Books DOD Woke Agenda

‘The War On Warriors’ A Painful Account Of Today’s Military

Book review by Jeff Walker in

At first glance reading the main title only, ‘The War On Warriors’ might lead readers to imagine the latest book from Fox News’ Pete Hegseth is about how our United States military defend against foreign enemies.

However the subtitle ‘Behind the Betrayal of the Men Who Keep Us Free’ paints a more dire picture. One where our service men are becoming so indoctrinated by leftist ideology, transforming our current military into a shadow of its former self.

A proud patriotic conservative Christian, Hegseth admits the same army he enlisted in after 911 to fight extremists has labeled him an extremist two decades later. Has Hegseth’s love for patriotism, the constitution, and defending American values changed during the past 20 years? Absolutely not!

What has changed, perhaps done a total 180 is the acceptance of DEI (diversity, equity, & inclusion) and CRT (critical race theory) in our armed forces, brought on by the new era of ‘woke-ism’.

Similar to his previous book ‘Battle For the American Mind’ which tackles the assault on our education system, Hegseth has done extensive research beginning with liberal Commander In Chiefs aka presidents who feel our United States military would be best served by promoting a ‘woke agenda’.

Hegseth further proposes our military is becoming less unified, transitioning more into a ‘leftist political machine’.

It doesn’t matter if you’re not the smartest person in the room or a renowned brain surgeon, ‘facts are facts’. Biological men are better equipped physically to serve in combat. Hegseth asserts he has admiration and respect for women and their contributions in the military, however dumbing down the standards and qualifications to prepare soldiers for direct armed conflict to accommodate women increases the odds your sons or daughters might return home in a body bag. In hand to hand combat there is little room for error.

In ‘The War On Warriors’ Hegseth solicits opinions from fellow servicemen and military leaders who agree overall our armed forces are deteriorating under the guise of social justice, becoming more ‘namby pamby’. Today’s military is not the military General Eisenhower commanded. Most of the transformation has occurred during the 21st century.

We are no longer defending the country and the Constitution, rather we’re celebrating the individual rights of enlisted persons who want to wear the uniform to satisfy their own agenda.

Biological men can enlist in the military, decide to transgender, and spend the majority of their enlistment in post surgery recovery without ever truly serving in any capacity. Staggering but true, and your tax dollars are picking up the tab.

Are there a few (very few) women who could meet and pass the former qualifications to serve in the marines and army in combat? Absolutely! But as a whole studies show the percentage of those who cannot is overwhelming. In combat where it’s ‘kill or be killed’, the end result is to win the war and return as many soldiers home to their loved ones as possible.

Feckless military brass sitting in comfortable Pentagon offices have bent to leftist principles. They don’t care if your wife, sister, or daughter comes home maimed, psychologically scarred, or ready for a coffin, as long as they have fulfilled the wishes of liberal politicians.

In a perfect world there would be no wars. However, wars are inevitable. So called elitist males, those funded by the likes of George Soros, those who would rather pitch a tent on campus, order pizza while ridiculing our military are clueless. By their thinking our armed forces are the lowest common denominator. Nothing could be further from the truth. Our military, especially our combat veterans need to be revered for defending our allies and our nation. The same nation that allows college aged assholes the privilege to protest.

In over 200 pages, ‘The War On Warriors: Behind the Betrayal of the Men Who Keep Us Free’, Pete Hegseth declares under the premise of social justice (DEI) we are losing the war, which will ultimately lead to the United States losing our Republic.

Can we correct this grave injustice? Only if smarter minds and perhaps conservative leaders with backbone prevail.

If you’re concerned about the future of the United States of America and care about our military than Hegseth’s new book is worth reading. To find this new book visit

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