Category - DOD

The Feminization of the Army

By Cincinnatus I read The Feminization of America a few weeks ago, and that theme has been bouncing around my cranial cavity...

The New Praetorian Guard?

On the Right Angle podcast with Bill Whittle, Steve Green and Scott Uton, they discuss the news of the US Military’s woke...

Divided We Fall

By Lani Kass, PhD Served in DoD for 30 years STARRS Board of Advisors The presidential election is still 8 months away. Yet...

Extremism on Duty

By Lt. Col. Tommy Waller, USMC Ret. | The American Mind Video footage of a U.S. Air Force Airman engulfed in flames on video...

The Kinder, Gentler Military

There has been 30 years of sustained bludgeoning of the warrior culture that used to be the thing that attracted young men...


By Capt. Brent Ramsey, US Navy, ret The Defense Advisory Committee on Diversity and Inclusion (DACODAI) was formed in 2022...