VMI Woke Agenda

What I have seen at VMI the last 3 plus years is appalling to me

Response by a VMI grad to this article, VMI alumni file lawsuit against institute’s official alumni association:

Good morning Rod,

Great to hear from you Sir! I was aware of this lawsuit before it was filed and could have been one of the Plaintiffs but decided against it. While I am disgusted with the Alumni Association (AA) and their lack of honor, I do not believe this lawsuit will succeed. I did, however, give financial support.

What I have seen at VMI the last 3 plus years is appalling to me.

There has been a tolerance of dishonesty by the VMI leadership, virtue signaling, abandonment of leadership to kneel at the altar of social justice, and a lack of common sense and critical thinking.

Alumni continue to give to the AA believing they are helping cadets. What they fail to realize is that they are actually hurting them by funding an administration that is putting forth policies detrimental to the VMI Experience that had served this nation so well for 180 years.

Governor Youngkin has been a huge disappointment to me. He campaigned and was elected to get rid of “inherently divisive concepts,” such as DEI. He has failed miserably in my view. As far as I am concerned, he is a political coward and his political aspirations should come to an end!

Congressman Mike Waltz is a VMI graduate (1996) and has been very outspoken about DEI in the military and the academies. I reached out to him several times and no response. I don’t believe he has said anything publicly regarding VMI. Another disappointment.

VMI has lost its way Rod.

You would think the VMI community would be outraged by the fact that:

  • a number of lawsuits have been filed against the school by alumni,
  • a judge sanctioned the school,
  • free speech organizations have criticized the administration,
  • VMI leaders have become followers,
  • the administration put forth a policy that would have allowed males to shower and room with females if they identified as a female,
  • they now have a service dog on staff to help cadets cope with the rigors of the VMI Experience, and
  • a school that is predominantly male has an all female staff in their Cadet Counseling Center.

Unfortunately, the majority are not or apathetic.

I have met some remarkable VMI alumni these last few years but I am no longer a proud graduate.

I will be forever grateful for my 4 years at VMI (72-76) because it helped mold me into the man that I am today.

Today, however, I don’t wear VMI apparel and tell people that I graduated from a military college.

The Bible teaches us to “run the race with endurance.”

It also teaches us to “dust off our sandals and leave the unrepentant town” when they refuse to listen.

I believe that I have run my race with respect to VMI and that it is time to dust off my sandals.

Maybe at some point, I will re-engage but for now, I just need to step back.

God Bless,

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