DOD Woke Agenda

A Government Woke and Broken

“Today, the Soldier approached his commanding officer to discuss his newly confirmed pregnancy.”

The above sentence might sound like a knee-slapper from Dave Chappelle’s latest routine, but it’s no joke. Instead, it’s verbatim language taken from “Vignette 6” of a U.S. Army PowerPoint training module titled “Policy on the Military Service of Transgender Persons and Persons with Gender Dysphoria.”

And folks wonder why the Army can’t even sniff its recruitment numbers, and why the confidence of the American people in their once-proud military has taken such a big hit.

While the exact extent to which this sort of perversity has infected the Biden administration is unclear, its rotten fruit is undeniable and all around us in the form of bad policy and incompetent personnel. Call it wokeness, or social justice, or diversity, equity, and inclusion. Just don’t call it good government.

Evidence of this effort to bring even more mediocrity to our federal government has been trickling out here and there in recent years, but a huge trove of it was recently uncovered in federal government training materials via a Freedom of Information Act request. As the Wall Street Journal editorial page notes:

The Department of Veterans Affairs has a gender gingerbread person. NASA says beware of micro-inequities. And if U.S. Army servicewomen express ‘discomfort showering with a female who has male genitalia,’ what’s the brass’s reply? Talk to your commanding officer, but toughen up. … This type of re-education was accelerated by President Biden’s 2021 executive order directing agencies to “increase the availability and use of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility training.” It’s a form of political indoctrination intended to impose woke values on the vast federal bureaucracy and U.S. military.

It’s been said that every citizenry gets the government it deserves. But do we really deserve a military that insists men can have babies? . . . (read more at Patriot Post)


The U.S. Government’s Woke Training

US Army PowerPoint presentation: Policy on the Military Service of Transgender Persons and Persons with Gender Dysphoria Training Module Tier 2: Commanders at all levels and Leaders

Dana Loesch rips into woke military: Shouldn’t we be focused on fighting?

What People are Saying

(comment on the video)

“I served 25yrs in the army national guard. I saw the woke coming. Total disrespect and disregard for higher ranking Soldiers . I’ve only been out 3 years. To see the change in wearing of the uniform, women’s hair appearance, to transgender makes me sick. When I first enlisted we were all green no other color. In order to follow orders there has to be a uniform system. We all dress the same, we all have hair up, no one stands out in the ranks. Whomever is making these drastic changes in our military should be charged with treason. You cannot effectively run a platoon let alone a brigade with these Soldiers that stand out, God forbid they have to engage with the enemy or protect their fellow Soldiers because someone is going to die. I Pray for our military.”

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