DACODAI Defense Contractors Open Letter Woke Agenda

F-35s in the Hangar/USAF Pride Month Memo

By STARRS Chairman Lt General Rod Bishop, USAF ret, USAFA ’74

Dear General Lyles,

It has been about a week and a half since we last communicated–I send this your way hoping you still want “diversity of thought” and “honest feedback” as you have told us you want, despite no response to our inputs. You previously indicated you were sending on our inputs to the rest of the Committee–I certainly hope that continues to be the case.

You have by now, I am sure, noted our request for a copy of your March report to the SECDEF. Nothing heard–this is treatment we have gotten used to as we have filed well over 40 FOIAs over the last 4 years and the great majority of those remain open (over 30). Some are over 3 years old–in an egregious violation of the law. It does make one wonder what is trying to be hidden? Why are people afraid to have an open and honest discussion?

I have limited this update to just a few items–but again–there is just so much we could send you way.

(1). The first issue we would like to raise goes straight to the heart of one issue you have raised with us: “merit.” You wrote to us:

“with no degradation of the importance of “merit / meritocracy” , others think we are de-emphasizing “merit” . That is absolutely NOT THE CASE !”

In response, we offered to share a plethora of examples that would hopefully convince you that your “NOT THE CASE” is unfortunately just not true. Nothing heard.

But here is just one–one I hope will resonate with you, given your extensive work with our defense industry. Early this week, STARRS leadership had a zoom meeting with a number of Defense Industry leaders. One comment of note (from a former Lockheed exec) that goes straight to the heart of “merit:”

QUOTE: “I can tell you undeniably, that I have irrefutable evidence that we have F35s in the hangars because I was forced to ‘diversity hire.'”

He and others on the call went on to describe how they were forced to hire up to 50% minority (black) software engineers, that were not the best our nation had to offer and that they could NOT and did NOT deliver.

Here is a segment from yesterday’s D Brief that describes the situation:

F-35s are piling up on Lockheed tarmacs, presenting ‘unique’ risks to the Pentagon (Defense One, 16 May 24)
The Pentagon has refused delivery of so many F-35s that Lockheed Martin is running out of places to put them, according to a new report from the Government Accountability Office. The government has not accepted new F-35s since last July because of hardware and software delays with Technology Refresh-3, a $1.8-billion effort to enable new capabilities for the jet….

So the lowering of standards is not only happening in DOD–but in the Defense Industry as well.

I would hope as a fellow American citizen, that you are as unhappy with this reduction in capability and waste of our taxpayer dollars as we are. I would also hope you can see how this DEI ideology is having a very negative impact on our national security.

Our nation seems to have lost a focus on readiness and wanting the “best” (merit) and instead, we are all being asked to genuflect at the altar of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion–or in DACODAI’s vernacular “Diversity and Inclusion with ‘equal opportunity’ for all” where ‘equal opportunity’ has a corrupted definition.

Instead of meaning what the words seem to convey–an equal shot for everyone at a particular opportunity–in the lingo of the day ‘equal opportunity’ seems to mean “advancement preferences for minorities through discriminatory practices.”

Is this the best way to solve the racial disparity issues in our nation? Absolutely NOT!!! We gave you the solution in our recommendations/written input–as I told you over the phone–“we really want to help.”

We appeal to your love of our country and the oath you took to our Constitution to stop the promotion of an ideology that is tearing a hole in the moral fabric of our military and certainly having a negative impact on its capability and readiness.

(2) Speaking of “inclusion”–please see the USAF Pride Month memo attached.

Just like last year and the year before, my inbox is full of input from service members serving, vets, parents of cadets etc–all asking “where is the “inclusion” of my religious beliefs in this memo?”

Some tell us, “I may be willing to “tolerate” or “live and let live”–but I sure don’t want to “celebrate.” “I do NOT appreciate the USAF forcing something that is against my religion down my throat.”

It is impossible for me to believe that you cannot see this attempt for “inclusion” as “divisive.” Just like the MLDC’s “this means treating people differently” this creates resentment when enacted. There is absolutely NO “inclusion” here of the religious beliefs of many Christians, Jews and Muslims. Here is what one AF female Colonel wrote:

“I thought I would share the latest DEI-related memo (attached). I can not comprehend how our “leaders” could ever think it is a good or worthy idea to celebrate someone’s sexual proclivity or desires in any workplace, but especially in one that should be focused on war-fighting preparation for the defense of our nation. Mind blowing.”

(3) Finally, the article below from best selling author, Heather MacDonald. It has been making its way around the internet–hope you have seen. If not, permit me to highlight a few interesting paragraphs–paragraphs I know you have already heard from STARRS.

“If a cancer research lab, for example, does not have 13 percent black oncologists—the black share of the national population—it is by definition a racist lab that discriminates against competitively qualified black oncologists; if an airline company doesn’t have 13 percent black pilots, it is by definition a racist airline company that discriminates against competitively qualified black pilots.”

This assertion of “13%” seems to be close to your recommendation that you raised at your Dec 23 meeting–i.e, “the % of officers by minority group should equal the % in the enlisted force by minority group.”

We have shared what our minority BOD members have told us regarding this issue–“You just can’t get there from here without sacrificing merit.”

So we would say, it would be logical to conclude, if this recommendation was in your report to the SECDEF, then you and DACODAI are prioritizing DEI over the best defense capability our nation can provide to our warfighters. We do not think that is in keeping with the oath of office most probably everyone on the DACODAI Committee previously has taken.

What we shared with you and is included in our recommendation seems exactly what Ms MacDonald writes in her article:

“We need to face up to the truth: the reason for racial underrepresentation across a range of meritocratic fields is the academic skills gap. . . .

But in light of these skills gaps, it is irrational to expect 13 percent black representation on a medical school faculty or among a law firm’s partners (or in US military officer corps I would add) under meritocratic standards.

At present you can have proportional diversity or you can have meritocracy. You cannot have both.”

Disparate Impact Thinking Is Destroying Our Civilization by Heather MacDonald

If you watched the webinar/TV Shows we recorded you will note one of our BOA members opine “we all wake up at different times.” We fervently pray, DACODAI “wakes up” soon, before irreparable damage is done to our military and national security.

Respectfully, Rod

Lt Gen USAF (Ret)
Chairman of the Board
Stand Together Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services, Inc

PS. I also pray that some of your peers, superiors, and subordinates– BCCd on this email–many of whom have told me “I love what STARRS is doing” take the time to privately reinforce this honest message of concern with you.

PPS. Here is what one retired Flag Officer wrote to me after reviewing this email:

“The bigger DEI picture which is not recognized by those pushing it in the DoD, is its Marxist roots. The political ideologues understand its Marxists roots but it is doubtful people such as those in the DACODI know or accept that reality. “

Marxism Is a Gulag of the Mind | The left manipulates politics by inverting the meaning of terms like ‘democracy’ and ‘equity.’

A PS to my email yesterday, General–please share with the rest of your committee: Given what I observed at your last meeting (and your Dec meeting)–they need to hear this message. As the speaker points out–we were pretty far down the road of being “unhyphenated Americans” until racism and division were reintroduced into our society and brought to life once again with merit now taking a back seat.

The Worst Thing Any President Has Done in My Lifetime – Victor Davis Hanson

And when it comes to our military, the policies the MLDC and most probably DACODAI (once we get to see your formal recommendations) were/are advocating for, are not only racist–they are weakening and dividing our military and harming our national security. We would love to have a dialogue on this topic.

Don’t you think a national conversation to include “facts on the ground” on how the total disregard for merit in hiring for national security positions is harming our safety as a nation would advance our country’s understanding here? You would argue, merit is not being sacrificed–those in the know would show data to the contrary. Working together, we could do good some good things for our nation.

Personally, I don’t like having all these F 35s on the ramp–can’t imagine you would either.

r, Rod


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