DOD Woke Agenda

The U.S. Military is in CRISIS – The culture is TRASH and no one is joining

YouTuber Nate Cornacchia, a retired Green Beret out of 1st SFG with a decade of experience in Army Special Forces and multiple deployments and extensive combat experience in Afghanistan talks about a hot topic in the military sphere: the ongoing retention and recruitment crisis the entire military is going through right now.

He talks about why there’s such a problem with recruitment and retention, why nobody seems to want to join the military anymore, and then from his perspective, the ways that we could actually go about solving this.

The military is spending millions and millions of dollars on advertisements and marketing trying to fix the recruitment problem. They just can’t figure out why no one wants to join but he has a good finger on the pulse of this because there’s so many young people who are thinking about joining the military or going Special Forces who follow his channel and reach out to him.

#1: Failure to uphold traditional American culture
#2 Pay is bad
#3 No one wants to serve a corrupt government
#4 Disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal


What People Are Saying

(Comments from some of the 1000s in the comment section)

“My friend left the army when it started getting woke. 6 years in corps of engineers and deployed to Korea.”

“Everyone, unless they’ve been under a rock, knows why the recruitment is down. The military has decided to prioritize social issues, PC wokeness. Go get the fruit loops, as that’s who you’re pandering to, Mr. Recruiter!!!”

“Just retired Army last year and I agree with your views why people are not willing to join. It got weak and soft. Gave into all the homo stuff, putting that before standards and being tough and trained for deployments. I wouldn’t join this new Army if I was 18 again. I didn’t let my sons join either for this reason.”

“The fact that troops in all the branches can do a gender transition on govt dime… taxpayer $ hard at work right there. I knew it was time to get out.”

“The good ole boys from the south that were the backbone of our military for decades and decades don’t want to join an organization that has prioritized wokeness. Why would they want to be a part of that?”

“Not surprised people are not joining. It’s nothing like when I was in. We never had all this dancing TikTok  BS. It was training and preparing to fight and defend. The Marine Corp maintained the same standard. The AF and Navy has had so many Charlie Foxtrots over the last several years – leaders being relieved of command for lack of leadership. My wife’s daughter just left the AF this year and had nothing good to say about the AF. I tell all the younger people to stay out of the military today due to bad leadership at the political and military levels. Military should get back to basics of training for war. It’s so messed up today.”

“Unfortunately, we were not vigilant like we were told to be and suffered a takeover by the cultural Marxists. The DEI division is here to stay.”

“I’m former Army Infantry and I’ve told my 3 kids not to join. My uncle fought in Vietnam and my grandfather and all 3 of his brothers fought in WW2. The military has gone woke and our government is run by people who hate Americans.”

“In 2012, I had just returned from Afghanistan after an extended contract, marking my second deployment as an Infantry soldier. At that time, rumors about women being integrated into the Infantry solidified my decision to leave. Looking back, I’m glad I made that call. I wanted to focus on my job and training, not get caught up in drama or EO/SHARP complaints, which I knew would inevitably follow. My opinion on the wars & my place in history was also starting to change. Realizing what these wars are actually for. In hindsight, it was the right decision. The issue wasn’t just about policy changes, but also poor leadership. While it was only a few bad leaders, I likely would have stayed if I hadn’t been concerned about the future direction of the Army & the US respectively, with what I saw as the growing influence of “woke” policies and social experiments. Also I have made sure since then that I have deterred every single person and especially young person that I talk out of potentially joining. I think only one where I was like yes, the military is your best shot even with the shambles that it is in. I said then this would happen; and here we are 12 years later in a crisis. Maybe listen to your soldiers, generals; we weren’t so stupid. Look who’s laughing now. The people destroying our country from within and profiting off of it are.”

“Nobody wants to die for a country that hates them. Plain and simple.”

“Current politicians and colleges pushed several generations of people to hate their own country. That is the only answer you need to why recruitment numbers are low. That’s not even getting into the other major cultural factors affecting recruitment. I’m a 5th generation military member, grew up as a military brat and then joined the military. I got out after 6 years. There WAS a time where id actually still recommend people join because it does get good experience. Notice I said was, yeah not anymore.”

“My jiu jitsu teacher is a former Army Combatives Instructor. I asked him if he would recommend joining the army. He said “the only way I’d recommend someone joins is if it changes drastically.” He said it’s terrible now and he doesn’t understand what they think they’re training people for.”

“They fired Soldiers for refusing an experimental injection, trampling the Constitution that we take an oath to defend. Reap what you sow.”

“We are tired of senseless wars. I lost my son in Afghanistan. I served as a combat Marine. Yes I love my Red White and Blue, but for what it used to be. We haven’t fought a war in self preservation since WW2… “Wars are a Racket” where the military industrial complex gets rich and counts their profits in dollars while the Nation counts the losses in lives” Smedley Butler. Do not encourage your kids to join the military.”

“Total loss of confidence in the govt of the US. They are garbage. And I’m supposed to sacrifice my life for these corrupt politicians? Hell no. FU. Not to mention this woke BS. Former Marine Sgt in Ronald Reagan’s Corps of Marines”

“Our society and the people aren’t worth protecting. Look at the kids getting transed or taken away from their parents for agreeing with gender reassignment. I wouldn’t want to protect a nation that hates me for my sex and my race. I wouldn’t want to serve a society that only exists to drain you of your money through taxes. I wrote a blank check for country that I believed in, one that no longer exists. I’m glad no one wants to defend the current fascist regime.”

“If you are white and male this country hates you. Why would you fight for a country that actively hates you discriminates against you and tells you how much they hate you every single day of your life? Why would you care if the country burns down?”

“A corrupt government and stupid wars have nothing to do with why nobody wants to join because we had that stuff for decades, and people wanted to join. People who would consider joining normally don’t care about that stuff. They want to go fight, become warriors, and they want to be challenged. The woke bullshit is why people don’t want to join plain and simple. Women and trannies in MOSs like 19D, 11B, and even going through ranger school. Flaming homosexuals in uniform, people getting article 15s for using the wrong pronouns. Young strong men who would want to go fight don’t want to be a part of that. If you want woke bs you don’t join the army infantry for that, you go get a job at Starbucks or something. I am an early gwot vet and if the military was the way it is now I wouldn’t have joined no matter what kind of bonus or whatever they offered.”

“2003-2010 Army Medic, CMB, CAB, blah blah blah…39 months deployed and I watched all of our blood, sweat and tears get thrown in the dumpster i.e. Afghanistan/Iraq withdrawal. The wool has irrevocably been removed from our collective eyes.”

“Who in their right mind would want to join the military? Dying for the beliefs of politicians then getting thrown on the street afterwards if you survive. Nobody is fighting for our freedom by going to another country.”

“Maybe people are finally waking up? Go fight for a government that could not care less about you.”

“I’m not fighting for a country that would replace me with an illegal and have me fight for a cause that’s not mine.”

“Face it, the Afghanistan withdrawal wasn’t a good look either. The Afghans who helped the US forces were repaid with abandonment. With that the ones who helped our forces were slaughtered, along with their wives, and children brutalized and killed by the Taliban. Too many soldiers have returned with PTSD because of situations like that as well as having to do things that were against their moral fiber all to push geopolitical policies. Most people who join the military want to protect this nation as well as to help people. Not to fight for morally corrupt politicians and their forever wars, so these same politicians van get rich. People are waking up!! At this point the only time I would fight is if this country is invaded. As it is, the next time the United States decides to occupy another country, nobody is going to want to trust, or be willing to work with the occupying US forces ever again. That’s going to bring even more unnecessary danger to anyone who serves overseas in hostile territory.”

“I left the army after the stolen election. Don’t care who wins as long as it’s fair and true.”

“Why would anyone want to join and give their life for a country that is being destroyed from within and opening borders, giving everything Americans work hard for away to other countries for free.”

“My great great great great grandfather served in the American Revolution with the North Carolina militia. His grandson was in the Civil War. My great grandfather was a marine during the a Great War. I had two great uncles in World War II and my grandfather went to Korea. My father then joined the Coast Guard in the 1960s. My entire life I always wanted to be a marine or a sailor and when I finally got there, this is all I saw. I decided having a family, raising my kids on what I was raised, and to honor the America that I knew was a better choice so I became a history teacher in order to foster traditional American culture for future generations.”

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