STARRS Recommendations to Political Candidates Regarding the Military

STARRS is available to give a briefing to educate candidates running for election regarding the military. Below are the talking points. Please Contact Us for more information and to set up a briefing.


1. Restore trust and confidence in our military—among Americans and within the military itself.

2. Return the focus of our military to the reasons it exists:

a. Deterrence first and foremost.
b. Failing deterrence: maintain the readiness needed to fight and win our Nation’s wars (stay out of social justice wars).

How to accomplish:

1. Restore the traditionally cohesive “military culture.”

a. Unfinished business: COVID vaccine mandate rescinded, but remedies needed, making Service Members as whole as possible:

i. Rehire and automatically clear the records of those wrongly discharged and those still on active duty.
ii. VA—automatic medical coverage for those harmed by the vaccine mandate.

b. More unfinished business: Remove all aspects of CRT and DEI from DoD.

i. Emphasize equal opportunity and “meritocracy” in promotions, assignments, school selections, and Academy admissions.
ii. Install new leadership.
iii. Defund CRT/DEI programs across DoD.
iv. Focus on curricula at all military schools (include American exceptionalism).

c. New business: Increase the DoD budget to match modernization needs, personnel requirements, current operations, replacement of depleted stockpiles, depot maintenance of equipment, industrial base operations, and people quality of life matters across the board. Likely 5% of the GDP or more.

2. Adopt and advertise a modified version of the Powell/Weinberger Doctrine (pdf) reference engaging in military conflicts that basically says do not engage in military conflicts without a clear understanding of the end goals and with Congressional support, and so forth.

3. Commander in Chief = Champion and Recruiter in Chief. Tout the noble cause of serving our Nation:

Service before Self
Celebrate Military Service
Inspiration NOT Indoctrination
Ability NOT Appearance
Unity NOT Divisiveness

Talking Points 1.1.2024 V2 (pdf)

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