By Bill Scott
William B. (Bill) Scott is a full-time author and consultant. He retired as the Rocky Mountain Bureau Chief for Aviation Week & Space Technology, following a 22-year career with the international magazine. He also served as Senior National Editor in Washington, and in Avionics and Senior Engineering Editor positions in Los Angeles. He covered advanced aerospace and weapons technology, business, flight testing and military operations, wrote more than 2,500 stories for the magazine, and received 17 editorial awards. He is the author of , Combat Contrails: Vietnam, Inside the Stealth Bomber: The B-2 Story and others. A Flight Test Engineer graduate of the U.S. Air Force Test Pilot School, he has logged 2,000 flight hours on 81 types of aircraft. He holds a BS degree in Electrical Engineering.
The United States news media failed miserably after the horrific July 13, 2024, assassination attempt on President Trump’s life. Initial headlines and TV reports were gagworthy drivel that embarrassed the few remaining professional journalists in the nation. Examples, courtesy of the New York Post:
CNN: “Secret Service Rushes Trump Off Stage After He Falls at Rally”
Associated Press: “Donald Trump Has Been Escorted Off The Stage During A Rally After Loud Noises Ring Out In The Crowd”
The New York Times: “Trump Hurt, But Safe, After A Shooting”
Forbes: “Will Surviving Gunfire Be Donald Trump’s Next Appeal To Black Voters?”
Politico: “In wake of the rally shooting, GOP officials have been quick to blame Democrats for demonizing Trump”
As claims of abysmal U.S. Secret Service failures race across the Internet, the American people are left to sift fact from fiction on their own. Meanwhile, an army of Washington- and New York-based, journalists sit at their desks, scanning social media traffic, patiently waiting for government officials to funnel their latest talking points to news organizations.
Serious professional journalists would be in those officials’ offices, demanding people like DHS’s Alejandro Mayorkas–-and whomever replaces the former Secret Service Director, Kimberly Cheatle—answer hard-hitting questions:
• How could a would-be assassin gain access to an ideal, line-of-sight shooting position atop a building roughly 130 yards from Trump’s podium?
• Who failed to secure that AGR building and position a law enforcement officer or USSS agent on its roof?
• Who was responsible for the advance security assessment, prior to the Trump rally? Were enough security resources allocated? If not, why?
• At least four of the agents surrounding the president’s black SUV were women. Were these the USSS’s finest, most-qualified protective personnel? The female agent who helped Trump descend the stairs was too short to shield Trump’s head. Had there been more than one assassin, Trump was exposed and vulnerable. Even if that woman were a superb agent, how could she have protected the much taller former president from additional rounds?
• Who was the lead agent on Trump’s presidential protection detail that day? Was said agent the best-qualified or just the “right” gender, race, etc.?
• What were the Secret Service rules-of-engagement for counter-threat snipers? Several USSS and former military special forces personnel have alleged that on-site snipers covering the Trump rally had to request and be granted the Director’s permission, before firing and taking down the shooter. Can such an irrational dictum possibly be true? What are USSS ROEs for overwatch snipers?
• Were several primary USSS agents pulled off Trump’s July 13th protective detail to cover a Jill Biden event that day?
• Was Kimberly Cheatle, the former USSS director, brought in from Pepsico because she was the most knowledgeable and experienced security-smart person in America, or did she merely fill a diversity-equity-inclusion (DEI) square? Was she responsible for denying repeated requests for additional protection of President Trump and his homes? If not, who rejected them? Mayorkas? Someone in the White House? What was the justification for denying those petitions?
• What was the rationale for denying USSS protection for RFK, Jr., until after the Trump shooting?
These and many more questions must be answered to assure American citizens that political candidates and people attending their campaign events are safe.
The attempted assassination of President Trump was a watershed event that should mandate massive changes in the news business. Few will recognize it as such, but every reporter, editor, producer and anchor would be smart to see this period as a vital opportunity to regain a priceless commodity they have squandered: Credibility.
It’s no secret that trust in the media and “journalists” is at a pathetic low. Those of you who draw a paycheck from corporate media giants would be well-advised to conduct a self-assessment, not just of yourselves, but also your employers. If you’re honest, these truths well emerge:
• President Donald J. Trump is not a reincarnation of Hitler, not a Nazi, not a fascist, not racist, won’t be a dictator, and isn’t a “threat to democracy.” He wasn’t responsible for the January 6th fiasco and should never have been charged with “insurrection”. By the way: America is a representative constitutional republic, not a pure “democracy” subject to the whims of a majority.
• False DEI and Critical Race Theory (CRT) narratives are merely the latest incarnations of Marxism and are doing incredible harm to our nation. In practice, DEI really means Division, Exclusion and Indoctrination. It’s a very dangerous cancer that is destroying America’s once-trusted institutions.
• Honorable journalists should aggressively connect the DEI dots within the U.S. Secret Service, and answer a critical question: What’s been the impact of former Director Cheatle’s campaign to reshape the Secret Service?
Cheatle herself told CBS News that her goal was to reach 30 percent female recruits by 2030: “I’m very conscious, as I sit in this chair now, of making sure that we need to attract diverse candidates and ensure that we are developing and giving opportunities to everybody in our workforce, and particularly women.” The agency is well on its way. In 2021, for the first time, the special agent training class graduated more women than men. — Christopher F. Rufo; Substack, July 15, 2024
The negative, disastrous impacts of DEI on U.S. companies, educational institutions, government entities at all levels, and the American military services must be exposed and challenged by professional journalists committed to truth-telling. If you’re still a DEI believer, spend a few hours perusing the excellent website, which is a reliable and complete source of irrefutable information about DEI’s toxicity.
Finally, you should wake up to the fact that most corporate media journalists are considered “willing accomplices” and “useful idiots” by globalists, those self-anointed elites who are dedicated to destroying America.
You’re being used. You are blindly supporting and enabling the same people who will gladly kick you out the door, when you’re no longer of value to them.
You have been methodically brainwashed and are contributing to your country’s demise every workday of your careers.
And to what end? Do you really believe you will be rewarded by going along to get along for a mere paycheck? To eventually be honored and appreciated for straight-faced lying on-screen, in-print and via social media?
Better yet: How will you know when “social justice” and “equity” have been achieved and you can declare victory over those horrible, guilt-ridden oppressors you’ve targeted for decades?
If you actually believe the DEI nonsense you’ve been fed—and now disseminate as news—how will you define “success” and “reward” for your oh-so-sincere activism? Receipt of wealth, admiration and fame? Maybe given an on-screen TV anchor position? Being named a powerful producer or director? Or possibly a coveted editor-in-chief or publisher slot at a big-name publication? Or merely a more-fair society? And how will you know, for sure, that you earned that position based on merit, as opposed to merely filling a diversity square?
Better go back and dive into real-world history, men, women or whatever you identify as this month.
Without exception, every time a society embraces Socialism, Marxism or Communism—even when camouflaged as DEI and CRT—its intellectuals, fanatical religious leaders and compliant journalists are the first to be systematically purged.
Loyal believers, faithful news reporters and charismatic thought leaders of the pre-takeover society—the individuals who fervently supported “The Revolution”—are always rewarded with a bullet to the head. Never fails.

Secret Service equity director says DEI agenda is a ‘mission imperative,’ the ‘ultimate goal’ (Fox News)
DEI director Loucious Hires said when every Secret Service agent makes DEI a ‘mission imperative’ the agency will have ‘achieved our ultimate goal’
The director of equity at the Secret Service calls it a “mission imperative” and the “ultimate goal” to spread DEI within the agency, with the agency hosting seminars on “respectful use of pronouns.”
The executive director of the Secret Services’ Office of Equity Loucious Hires III discussed diversity, equity and inclusion, “a topic that is difficult for some to talk about,” on the official government podcast “Standing Post” in February 2023. The agency said it was striving to be the “gold standard” of DEI in a recruitment brochure that same year.
During the podcast, the equity director outlined how every action at the Secret Service should be informed by DEI and claimed the ideology makes the organization stronger. Every employee should consider how every action is reflective of equity, according to the director.
“Part of the things that we need to continue to do more is to be open and speak openly about diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility. And when every one of us within this agency can say this is a mission imperative, then we have achieved our ultimate goal,” he said during the podcast.
The Secret Service established a group of the agency’s “Game Changers” to form the “Inclusion Engagement Council” (IEC).
“The IEC’s collective duty is to help the Secret Service build, foster, create, and inspire a workforce where diversity and inclusion is not just ‘talked about’ — but demonstrated by all employees through ‘Every Action, Every Day,’” the Secret Service’s website says.
The IEC wants to go beyond pushing for equal employment opportunities, to change the culture “outside the agency’s mandated requirements.”
Andrew “Drew” Cannady, a supervisory attorney-advisor for the Secret Service’s Office of Chief Counsel, explained how the agency has been going to Pride events to recruit candidates and has seen more transgender people in the service as a result.
“We like every other organization. We benefit from diversity. And I actually am seeing more openly… trans recruits out of the training center, law enforcement recruits, which is great,” Cannady said on the agency podcast in 2022.
Cannady provides advice and counsel on personnel, human resources, security clearance and other employment law matters at the agency. He said the Secret Service has put on programming to educate its workforce on how to use pronouns. . . . . (read more)
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