Category - Air Force Academy

Response to 2nd Lt Metzler

This is in response to the article: USAF 2nd LT: “It’s thanks to the Air Force Academy that I currently have an anti-war...

STARRS Town Hall 17 July 2024

Watch: STARRS held their 5th online Town Hall on 17 July 2024 hosted by STARRS President & CEO Colonel Ron Scott, PhD...

Leadership and Combat

By Maj. General Joe Arbuckle, USA ret STARRS Vice Chairman I’ve been deeply troubled by the social engineering verbiage...

Letter to a General

Gen. Bishop responded to another general who dismissed or perhaps is unwilling to face the hard facts about what’s...

As seen at the USAFA BX

On Sunday, a STARRS leader went to the Base Exchange at the Air Force Academy and saw this banner outside...

Around the Naval Academy

The U.S. Naval Academy hosted all the Supes at the annual Conference of Service Academy Superintendents (COSAS) with tours...