DOD Marxism Woke Agenda

More Than 200 Retired Admirals And Generals Endorse Trump

By M.D. Kittle  |  The Federalist

With the United States facing arguably the “most important election since our Nation was founded,” more than 200 retired generals and admirals are endorsing former President Donald Trump for president.

In a letter published Monday morning, Flag Officers 4 America issues a stinging indictment of the failed policies of President Joe Biden and his cackling vice president, Kamala Harris, the Democrats replacement standard bearer following the party’s silent coup in July.

The endorsement is also a counter shot at the recent letter from Trump-hating former national security officials endorsing Harris.

Signed by highly respected former high-ranking members of the military who understand as well as anyone the critical necessity of strong leadership, the Flag Officers 4 America letter is sure to draw the fire of the Democratic Party and the accomplice media, as an epistle from the group excoriating the leftists in power did three years ago.

“The undersigned retired Generals and Admirals are endorsing Donald J. Trump for president in 2024 because he is a proven leader who will secure our border, repulse our adversaries, revitalize our economy and keep America safe and strong,” the document opens.

The retired admirals and generals argue America is at a stark crossroads, with the nearly 250-year-old republic facing an existential choice between standing with the constitution and “its underlying traditional values which have made America great” or continuing down the path to “the deadly abyss of socialism and authoritarian cultural Marxism.”

“Today our Nation has never been more divided as the cultural war, supported by the Democratic party, divides our citizens into conflicting groups,” states the letter, signed by highly decorated commanders such as Maj. General Patrick H. Brady, Maj. General James E. Livingston, and Vice Admiral Howard B. Thorsen. “Recent evidence is the widespread riots on university campuses with students and faculty supporting terrorist organizations, Hamas and Hezbollah, blatantly flying their flags on American soil and burning our U.S. national flag.”

Recipe for Disaster

The Trump endorsement notes the bipartisan congressional Commission on the National Defense Strategy report, which states that the U.S. is confronting “the most serious and the most challenging threats since the end of World War II.”

“The United States could in short order be drawn into a war across multiple theaters with peer and near-peer adversaries, and it could lose,” the commission warned.

Meanwhile, the Heritage Foundation’s “Index of U.S. Military Strength” rated the overall U.S. military position as “weak.”

In short, as America’s military strength diminishes, its adversaries are growing stronger — a recipe for disaster. None of which is surprising, the retired admirals and generals assert, under a Biden-Harris administration that has imposed “divisive social engineering programs embodied in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at the expense of warfighting readiness…”

“China, Iran, Russia, North Korea, and global terrorists are rapidly expanding their capabilities and aggressiveness. This did not happen during Donald Trump’s presidency,” the letter argues.

Flag Officers 4 America cite myriad examples of America’s deterioration in recent years, failures that rank among top voter concerns. A wide open border has allowed millions of “unvetted illegals from 160 countries,” including 100,000 Chinese, most of military age, “plus thousands of criminals and terrorists” to pour into the country and “place America at great risk.”

“Future terrorist attacks of some size and U.S. soil are a near certainty,” the letter states.

Soaring inflation has compromised funding for the military, the retired military members assert, with the annual interest rate on the $35 trillion U.S. debt now exceeding the U.S. defense budget.

“For the government itself, this means interest on the debt slicing more and more into the funds available for national spending priorities,” the Council on Foreign Relations wrote in May.

The Critical Question

Harris and her running mate, far-left Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz —  who has been widely criticized for lying about his military rank and abandoning his unit just before it was deployed to Iraq — like to boast about the 700-plus Trump-hating current and former national security officials who recently penned a letter endorsing the Democrat candidates. The letter was published in leftist mouthpiece, the New York Times.

It was celebrated by the accomplice media as a true act of patriotism by a group of swamp creatures who bill Trump as a “danger to our national security and our democracy.”

The former president, of course, has proved to be a threat to the Deep State, populated by many who signed the letter. Signatories include former Central Intelligence Agency director and partisan propagandist John Brennan, one of the infamous 50-plus intelligence officials who falsely claimed the New York’s post’s bombshell Hunter Biden laptop story published not long before the 2020 election was a “Russian information campaign.” Big Tech and Corporate media, led by the New York Times and the Washington Post worked with these Deep State creeps to shut down the story and silence related information in one of the most sinister election interference campaigns in U.S. history.

The same corporate media players eviscerated Flag Officers 4 America’s public letter in 2021 criticizing how the 2020 presidential election was rigged, particularly in critical swing states. As we have learned since, they were right to be concerned.

In the letter, the retired admirals and generals warned about the Biden-Harris administration’s open border policies, its censoring of speech, its reengagement with Iran in the “flawed Iran Nuclear Deal”, and Biden’s immediate order killing the Keystone Pipeline. Each of those policies has led to disasters domestically and abroad.

Flag Officers 4 America also warned about the “mental and physical condition of the Commander in Chief.”

“He must be able to quickly make accurate national security decisions involving life and limb anywhere, day or night,” the former military leaders wrote at the time. How right they were to be worried, as the world clearly witnessed during Biden’s cognitive meltdown while debating Trump in late June.

Ultimately, the retired admirals and generals ask Americans the simple but critical question Republican presidential candidate Ronald Reagan asked in late October 1980: Are you better off than you were four years ago?

“We must ask: ‘Is our national security stronger or weaker today than four years ago?’ The answer is clear,” the letter argues. “We urge our fellow Americans to join us in supporting the election of Donald J. Trump for president. Our future is at stake.”

Matt Kittle is a senior elections correspondent for The Federalist. An award-winning investigative reporter and 30-year veteran of print, broadcast, and online journalism, Kittle previously served as the executive director of Empower Wisconsin.

First published in The Federalist

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