Air Force Academy Woke Agenda

Air Force Academy drops ‘Diversity and Inclusion Studies’ minor

By CJ Womack  |  Campus Reform

The United States Air Force Academy in Colorado has removed the “Diversity and Inclusion Studies” minor from its official list of “majors and minors.”

The minor was available on the website as late as Jan. 9, but as of Jan. 24 is no longer being offered.

An archived version of the Diversity and Inclusion Studies minor page states that the program was designed to “[p]repare cadets to lead inclusively within a diverse organization, act responsibly in a diverse society, and meet cross-cultural challenges in a diverse world.”

The program was meant to help students “[a]nalyze, synthesize, and apply a broad range of theories of, and methodologies for, the critical study of diversity and inclusion, including how diversity and inclusion change in varied historical and social contexts.”

Courses that were a part of the minor included “Gender, Sexuality, and Society,” “Diversity and Security,” and “Gender and Sexuality in History.”

The page for the minor is no longer available, except in archived form. Air & Space Forces Magazine confirmed its closure.

The group Students for Fair Admissions (SFFA) filed a lawsuit against the Air Force Academy on Dec. 10, alleging that the institution’s consideration of race in its admissions process violates the equal protection principle of the Constitution.

The lawsuit states: “The United States Air Force Academy is one of the American military’s premier institutions and the most prestigious source of commissioned officers in the Air Force. It is also one of the last remaining universities to expressly consider race as a factor in admissions.”

SSFA contends that the Academy “has no justification for using race-based admissions.”

This legal action follows the Supreme Court’s decision in June 2023 that prohibited race-conscious admissions policies in civilian universities but did not explicitly address military academies.

High-ranking military officials have promoted the ideology of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) within the armed forces.

For example, General Charles Q. Brown Jr., the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has been a prominent advocate for DEI within the military.

In a 2020 interview, Brown spoke of how DEI considerations play an important factor in his hiring decisions: “All of us have to seek out those diverse candidates to bring them in. That’s what we’re trying to do in the Air Force.”

He added that “I purposely build my office . . . my team [to be] diverse. . . . I hire for diversity.”

The Air Force Academy seemingly dropping this minor mirrors a similar occurrence at the United States Military Academy at West Point, which also recently removed its Diversity and Inclusion Studies minor from its website.

An anonymous Academy official confirmed to Campus Reform that the Academy has ended its Diversity and Inclusion Studies minor.

First published on Campus Reform

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  • It won’t go away until every staff member, professor, AOC or leader involved in DEI/CRT is gone. Dr. Lynne Chandler Garcia who in a 2021 NYT piece boasted that she taught CRT to Cadets is still there!!! Who was the curator of the self-induced DEI reading room at the USAFA Library?

    One would assume that at least someone in the Dean’s staff knows how to use a search engine, but, here are a few remaining DEI rubbish.
    The Behavioral Sciences brochure still touts, “Develop Inclusive Leaders who Respect the Human Dignity of all People”, The same brochure lists this course, “Beh Sci 362″Class, Race, Gender, and Sexuality. 3(1). Class, race, gender, and sexuality are axes of stratification, identity, and experience. They often are taken for granted or go unrecognized. In this course we will address the multiple and intersecting ways these concepts shape society, individual life-chances, and daily social interactions. We will take a detailed look at each of the core concepts: class, race/ethnicity, gender, and sexuality. Studying the “socially-constructed” nature of these concepts, we ask what meaning and values have been attached to them by social actors and we inquire into the ways the social constructions help to rationalize and justify social inequality. We also analyze the significance of class, race, gender, and sexuality in a variety of institutional and interpersonal contexts, including elementary schools, communities, housing, the criminal justice system, the family, and higher education.
    In Fact the Bet Sci Major lists the Sociocultural Concentration with divisions of race, gender, and social class.
    Beh Sci 360. Sociology – social stratification, race/ethnicity, gender
    Beh Sci 440. Lifespan Development – “What is the impact of income, education, ethnicity, race, sex, culture, and historical time period on developmental outcomes?”

    Or how about the English Department: – ENG 355 – From housing inequality to police brutality and labor exploitation, the theater has been a vibrant site for exposing and exploring racial disparities in America. This course will trace the strategies uniquely available to theater to tell uncomfortable stories about the many
    dreams deferred within black, brown, and yellow communities.

    Or how about the Library? I’m not into banning books, but some just pop out –
    Diversity and inclusion in libraries : a call to action and strategies for success –
    Daddies of a different kind : sex and romance between older and younger adult gay men

    Don’t know if Matt has focused on the remaining DEI/CRT nonsense that remains at USAFA, but the initial scrub missed a lot of garbage.

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