Air Force Academy Woke Agenda

USAF 2nd LT: “It’s thanks to the Air Force Academy that I currently have an anti-war stance.”

Well, there goes $400,000-$500,000 of taxpayer’s money down the drain paying for her education at USAFA. She is applying for conscientious objector status. Wonder what they are teaching at USAFA or how/why she was selected?

By 2nd Lt. Joy Metzler, USAF | LA Progressive

Somewhere around the age of 20, I sat in a large auditorium at the United States Air Force Academy with a thousand other cadets and cheered at footage of real drone strikes on real people, laughing along with everyone else as we watched little, pixelated figures run for cover that we all knew was futile. When I look back on that event, I wonder what part of me I had to sacrifice to find humor in the loss of life.

In many ways, it’s thanks to the Air Force Academy that I currently have an anti-war stance. I was given the tools to examine my military service and foreign policy in a couple mundane, core classes: law and ethics, though my ethics course has stuck with me the most, ironically enough. I hated my ethics course because I thought most of it was redundant and self-explanatory: don’t do bad things! I couldn’t understand why people dedicated their lives to it.

Despite my best efforts, I learned a lot about the darker side of American history—we talked about the My Lai Massacre, the dropping of the atomic bombs, Ehren Watada and his refusal to deploy in an unjust war, drone warfare and the moral implications of being so far removed from the resultant violence. We learned to question the moral nature of military decisions.

This was quite a shock to someone like me, who had until then been so inundated with military stories of valor and bravery, but I wrote it off as best as I could, unwilling to put in the work of deconstructing a pro-military mindset that was six years in the making.

It wasn’t until 2024 that the pieces of the puzzle started coming together for me.

The active genocide in Gaza is in blatant disregard of international law and in violation of every rule surrounding civilian casualties in war, both concepts that were heavily covered during my academy schooling. I had tried to take a neutral stance, one that would allow me to continue justifying the US’ actions, but seeing in the news and talking to veterans and active duty members who had the courage to speak up gave me the push I needed to decide for myself that I wouldn’t stand by anymore.

I was horrified at the violence that was being endorsed and supported by our government in clear violation of what I had once thought was basic ethics. More than that, I realized that the U.S. decides who is worthy of life and who is to die, and by being part of the military, I have a hand in that. War is a terrible business, one that we’ve become desensitized to, and I don’t believe that we have to accept the inevitability of violence.

I encourage everyone currently serving to critically examine the nature of their service.

As an active duty service member, I have been told repeatedly that military strength is the only way to counteract the threats we face in the world. But once again we see violence, this time perpetrated by the Israeli government, only leads to death and destruction in an ever growing conflict. Hate begets hate.

The views expressed are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position of Georgia Tech, the US Air Force, Department of Defense, or the US Government.

2nd Lt. Joy Metzler, USAF, is currently on active duty and has applied for conscientious objector status.

First published on LA Progressive

Response to 2nd Lt Metzler

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  • “Genocide in Gaza”? How about the unprovoked, brutal HAMAS attack on Israel on 10/07/24 with its associated murder of thousands of innocent Israeli citizens.

  • If by “Genocide in Gaza” she means the genocide of Hamas, then yes, she is correct. Interestingly, Hamas has given Israel no choice with their “win or martyrdom” proclamation. Does she consider the eradication of ISIS genocide too? I have so many questions…why did she not leave USAFA when she had her conflict of conscience? By staying, she willingly robbed U.S. taxpayers who foot the bill for her education and military training…now she wants out free and clear. It doesn’t work that way…at a minimum, she should be required to pay back U.S. taxpayers for her USAFA education.

  • wow, “genocide” eh? While no mention of the initial TERRORIST attacks, the BABIES taken during that attack, the still-retained hostages, the fact that the elected government of Palestinian people, Hamas, doesn’t allow free/fair elections for Palestinians (they outlawed them once they were in power….elections have consequences) or the fact that Hamas is backed by a country that has openly called for the destruction of Israel. As a grad myself, someone needs to look into what’s being taught at USAFA these days….

  • Are you going to have courage of your convictions and pay back the US government for the free education that you received?

  • One of Hamas’ tactics is to enbed it’s fighters within the civilian population. It has headquarters located in hospitals, schools and other high density civilian populations. Hamas leaders teach hate and start to indoctrinate small children, at an early age to hate Jews. I was on the ASAFA faculty from late 70’s to early 80’s. As with any organization there is always that 10 % who I would consider to be “Bad Apples”. This young lady needs to face realty and if she wants to become a Conscientious Objector, she needs to repay the cost of her higher education expenses. My question is: how did she receive an appointment to the USAFA? What was her course of study and what was her GPA.

  • War is horrible! Unfortunately wars will continue until all mankind decides it is better for the world to live in peace.
    My father was a career AF officer serving in WWII and Korea and retired at 23 years. We lived in Germany in the 1960s and saw what Hitler and the 3rd Reich did.
    I attended the USAF Academy to stand in the gap against future “Hitlers” including Saddam.
    If America and the allies had not stopped the 3rd Reich and Japan we might all be speaking German and Japanese today.
    Granted war is terrible but we need to stand up for what is right. Hamas and Hezbolah, controlled by Iran, are both seeking to erase Jews and Israel from this earth.
    Sad that you did not learn to look at both sides of the argument at the Academy.

  • Looking for a way out of her commitment, simple as that. Typical entitled type, right to student loan cancelation or cancelation of service time. USAFA ’69

  • I think she’s too naive and self-indulgent. If she saw only one side in her instruction, then she should have done some library research and found out the whole story. Take the easy way out seems to be her methodology. She made herself “anti-war” and didn’t see the other side of the coin. Poor baby! Now, stand up young woman, pay back the people’s money that was meant to train an officer, and learn what this nation has done for the world!

  • There were two kinds of soldiers, those that run towards the battle and those that run from the battle. Now we have a third kind, those that turn their back on the very institutions they swore to support.

    And just in case she forgot her courses in law from USAFA:
    Pointing to the overriding concerns of maintaining that effective fighting force, courts have upheld criminal convictions for military members for conduct that would be legal in the civilian community:
    1) Directly encouraging or attempting to encourage other military members to shirk their duty or making statements critical of war efforts to other military members.

    United States v. Daniels, 42 C.M.R. 131 (CMA 1970) (UCMJ, Art. 134, federal treason statute); United States v.
    Gray, 42 C.M.R. 255 (CMA 1970) (Art. 134, disloyal statements prejudicial to good order and discipline); Parker v.
    Levy, 417 U.S. 733 (1974) (Art. 133 and Art. 134, disloyal statements prejudicial to good order and discipline);
    Avrech v. Sec. of the Navy, 520 F.2d 100 (D.C. Cir. 1975) (Art. 134, disloyal statements prejudicial to good order
    and discipline); United States v. Brown, 45 M.J. 389 (CAAF 1996) (Art. 134, federal anti-strike law).

  • Y’all DO realize she has to pay that money back if she doesn’t fulfill her Officer commitment, right? So what amount of my tax paying money is going down the drain in her case, exactly? Can I get a refund on that missile Shapiro just autographed with Zelenksky?

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