By Eddie Waldrep, PhD, MSCP VA Clinical Psychologist, combat Veteran, specialist in PTSD The Department of Veteran Affairs...
Category - Woke Agenda
Evaluating the Leadership Failure of Generals and Admirals in Today’s Military
By BG Don Bolduc (US Army ret) In modern military operations, the role of Generals and Admirals is critical in shaping the...
Air Force Says Sexual Assaulter Characteristics Include ‘Adherence to Traditional Gender Norms’
Off we go again into the wild realm of woke insanity. A training slide for the Air Force and Space Force reportedly claimed...
Students For Fair Admissions Sues Naval Academy Over Race-Based Admissions
By Micaela Burrow, The Daily Caller News Foundation A legal group fighting against affirmative action sued the U.S. Naval...
Joe Rogan derides ‘woke’ military practices, jokes ‘inclusion is really important when you’re killing folks’
Podcaster Joe Rogan spoke on Wednesday about the decline of the American and British military, insisting that...
West Point Data Chief Publicly Admits There is No Objective Evidence for Military DEI
By John Hughes, MD, USMA ’96 LTG Steven Gilland’s West Point hosted the 20th annual Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)...
Biden’s Military Looks to Illegals to Boost Recruiting Levels
Biden’s woke military continues to struggle with recruiting, but may start filling ranks with scores of single...
Army Secretary: Trust in the military is declining
Army Secretary says “Trust is declining”. You think? On Thursday’s “PBS NewsHour,” Army Secretary Christine...
The Navy and Diversity
By Capt. Brent Ramsey, US Navy In recent years, the Navy has put a lot of emphasis on “Diversity”. If you visit the Navy’s...
Gen. Boykin: Military denying real impact of ‘wokeness,’ failing America in the process
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and other Democrats have offered grave concerns of “military readiness” in...
Why Did 18 House Republicans Just Vote For A Woke Military?
While the ouster of Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is now dominating headlines, another storyline worth following...
Pentagon politicization: Talking points can’t mask reality
By William Thibeau, former Army Ranger Two weeks ago, the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Military Personnel held a...
Army Corps of Engineers to Solve “Nation’s Toughest Engineering Challenges” Through “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion”
By Capt. James Nault, US Navy ret If you’re an organization that helped defend Bunker Hill from the British during the...
Britain’s Royal Navy Tells Sailors to Introduce Themselves with Gender Pronouns
Good grief, this insanity has crossed the pond and has infected the British military: Britain’s Royal Navy has reportedly...
West Point’s New ‘Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion’ Minor Teaches America is Unfair
The motto of the United States Military Academy at West Point is “Duty, Honor, Country.” Or at least that was the motto...
All Engines Stop, Rudder Amidships: Our country is in extremis.
By CDR Tom Klocek, USN ret One of my Calvert Group ( colleagues quoted Fleet Admiral King as saying, “The...
Department of the Air Force Sued for Violating Reservist’s Free Speech and Religious Exercise Rights for Off-Duty Remarks
(First Liberty Press Release) Space Force Reserve member given Letter of Admonishment for quoting Russian dissident and...
Lawmakers Say Marine Corps’ Diversity-Focused Officer Program May Discriminate Based On Race, Gender
By Micaela Burrow, The Daily Caller News Foundation Two Republican lawmakers are questioning whether a Marine Corps program...
Insight into Army recruitment
National Public Radio did a story on Army recruitment at a state fair, Who’s in the Army now? A pitch switch aims to...
At West Point, the Honor Code will become “aspirational”
West Point graduates have alerted STARRS to a questionable statement from the USMA Superintendent when he was speaking to a...
Strategic Plan Unveils Army Corps Of Engineers’ Goal To Force DEI Onto Service Members
A strategic plan produced by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) reveals how the branch intends to force neo-Marxism...
U.S. Military-Sanctioned Diversity Initiatives are Out of Control
By James Fitzpatrick, Army Veteran As those who have ever served in the military know, the United States Armed Forces is one...
Message to Senators: Listen to the People
By Lt. Gen. Rod Bishop (USAF ret) STARRS Chairman of the Board General Bishop recently participated in a livestreamed...
Message to Senators: DEI is a Trojan Horse
By Major General Joe Arbuckle, US Army ret STARRS Vice Chairman General Arbuckle recently participated in a livestreamed...
Message to Senators: What are Service Academies Hiding?
By Colonel Ron Scott, PhD (USAF ret) STARRS President Dr. Scott recently participated in a livestreamed “telethon” hosted by...
Joint Force Quarterly Enters Wokeland
By Francis Sempa | American Spectator Joint Force Quarterly, the premier journal of National Defense University (NDU)...
Army Lawyer COL Winston Williams Signals Service Academy Cadets Can Violate UCMJ…If They Are Woke
By John Hughes, MD, USMA ’96 LTG Steven Gilland hosted the 20th Annual Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Conference last...
If The Pentagon Gets Away With Funding Abortion Without A Vote In Congress, It Won’t Stop There
By Elaine Donnelly President, Center for Military Readiness STARRS Board of Advisors Sen. Tommy Tuberville is standing firm...
18 House Republicans Help Democrats Kill Amendment Defunding Pentagon ‘Pride Month’ Parties
Nearly 20 House Republicans joined their Democrat colleagues on Wednesday in killing a bill amendment that sought to prevent...
LGBT-Identifying Vets Sue for ‘Reparations’ from the US Military
Americans removed from the U.S. military because they identified as lesbian or nonbinary have sued the U.S. military for...
Marine Corps Leaders Struggle with How to Train Female Infantry Officers Amid Worries About Standards
In 2018, a Marine general who heads the service’s training command wrote about his concern that the “pursuit of...
Fix military barracks by defunding these six-figure DOD DEI positions
The Government Accounting Office recently issued the report, Military Barracks: Poor Living Conditions Undermine Quality of...
General Who Floated Assigning Officers Based On LGBT Laws ‘Said Some Things She Should Not Have,’ Air Force Chief Says
By Micaela Burrow, The Daily Caller News Foundation Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall appeared to contradict on Thursday a...
Group Calls On Senate To Reject Promotions For Pentagon DEI Military Nominees
By Jake Smith, The Daily Caller News Foundation A major conservative advocacy group is calling on the Senate to reject a...
House Republicans Focus DOD on Winning Combat Wars, Not Culture Wars
(Press Release) House Republicans are bringing an end to the Biden Administration’s divisive social agenda at the Department...
A Student Wants to Join West Point. But He’s the Wrong Race
B is a high school student with a 4.2 GPA. One of his grandfathers fought in the Army on D-Day. Three of his family members...
Stick a fork in West Point, they’re done… wait until you see the new degree they’re offering…
Well, West Point had a good run, didn’t it? Once a beacon of prestige and elite training, this institution produced some of...
War-fighting school educators talk need to teach climate change
A workshop series for faculty from service academies, war colleges and command and staff schools focused on the...
What the Secretary of Air Force’s Political Commissars Office is up to
A press release worthy of Pravda in glorious terms! SAF DI leadership breaks barriers at AFA By Capt. Shane Ellis Secretary...
PAPER: Should We Play Politics with the Nation’s Defense?
Read a new research paper entitled, Should We Play Politics with the Nation’s Defense? The Supreme Court’s...
At West Point, Racism Becomes More Important Than Military Readiness
By Hans von Spakovsky, senior legal fellow at The Heritage Foundation Students for Fair Admissions, the same group that...
Jim Banks: The Navy Should Apologize for Propping Up Ibram X. Kendi, Whose Antiracist Research Center Is Under Investigation
By Kristina Wong, Breitbart News House Armed Services Military Personnel Subcommittee Chairman Jim Banks (R-IN) called on...
The United States Air Force Academy’s White Boy #2
By Dr. Scott Sturman, MD US Air Force Academy ’72 Over the past 15 years the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) has...
The War for the Military
By Jeffrey H. Anderson Professor at the U.S. Air Force Academy from 2001–2007 The United States Air Force Academy (USAFA)...
West Point Sued After Director of Admissions Brags About What Happens to White Applicants
When Ibram X. Kendi’s preposterous thesis that “the only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination” becomes...
‘Not Grounded In Fact’: Military Academy Set To Be The New Battleground Over Race-Based Admissions
By Kate Anderson, The Daily Caller News Foundation The West Point military academy is set to be the center of a lawsuit...
Merit in the Armed Forces
By Will Thibeau Former U.S. Army Infantry Officer with the 75th Ranger Regiment This testimony was delivered on September...
How did the VA become SO woke?
The US Department of Veteran Affairs has a survey for veterans asking them how they identify themselves, besides the normal...
Congress Has the Power to Fix Our Military
By Elaine Donnelly President, Center for Military Readiness (CMR) STARRS Board of Advisors Several measures passed in both...
Pentagon rolls back gender-neutral pronoun requirement for joint military awards
The Pentagon quietly reversed its gender pronoun policy for award citations on Tuesday after it had previously updated its...