DACODAI STARRS Authors Woke Agenda

CRT/DEI and the Military

By Richard Kline, USMA 1967

When the Roman legions returned from victorious campaigns, they were treated to a cheering parade through Rome. Riding next to each general in his chariot was a soldier holding a gold crown over the general’s head and whispering to the general, “Remember, you are but mortal!”

Today, instead of parades through Washington, our senior officials have committees that whisper in their ears, “You are infallible!”

Such is the case with the Department of Defense (DoD) and the Defense Advisory Committee on Diversity and Inclusion (DACODAI).

The DoD is fresh off recent victories in the battle at the Supreme Court to retain racial quotas in the selection of young people that apply to our nation’s military academies.

DACODAI deigns to have performed research validating racial quotas for military academy admissions. Thus, DACODAI whispers to the Department of Defense hierarchy, “You are wise and infallible.”

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Despite the expansion of CRT/DEI throughout the government, the cloak of secrecy behind which CRT/DEI has operated is being stripped away. American industry, education, and society are rapidly disassembling CRT/DEI programs. They cost money and simply destroy effectiveness.

This is particularly true within DoD. Recognition of the rot in operating cohesiveness is dominating the debate about CRT/DEI. Recruiting new members into the military is failing to meet target levels. Operating effectiveness is suffering. We probably could not win a major war.

Our military members want to be part of a team that exhibits all the characteristics of a unified fighting force. They seek to become part of the warrior mentality.

No one wants to be stuck in a world where skin color and ethnicity are prime factors in one’s success and promotion. How can you trust anyone who uses their ethnicity to gain power?

To buttress the weak case for CRT/DEI, DoD created DACODAI.

DACODAI exists solely to trumpet a case that there is broad-based support for CRT/DEI in the military.

To do this, DACODAI hires consultants to substantiate this false flag. And so, the consultants whisper to DACODAI how very effective CRT/DEI is. The DACODAI, in turn, whispers “honor and glory” to the DoD hierarchy.

It’s a sham. First of all, the appointees to DACODAI are sycophants for the CRT/DEI initiative. They would never risk their jobs by advising against CRT/DEI’s value and efficacy. Similarly, the consultants selected by DACODAI know very well what their findings must be.

My extensive experience with the Federal government suggests that it will form committees and conduct studies to ensure its continued survival. And so it is with the DoD and DACODAI.

We all remember the safety certifications of the COVID-19 vaccines. They were just as false as are the DACODAI representations on CRT/DEI.

There is an old “tongue in cheek” saying. The value of a committee is inversely proportional to the length of its acronym name.

And DACODAI is no exception.

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