Lives Matter (BLM).

Specifically, the film was openly advocating a controversial and divisive political agenda, as heard in the film’s repeated phrase promoting “anti-Racism”, which is a primary component of Critical Race Theory (CRT).

Widely misunderstood, CRT is simply Marxism repackaged in new terms such as equity, and is ultimately an ideological tool used to divide.

Recognizing the seriousness of the development, the group approached the Academy leadership in an effort to remove the controversial video and to prevent the introduction of CRT into the academy’s curriculum.

The group raised their concerns with the then Academy Superintendent, the Athletic Director and Football Coach and although their concerns were dismissed, the group continued their discussions while a new incoming Academy Superintendent soon assumed command.

As months passed, the small group began to grow as word spread of their efforts and others began to realize that there was a concerted effort to teach and implement aspects of CRT in not just the military academies, but the US Armed Forces in general.

Over time, the group would grow to approximately 65 individuals, including 14 General Officers, service academy graduates, retired and active duty officers, and enlisted, and other concerned civilians.

After nine months, the group received some positive news. Under the direction of the new USAFA Superintendent, the Academy released a replacement film in conjunction with the Department of Defense mandated “extremism” down day. Although the new film still had aspects that many consider “woke” propaganda, the film was a dramatic improvement to the previous USAFA BLM video.

The group has been active since its original engagement and has approached the Academy regarding the introduction of a “diversity and inclusion” room on campus. A lack of balance in reading materials was highlighted and the Superintendent addressed the concern as a “balanced” assortment of additional reading materials was introduced.

The group began and continues informing and educating the Armed Forces, American people, and political class, as members have written multiple articles, participated in both live and taped interviews, while one member has published a book which is now on sale and in distribution, called “Irresistible Revolution.”

Besides educating the Academy on the perils of CRT, the group has attempted to inform several members of Congress, the sister Service Academies, the USAFA Board of Visitors, the USAFA Association of Graduates and a variety of other people and organizations.

The group of founders decided to create a non-profit corporation, which was established 26 April 2021 as, Stand Together Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services, Incorporated (“STARRS”). We are a newly formed corporation (our application for 501(c)3 tax-exempt status has been approved).

Overall, the founders intend STARRS to become a dynamic and influential force to promote balance, unity, and adherence to the US Constitution and to prevent the politicization of the service academies and the Department of Defense.

We envision service academies and armed forces that shall always faithfully serve the American people while remaining apolitical, colorblind and unified.