As usual, turns to the national security elites living in a bubble who refuse to Listen to the People on why the divisive left-wing CRT/DEI/Woke agenda push in the military is driving people away.
Recruiting patterns in the military have increasingly come to reflect the nation’s red state-blue state political divide, with recruiting strong in the South and Midwest but lagging on the coasts, retired Army Brig. Gen. Michael Meese said at a Rand Corp. event Thursday.
“When you look at it regionally, the North and the West tend to be less positive” on military service “than the South and the Midwest,” said Meese, the former head of West Point’s Department of Social Sciences.
“The implications of that for recruiting are problematic,” he said, “because where are you going to fish” to fill out the ranks?
The pattern has been in place for decades and, should it continue, Meese said, he could envision a time 50 years from now when recruits from New York and Oregon would number in the single digits, “and everybody else is gonna be from Georgia and North Carolina” despite the ongoing efforts of the services to attract recruits nationwide.
STARRS NOTE: Don’t think so–not from Southern and Midwest men who are being disenfranchised by a radical far-left ideology that calls them toxic and a problem.
See: What Military Service Members, Veterans and Parents Are Saying (pdf)
Or see the comments on this post: “NOW” the Army wants white males
Meese, president of the American Armed Forces Mutual Aid Association, spoke at a Rand panel discussion on “What Americans Think About Veterans,” which amounted to a review of a Rand report in December that examined possible factors in what the Pentagon has called a “crisis” in recruiting.
The report found that Americans still think highly of veterans, but a majority (54%) would recommend against joining the military, particularly in the enlisted ranks. However, nearly two-thirds of those surveyed said they would tell a 17-year-old to join as an officer, either through the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps, known as ROTC, or the military academies.
In November, the annual defense survey by the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute found that only a slim majority (51%) of Americans would recommend that family and friends join the military, while 33% would discourage military service.
The 51% figure was a significant decline from the results of the 2018 Reagan Foundation survey, when 70% said they would recommend joining the military. About half of the respondents to the foundation’s survey attributed the decline to “so-called ‘woke’ practices undermining military effectiveness” and unit cohesion.
In July, a Gallup poll showed that only 60% of the public expressed a “great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence in the military, the lowest marks in the poll since 1997. “Republicans have been the most likely to express confidence in the military, and they remain so today, but the rate has declined by over 20 percentage points in three years, from 91% to 68%,” the poll said.
In another poll, few of the respondents to the survey “reported confidence about the direction our country is going (34%) or said they feel that their government representatives have their best interests in mind (31%),” the APA said. . . .
. . . . Duke University political science Professor Peter Feaver, who moderated the discussion with Wormuth, told last Thursday that charges of wokeness in the military have primarily come from Republicans who have shifted from “adoration of the military to criticism of the military.”
“There’s no evidence that the military itself is woke” or has been taken over by the political left, Feaver said in a phone interview . . . .
Here’s his address, you tell him:
[email protected]
Box 90204, Durham, NC 27708-0204
In the meantime, we’ll categorize this post among the 860+ articles about the woke agenda problem in the military
Lastly from the article:
. . . .Veterans groups have noted with concern the reports and surveys on the military’s recruiting problems, and the 1.4 million-member Veterans of Foreign Wars took particular exception to charges by some congressional Republicans that the military going woke was discouraging young Americans from joining, said Ryan Gallucci, assistant adjutant general of the VFW and an Army veteran of Iraq.
“We’ve had these discussions on Capitol Hill” with those alleging that the current administration is presiding over a woke military and delivered the message that “You need to knock that off,” Gallucci said. . . . (read more on
Really? All “1.4 Million” VFW members really think things are going just fine and have no problems with the corrosive radical agenda being pushed on their military that they once were so proud of serving?
And these vets, many of whom are veterans of the Cold War against Communist Soviet Union, or against Communist North Korea or Communist North Vietnam are okay with Communism now here in America?
Time to leave the VFW.
Here’s a form to contact the VFW with your thoughts:
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