The organization that led the crusade against affirmative action at Harvard and the University of North Carolina is eyeing a...
Category - West Point
The Military Academies Have Turned Into Woke Wastelands
By Francis Sempa | American Spectator In 1962, General Douglas MacArthur said to the Corps of Cadets at the US Military...
Concerned West Point Alumni Establish New Graduate Organization – MacArthur Society
By John Hughes, MD, USMA ’96 In June 2023, several hundred concerned West Point graduates established the MacArthur Society...
Pentagon Can Expect Legal Challenges To Race-Based Admissions Policies After Supreme Court Ruling, Experts Say
By Micaela Burrow, The Daily Caller News Foundation Military academies will likely face legal challenges for their use of...
Lawmakers eye ending affirmative action at military academies
Thursday’s Supreme Court decision which ended the use of affirmative action in college admissions contained a carve out for...
Supreme Court Excludes Military Academies From Ruling Striking Down Race-Based Admissions
Unfortunate, because cadets still won’t know if they are selected because of their abilities or because of their skin...
‘White Identity Is Inherently Racist’: Waltz Quotes CRT Readings Covered In Military Academies
During a House Armed Services Committee hearing last week, Rep. Michael Waltz (R-FL) spoke about Critical Race Theory...
Is the US military trying to lose wars?
By John Hughes, MD, USMA ’96, Veteran of OIF/OEF More than 10 years ago, military analysts declared the war in Afghanistan...
To push woke ideology, Biden illegally gutted military academy oversight boards
By Michael Rose, USAFA ’69 and STARRS General Counsel and Richard Epstein The military academies present positive...
Rep. Wesley Hunt: Woke Initiatives Have No Place In Our Military
Texas Republican Congressman Wesley Hunt (USMA ’04) joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to share his thoughts...
Lowered standards and disregarded data have weakened the US military
By Dr. Meaghan Mobbs West Point 2008 graduate and former US Army officer Member, VMI Board of Visitors The primary role of...
New commandant of cadets named at West Point
Brig. Gen. Lori Robinson will assume command as the 80th commandant of cadets at the US Military Academy during a change of...
Military academies use affirmative action. Will the Supreme Court stop them?
The nation’s military service academies now enroll far more people of color than they did at the turn of the century, as...
Divide and Conquer: Radicalizing Military Education
By John Cauthen Retired naval officer, graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 2002 Taught in the history department from...
At West Point Commencement, Kamala Harris Says Military’s Strength Lies in Diversity
NYT: The vice president’s address to graduates of the U.S. Military Academy came as the armed forces have sought to forge a...
Driving CRT/DEI from the Military
STARRS VP for Education Col. Sam Thiessen, USA ret and 1973 West Point graduate was on LtCol. Denny Gillem’s...
2023 West Point Diversity & Inclusion Leadership Conference
Concerned about the Marxist-rooted CRT/DEI agenda at the US Military Academy at West Point producing military political...
West Point Professor writes Leftist, anti-military book disparaging WW2 Vets
By John Hughes, MD, USMA ’96 Elizabeth H. Samet has been an English professor at the United States Military Academy since...
Service Academy Admissions Examining Eliminating Standardized Test Scores
By Scott McQuarrie, USMA 1972 I have confirmed that USMA, USNA and USAFA are studying how to revise their admissions...
West Point is an echo chamber for divisive identity politics
By John Hughes, MD, USMA ’96 In early April 2023, West Point Superintendent LTG Steven Gilland authorized the...
West Point think tank worries about racial biases in drone strikes
The Modern War Institute at West Point published on their website an article by by two Army LT Colonels entitled, “Do...
West Point Cocaine Party One Year Later
By John Hughes, MD, USMA ’96 Union Generals McClellan, Burnside, Pope, and Rosecrans were relieved of command in the...
If we cannot defend our nation rhetorically, we will be unable to do so kinetically
By Dr. Meaghan Mobbs, USMA 2008 Former Army Captain Bio My name is Dr. Meaghan Mobbs, and I am the daughter of two former...
Take Politics Out of the Military
By Jeremy Hunt, USMA, 2015 Former Captain, US Army Watch the latest video at US military has ‘serious...
Waltz, Banks Press West Point on Preferred Pronoun Role Play Guide
(Press Release) House Armed Services Military Readiness Subcommittee Chairman Mike Waltz (FL-6) and Military Personnel...
West Point’s pronoun ‘play acting’ training exercise and CRT lecture
Congressmen Michael Waltz of Florida and Jim Banks of Indiana demanded answers from West Point regarding the school’s role...
On this day in history, March 16, 1802, United States Military Academy established at West Point
The United States Military Academy at West Point, which has trained generations of American leaders to serve from the...
Rep. Banks Pressures Merchant Marine Academy and West Point to Finally End Vaccine Mandates
(Press Release) On Saturday, three days after this oversight letter from Military Personnel Subcommittee Chairman Rep. Jim...
Racial Preferences At Our Service Academies Are Not Essential To National Security
By Gen. Arthur E. Brown Jr., U.S. Army, retired, former Army vice chief of staff, former deputy superintendent of the U.S...
West Point Said Applicants Needed The COVID Vaccine Weeks After Mandate Ended
The U.S. Military Academy at West Point affirmed a COVID-19 vaccination requirement for incoming cadets weeks after the...
What Kind of Military Does Our Country Need?
By Anthony Lentini, West Point ’71 Recent incursions into American airspace by Chinese spy balloons, an increasingly...
STARRS Open Letter to Congressman Pat Ryan
Dear Congressman Ryan, Congratulations on your election to New York’s 18th Congressional District. Unfortunately, your...
Leftists Want a New Civil War
By Tony Lentini, West Point ’71 America’s Civil War, which raged from 1861 to 1865, was by far the bloodiest...
‘Mean-Spirited’: West Point Denied Travel For Unvaccinated Cadet After Mandate Was Overturned
By Micaela Burrow | The Daily Caller News Foundation The U.S. Military Academy at West Point has denied travel requests...
West Point reimposes travel ban on unvaxxed cadets, despite repeal of military vax mandate
The United States Military Academy is reimposing restrictions on unvaccinated cadets despite the lifting of the...
The Naming Commission Comes for West Point
By Forrest L. Marion, Ph.D., retired U.S. Air Force officer and military historian Created by the fiscal 2021 national...
Interview with Dr. John Hughes
Dr. Ron Scott speaks with West Point graduate Dr. John Hughes on ethical leadership. Open Letter To 61st Superintendent Of...
Woke Warfighters: How Political Ideology is Weakening America’s Military
The United States military is the greatest fighting force in the world. Unfortunately, President Joe Biden, and his...
Air National Guard Board Finds Military’s Shaky COVID Vax Mandate Unlawful, As West Point Holds Out
In a unanimous decision similar to the Navy’s in the spring, an Air National Guard administrative separation board...
Nickaylah Sampson’s Experience at West Point was the Racism of Low Expectations
As she described her experiences: “When I was 17 and still a candidate, my diversity admissions counselor invited me on a...
West Point Cites Karl Marx, Teaches Radical CRT to Cadets: Investigation
By Ben Johnson | The Washington Stand The institution charged with training the next generation of American military...
Critical race theory is a threat to our national security
By Tom Fitton, Judicial Watch The U.S. military is being attacked from within. But instead of rifles and tanks, the weapon...
Open Letter To 61st Superintendent of the United States Military Academy: LTG Gilland
By John Hughes, USMA 1996 LTG Steven Gilland, Congratulations on becoming the 61st Superintendent of USMA. Your...
Documents Reveal West Point Cadets Being Taught Critical Race Theory
By Kristina Wong, Breitbart News Documents obtained via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by conservative watchdog...
West Point cadets taught critical race theory, including addressing ‘whiteness,’ docs show
New documents exclusively obtained by Fox News Digital reveal that the U.S. Army is teaching West Point cadets critical race...
Records Show Critical Race Theory Propaganda at West Point
(Judicial Watch Press Release) Judicial Watch announced today it received 518 pages and 135 pages of records revealing...
Bill to Protect Air Force Cadets, Midshipmen From Being Punished for Not Receiving Covid-19 Vaccine
(Sen. Rubio Press Release) U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) and colleagues introduced the Defending Freedom of Conscience for...
Declaration of Betrayal of West Point and the Long Gray Line
By “Concerned Graduates of West Point” The Long Gray Line is the assembly of graduates of the United States Military Academy...
Cadets On Verge of Expulsion After Religious Exemption Appeals Were Denied; STARRS Is Helping
By Tracey Meck, Col, USAF (Ret) USAFA ’87 STARRS Newsletter Editor-In-Chief Only the “best of the best” are offered...
Open Letter To The Long Gray Line
By John Hughes, USMA ’96 On 17 March 2022, I submitted an open letter to the Superintendent of USMA expressing my...