By Kendall Qualls President of TakeCharge STARRS Board of Advisors member This is an open letter in solidarity with Martin D...
Category - STARRS Authors
DoD Reassigns School Official Kelisa Wing and Disbands CRT-Promoting DEI Office
By Elaine Donnelly Center for Military Readiness STARRS Board of Advisors Member After months of criticism of the philosophy...
When did we decide to abandon all we stand for as a nation?
By Captain Tom Burbage, USN, ret; USNA graduate President, The Calvert Task Group Too much of our national debate these days...
Who Will be the next Chief of Naval Operations?
By Captain Brent Ramsey, USN, ret Last September, the Navy promoted and installed a new Vice Chief of Naval Operations. ...
STARRS Quarterly Newsletter – April 2023
STARRS has issued its quarterly SITREP newsletter providing an update of what STARRS is doing plus in-depth articles on...
Update from the STARRS President
By Dr. Ronald J. Scott, Jr., Colonel, USAF, Retired, USAFA ’73 STARRS President and CEO For a volunteer organization that is...
STARRS Launches New Meritocracy Campaign
By Joe Arbuckle, MG, USA (Ret) STARRS Vice Chairman of the Board STARRS has initiated a “Military Meritocracy Campaign” with...
Activities of STARRS-Affliated Attorneys
By Mike Rose, USAFA ‘69 STARRS Executive Vice President, General Counsel STARRS affiliated attorneys have engaged in...
Prominent DEI Proponent and Black Scholar Gives Colvin Lecture at USAFA’s 2023 National Character and Leadership Symposium
By Tracey Meck, Colonel, USAF (Ret) USAFA ’87 STARRS Newsletter Editor and Chief Dr. Eddie Glaude Jr. was the Colvin keynote...
The Woke Military
By Tracey Meck, Colonel, USAF (Ret), USAFA ’87 Newsletter Editor and Chief Recently the senior enlisted leaders from each...
DoD Vaccine Policy Update
By Joe Arbuckle, MG, USA (Ret) STARRS Vice Chairman of the Board After NDAA Win, STARRS Continues the Fight to Restore Those...
Status of Vaccine Refusers & DoD/Service Policies
By Tracey Meck, Colonel, USAF (Ret) USAFA ’87 Newsletter Editor and Chief The FY 23 NDAA rescinded the COVID-19 vaccine...
Is There Evidence of Adverse Vaccine Impacts on Service Members?
By Tracey Meck, Colonel, USAF (Ret) USAFA ’87 Newsletter Editor and Chief The VAERS database shows more vaccine injuries in...
What You Should Know If You Have Taken the Vaccine
By Dr Scott Sturman, MD, USAFA ‘72 STARRS Board of Advisors The Pfizer mRNA vaccine trial lasted 28 days and was not...
Military Readiness or Military Wokeness?
STARRS Board of Advisors member Elaine Donnelly was interviewed on Crosstalk to discuss military readiness versus military...
The DOD Plays Hardball with Covid Vaccinations
By Scott Sturman, MD, USAFA ’72 STARRS Board of Advisors [STARRS Lt Gen Rod Bishop USA (ret) and MG Joe Arbuckle USA (ret)...
Our military is not ready to fight the PRC
By Brent Ramsey, USN Captain (ret) STARRS Member We are at war but most Americans are blissfully unaware. Folks are busy...
What Kind of Military Does Our Country Need?
By Anthony Lentini, West Point ’71 Recent incursions into American airspace by Chinese spy balloons, an increasingly...
Biden Pentagon Quietly Expands Woke Transgender Policies in the Military
By Elaine Donnelly STARRS Board of Advisors The nation is worried about serious national security threats, including Chinese...
Liars are promoting false history for a political agenda to fundamentally change America
By Brent Ramsey, retired USN Captain STARRS Member Today telling the truth has largely disappeared from public discourse...
Pentagon Quietly Expands Woke Transgender Policies in the Military
By Elaine Donnelly President, Center for Military Readiness STARRS Board of Advisors In his State of the Union speech...
The Usurpation Of Martin Luther King Day
By Scott Sturman, MD, USAFA ’72 STARRS Board of Advisors At the age of thirty-five Dr. Martin Luther King won the Nobel...
A Sailor’s Reflections on Race and the Navy
By Brent Ramsey, Captain, USN, Ret I have previously explained the concept of “shipmate” through the recounting of the Navy...
How Today’s “Diversity” Damages our Military
By Brig. General Chris Petty, USA, ret Member, STARRS Board of Directors Diversity sounds great. That’s part of the problem...
Diversity Is Not Just a Navy Issue
By Captain Guy Higgins, U.S. Navy (Retired) In the August 2022 Proceedings, Navy Lieutenant Commander Aaron Marchant...
Our Military Needs Officers Chosen For Their Qualifications, Not Skin Color
By Elaine Donnelly STARRS Board of Advisors he U.S. Supreme Court recently heard oral arguments in two cases challenging...
Has the Air Force Academy Become Just Another Liberal Arts School?
By Scott Sturman STARRS Board of Advisors member The Cadet Honor Code; high attrition rates; intense competition in...
The Air Force Academy Recruiting Crisis A Self-Inflicted Wound
By Scott Sturman, MD, USAFA ’72 STARRS Board of Advisors Like a B-17 Flying Fortress lumbering back to England with its...
The United States: Most Racist Nation Ever?
By Brent Ramsey, Capt USN, ret and Michael Pefley, Col, USAF, ret STARRS Officers Those that allege the U.S. is a racist...
RIP, Moral Courage in the Military
By Mike Pefley, STARRS VP Communications, USAFA ’74 Our nation was founded on the moral courage of patriots in order to free...
Fighting Windmills: The DOD’s Battle Against Covid
By Scott Sturman, M.D. STARRS Board of Advisors, USAFA ’72 Churchill observed, “Generals are always prepared to fight the...
Cadets On Verge of Expulsion After Religious Exemption Appeals Were Denied; STARRS Is Helping
By Tracey Meck, Col, USAF (Ret) USAFA ’87 STARRS Newsletter Editor-In-Chief Only the “best of the best” are offered...
The Black Community Has a Decision to Make
By Ken Battle, CMSgt, USAFR (Ret) STARRS Board of Directors Many black people in this country, including numerous so-called...
The Military’s Abusive Imposition of Mandatory Covid Vaccinations
By Scott Sturman STARRS Board of Advisors Member In the past, the widespread introduction of vaccines has reduced the...
How ‘Social Justice’ is Killing the Military
By Capt. Brent Ramsey, USN (Ret), STARRS Director at Large Col. Michael D. Pefley, USAF (Ret), VP of Communications for...
Yet Another Scandal at West Point? You Be the Judge (Part 3)
By William F. Prince, COL USA (Ret.), USMA ‘70 Sharp-eyed readers of the STARRS newsletters, editions 11 (15 Oct. 2021) and...
The Military’s Radical Imposition of Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations
By: Scott Sturman, MD, USAFA ‘72 Rod Bishop, Lt Gen, USAF (Ret), STARRS President & BOD Chairman Sen (Ret) Mike Rose...
USNA CRT/CP Smoking Gun
By Phillip Keuhlen Commander, USN (Ret), USNA ’71 If you have doubts that Critical Pedagogy and Critical Race Theory...
USNA CRT/CP Smoking Gun Train the Trainers!
By Phillip Keuhlen, Commander, USN (Ret), USNA ’71 If you have doubts that Critical Pedagogy and Critical Race Theory...
Why the Bill of Rights is the Opposite of Radicalism
By Jane Hampton Cook STARRS Board of Advisors Author of 10 books including Stories of Faith and Courage from the...
Critical Race Theory (CRT) vs Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)
By Rod Bishop, Lt Gen, USAF (Ret) STARRS President and Board Chairman Many terms and acronyms used in public discussions...
How Implementing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion will Harm Readiness in the Armed Forces and Fail to Solve Anything
By Brent Ramsey, STARRS Director at Large, CAPT, USN (Ret) The Department of Defense is doggedly implementing the policies...
STARRS Responds to the Three Retired Generals
By Rod Bishop, Ron Scott, & Mike Rose The Washington Post published an article on Dec. 17 titled “Opinion: 3...
It’s Time for the Black Community to Embrace a Post-Racial America
By Kendall Qualls, former Army officer STARRS Board of Advisors In some respects, I feel as if we are living through a time...
Radicalism (the second R in STARRS)
By Chris Jeffries, USAFA ‘87 STARRS Editorial Staff The acronym STARRS stands for “Stand Together Against Racism and...
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy (Response to Military Times Article on Racism)
By Dr Ronald Scott Jr., Colonel, USAF (Ret), USAFA Class of ‘73 On December 3, 2021, the Military Times website published an...
Four chaplains of the USAT Dorchester
By Charles C. Baldwin, Chaplain, Maj Gen (Ret), USAF They all were Chaplains, First Lieutenant, US Army. They all were in...
George Washington Knew the Enemy, Do We?
By Jane Hampton Cook Member STARRS Board of Advisors One of the most important lessons we can learn today from George...
True Racism: Black Lives Matter
By Dr. Michael Padgett, COL, USA (Ret) What is the truth regarding racism in America? Is it the theme espoused by Black...
Yet Another Scandal at West Point? You Be the Judge (Part 2)
By William F. Prince, Col, USA (Ret), USMA ‘70 The editors of the STARRS newsletter have graciously allowed me to divide...