Army Woke Agenda

The Real Reason Army Recruitment Is Plummeting

Matt Walsh talks about why there is a recruitment crisis: the military is failing to attract men while they advertise to women. He also shows different examples of military recruitment videos.


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“My son was an Airborne Ranger. He joined the Army straight out of high school. When he got out, he told me that for the final year that he was in uniform, a solid third of the “training” that he received was in topics like “Proper Use of Pronouns”, “Gender Equality”, etc. I suspect that right there alongside the recruitment problem is a problem retaining the trained soldiers that want no part of the stupidity that is “woke” culture.”

“My son and son in law suffered thru the same bullshit. They both turned down nice sized bonus’s to stay in. 6 generations of my family served in our Army. Me,10 years. I am so disgusted with the toxic culture ruining our entire military.”

“Prior enlisted for 12 years. I got out 2 years ago because of the extreme woke environment. The army lost all of its spine. Really unfortunate because I loved what it once was and planned on retiring.”

“I was an Army recruiter. I tell those I love to completely disregard military service. Sucks but true.”

“I’m here to tell you that’s it’s not just the armies numbers that are hurting. I’ve served in the air force for 15 years now and I can tell you first hand the damage that DEI has done. Young white males no longer want to join and even IF they get suckered in to joining its not long before they’re beaten down and give up on a career. The process for earning rank is incredibly flawed and you only see white males being “chosen” only after all other races and genders have been promoted first regardless of merit. I’ve heard it joked about that the fastest way to make staff sergeant (lowest rank needed to retire) is to simply be pregnant during the promotion cycle. Why would we do everything possible to exclude the largest portion of our population from joining the military? Ill never understand it. DEI = Didn’t Earn It!!!”

“Spent 6 years in the Army. Airborne infantry. Seriously? I would not join todays Army. DEI has destroyed it.”

“My brother is currently in the army and is serving his last year. They tried to convince him to do another 4 years, and he gave them the finger and said, “I’m out “. He witnessed so much bs with the new recruits that joined and getting waived with poor pt scores during basic training. According to him, it’s pretty much hand holding.”

“I was a military recruiter about 10 years ago. We spent 90% of our energy recruiting women, because we were told to. We had to tell men NO.”

“Retired USAF MSgt (1988-2012) here. There is no way in hell I would join any of the services today. Everything has turned upside down in the twelve short years ago since I retired. My friends still on active duty tell me they can’t stand all the woke bullshit that gets shoved down their throats and can’t wait to get out.”

“Retired USAF E-7 here as well, 1991-2012, and I agree with you 1000%. If my son or daughter (21 and 18) ever express any interest in joining the military I’d only have one word to say to them…”don’t”.”

“Hey SGt., US ARMY Vietnam Veteran here. I’m a 100% disabled Vet (service connected) and I’m allowed to shop at the Commissary at Maelstrom AFB here in Great Falls, MT. This year when “Pride Month” rolled around they displayed a huge digital sign at the main gate celebrating the month they honor Gays. Then of course there’s only one day for Veterans.”

“In 1962 I joined the Army, it was because of the war movies on TV and at the theaters. While in, I was with the 101st Abn Div (then a jump outfit) and became an Army Ranger as well, (that school was brutal). Today, I do not see anything our government is doing to promote the military. It seems all about wokeness, changing the language of the military, bending over backwards placating DEI, women, and gays. We need emotionally dedicated men willing to take orders and follow through on the battlefield. There is more I could say, I will leave it to others.”

“My husband retired in 2005 from the Army after 22 years. I was with him the entire time and raised 2 children. We do not tell anyone to join because of all the social changes.”

“Another big factor was how the Army kicked soldiers out who refused to get the jab and even IGNORED RELIGIOUS WAIVERS. A lot of soldiers quit the Army after that, and even MORE soldiers discourage family members from joining now. That includes me. I’ve been in the Army for 20 years. Can’t wait to retire next year.”

“Yea I’m in the Army too. I’ve been in for 6 years and have been cringing the whole time. It’s woke as fuck because they try to cater to females so much Every team I’ve been with that had more females were way more toxic. The vast majority of time, they don’t improve the teams in the Army, they make them worse. Wokeness isn’t necessary in this profession.”

“My son has 4 yrs remaining for his 20 yrs in the Navy as a fleet Marine force corpsman. They made his final enlistment absolutely horrible. He has to watch everything he says and does or there will be retribution.”

“I spent 26 years in the Air Force. I was one of their best recruiters after I retired in 2003 but what happened in Afghanistan under the Biden administration I sadly stopped recommending the military to young people.”

“I retired from the Navy and I was a Navy recruiter for three years and I refuse to recommend the present day military as a career choice. I work in a DOD building and the “wokeness” is suffocating. The officers are the “wokest”. The officers I worked with had flown hundreds of combat missions in Vietnam and they would knock you’re head off of your shoulders rather than sit there and wonder about how you were feeling. They weren’t your friends either. They were leaders and they were there to develop you into a warrior and lead you in combat if it came down to it. The military is not the civil service and if that’s what you’re looking for, you’re in the wrong office. Go over to usajobs and look for something that would better suit your delicate nature.”

“I got kicked out of the Navy cuz I refused the covid jab. A few months later, they sent me an email saying I was eligible to join back up. Lol what a joke of a military we have.”

“As a former soldier I have dissuaded both of my young sons from enlisting. DEI and wokeness has destroyed the military. They’re actually lowering standards for Ranger selection so women can go through. Pathetic!!”

“I served for 24 years in the United States Air Force and retired in 2000 as a Master Sergeant. I was proud to serve and defend my country from her enemies. Today, our enemies are internal liberals/progressives. If I were 18 years old now in 2024, I wouldn’t join the military because if I am going to be called upon to lay down my life, I want to know my life was given for something meaningful and truly important to the country, not to satisfy people like Biden/Harris who allowed 13 servicemen to die in Afghanistan unnecessarily.”

“I retired from the Air Force in 2000, my son just retired from the Air Force earlier this year. Both of us have seen the changes and how toxic the military has become. My grandson at 19 years old decided he wanted to join the Air Force, he signed up 8 months ago and still hasn’t heard back from the recruiter. They must not be hurting to bad, or maybe he is just the wrong gender, who knows.”

“I served in the army for 8 years and I have a son. I will not be encouraging my son to join. No longer worth it in my opinion. I didn’t reenlist due to political persecution in the military, young soldiers refusing to follow your orders if you vote a certain way, and they’re already lazy to begin with. And whatever the Joe’s are doing the E5’s and E6’s are worse never seen people so lazy and unmotivated before. Lazy, always on their phone and never willing to help the soldiers move up and get promoted. Only the ones who play the political game get promoted.”

“What is not being reported on but is a bigger problem than recruitment is retention of NCOs and junior officers. We are bleeding internally and the Army says practically nothing about it. we are losing the vital combat and operational experience from the last decade of the GWOT,”

“I’m a grandmother, 6 grandsons, no one in our family is promoting their joining anything that has gone woke. Woke is nauseating. We aren’t people haters. We love our country. Making things woke is ridiculous.”

“23 year Veteran here. I used to sponsor new recruits back in the day. I received several commendations for that work. I even encouraged my son to serve, which he is currently doing. He has 4 years left before retiring. So what’s my point? With what I have witnessed for the last 15 years, I can honestly say I won’t encourage any young man to voluntarily enlist in any of the 6 armed military branches. And there are a lot of Veterans who feel the same way.”

“As a vet, I wanted my sons to have a similar experience and serve their country. They signed up to do just that but when the Covid vaccine was mandated, they were both kicked out. I’m glad to have them back and they work our family run Safe and Vault business now with me. This is the first time in my life, and I’m 55 years old, that I wouldn’t recommend a young man or woman join the military. Why would they? It’s not about defending the country anymore, it’s not a military, it’s a testing and proving ground where you might even get to fight a war and die for a cause that is completely pointless. Pointless that is unless you’re one of the fat cats that capitalize on, the spoils of the great war machine.”

“I served 6 years in the army infantry and 12 months overseas. I had a career ahead of me. I got out in 2022 because of two things: Covid policies and DEI which destroyed my unit. Half our guys quit and we had female and tranny command staff coming in which destroyed our brotherhood. Then they changed our entire unit because we were affiliated with Native American tribes which they found to be offensive even though it was actually a really cool historical connection.”

“I was born in ‘72. Joined the Air Force in the Summer or ‘90… right before Desert Storm. Both my brothers also served. We were all proud to do so. It was a tradition in our family, to be of service to our country. I’ve been disappointed with the direction this country has been heading, and I’m extremely concerned about the potential lack of service members, because of it.”

“I am a veteran. The Army is a family business. I stopped encouraging my son to 6 years ago when he turned 16. I don’t know anyone of my fellow veterans who encourage enlistment of their own sons.”

“I joined the military in 1976 and served until 1985. I then worked with the Department of Defense as a contractor until 2023. Most of these contracting jobs had direct contact with service members, so I got to witness firsthand the slow decline of our military, and its culture. Sad…very sad.”

“I’m a girl and the 90s commercial made me want to join the army…….the girly commercials of today did absolutely nothing but make me cringe.”

“Served 20 years from 1983-2003. Have advised my grandson to avoid the military at all costs. The service is broken and needs a complete leadership overhaul to recover.”

“Every single man in my family served in America’s army since the French and Indian War…I served in Iraq as Airborne Infantry in the 82d Airborne and got out after just one enlistment. I actively discourage family and any young people who ask me if they should join. I’m symbolically in touch with the end of an era for what was the military tradition of the United States. It’s over.”

“I got out of recruiting and the Army all together about two years ago. I had never met a real narcissist until I met my transgender station commander… I got some stories but I had to sign an NDA but I promise y’all South Park couldn’t write this script.”

“20 year veteran who joined in October 2001. My kids are not allowed to enlist. They’ll be the first generation of my family in over a century not to serve.”

“I am a 26 year veteran of the Navy 6 years of which was as a recruiter. I can’t imagine telling a 17 year old kid today that if he joined there was a good chance he would have to bunk with an openly gay or transgender sailor. Wokeness has destroyed the services.”

“30 years in the Army, Purple Heart, 3 combat deployments, and an amputee. I retired immediately to escape the political climate in 2020 pre Covid. Best decision ever!”

“I worked with a company that was getting paid to do digital marketing for the US Army. I’ve worked in digital marketing for 15 years. They wanted to focus on non English speaking women, I really don’t know why. The mismanagement of this does not surprise me at all.”

“I’m very thankful to have served in the military but I wouldn’t encourage any young men I know to serve in today’s military. That’s on the military, not me.”

“I was an infantryman from 2006-2010, went to AFG in ‘09. For the longest time I encouraged people to join, but within the last 3 years, I’ve changed my tune. It’s absolutely pathetic now, and plenty of people that are still in have told me they routinely promote people based more on race/ethnicity than merit.”

“I retired from the Army after 22 years in 2013 and am not shocked that they wasted millions on this or the “my two mommys” campaign. What I do find shocking is that they marginalize and alienate their prime demographic then piss and moan that they’re not enlisting.”

“I served in the Corps for 8 years during the 90s. They had already started doing targeted promotions back then (95 or 96). Watched a Marine’s career end early when his MOS finally opened up but he was not allowed to put a package in to the promotion board. His OIC was told that since he wasn’t black, hispanic, or female, he wouldn’t have a chance…. 2 years later he was automatically denied reenlistment with 18 years in as a SSgt. 18 years of service and no opportunity for retirement. Worst part was he was one of the most respected Marines in his MOS.”

“Retired after 23 years. The last briefing? How women have to shower with men and be okay with it.”

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