DOD Media Woke Agenda

Task Force to Rid DOD of the DEI Industry and Agenda

Matt Lohmeier was interviewed on OAN’s Real America with Dan Ball about Trump saying he would create a task force to root out the CRT/DEI agenda from the military and have Matt a part of the task force.



OAN Host Dan Ball
Now to discuss how our military is being demoralized by working in all this nonsense. Woke CRT crap that has nothing to do with protecting our country. It’s the man you saw right there calling out the president and saying, Will you do a task force? Will you get this out of our military ranks? I say he’s a hero just for doing that, but he’s done a lot more for this country.

He’s a former lieutenant colonel and commander in the Space Force. Or at least he was. He’s now the executive vice president of Starz’s US. Matt Lohmeier, the guy you saw right there on that stage in North Carolina with the 45th president. Matt. Thank you, brother, not only for coming on the show today, but thank you for having the guts to stand up there and really push on Trump, too, if he gets elected. God willing to get in there and fix the military. Thank you brother. Thank you.

Matt Lohmeier
Yeah, thanks for having me. Come on and talk about this. In fact, you just said something that Trump said after the cameras stopped rolling, which is worth repeating. He said, “Heaven willing, I’ll end up back in the white House and you’re coming with me.” He said, “I know my people when I see them, and you’re one of them, you’re coming with me.”

I really respect that about him. And I love the subtitles that you just showed on the screen as that clip was playing, which I hadn’t seen. It said in big, bold letters, and he gets it done. He listened and he got it done. I could sense as I stood there four feet from President Trump, as he looked me in the eyes, he knew I was serious.

He thought, here’s someone who’s serious, who can come in and help us clean up some of the problems. He was serious about getting it done. I’m serious about getting that done. And so heaven help us and heaven willing, he’ll end up back in the White House, come January of next year. I’m also hoping that he’ll make good on that promise, and I’ll end up on a task force that will help rid the military of the monster that is the diversity, equity and inclusion industry and agenda.

Dan Ball
I would put, every penny I have on him doing that. If you get in and if anything I can do to help. I’ll be there as well. Hopefully we’re getting another interview with him soon. I’m trying. I’m working on that, and I will ask him that very question about the awesome DEI nonsense in the military. Let’s back up a tick here.

And let folks know your story briefly, if you could. Why are you no longer in?

Matt Lohmeier
Sure. I wrote a bestselling book, what became a bestselling book called Irresistible Revolution. The subtitle says more than the title of the book does. Its Marxism’s Goal of Conquest and the Unmaking of the American Military. It was a public criticism of critical race theory, cultural Marxism, the diversity, equity and inclusion agenda, and it was also championing the greatness of the American ideal.

I was fired for that book. It was a non truly nonpartisan book, but I had spent months before writing that book actually filing a formal written complaint with the Space Force Inspector General’s office detailing the ways in which we had unethical and illegal race based discrimination going on at the base and in the military, and tying the the current diversity, equity and inclusion agenda to its cultural Marxist roots, which a lot of people to this day surprisingly still deny.

And so I wrote a book about it. I spoke out about it. I was fired from my command for doing that, and I had spent over 15 years in the military on active duty service up until that point, both as a commander and also as a fighter pilot in the 15 C I’d been a T-38 instructor pilot, and I had a fairly successful career up until that point by anyone’s, standard.

What’s ironic about my firing for alleged political partisanship is that when I separated without my pension in the fall of 2021, I received later thereafter a notice from the Air Force inspector General’s office saying it had concluded an investigation into me, and I had been found guilty of no wrongdoing. So it was really a bitter irony.

I’ve said for a long, long time, I’ve been speaking in the public arena about these issues ever since. But I thought, surely we can do only so much pushing back, even from within the ranks or as private citizens. We need President Trump to start by issuing an executive order on day one, banning these CRT and DEI trainings.

But then it will require persistent, consistent oversight from some special task force to make sure that for years to come, we’re doing our best to root all of this out of the military, and that we’re incentivizing those men and women that actually love their country and that do truly see each other as equals, get them to a place where they’re incentivized to serve their country once again, fix the recruitment and retention issues that we’re facing.

Fix our service academies, the military service academies that also have problems with woke instructors and, woke activism. You really start to solve very quickly some of the big problems that we’ve introduced over the past four years. But some of those problems are going to take many years to fix, which is why we need a new administration.

Dan Ball
Well, besides the new administration, there’s going to be a lot of generals and some colonels. Yes, is fired, period. That’s right. I mean, they’re going to have to be, you know, they booted people out for refusing the facts. They booted you over the high stuff that you were standing up to. Yeah. There’s going to be a lot of top brass that need to go by, by not demotions, not a new command.

They’ll just reinstate their DEI crap. They need to be removed from the rank and file, period. Matt, let me ask you about that day with the president. Was that the original question did you plan on and how did you get there? And because that seemed pretty organic. And I saw you look at your notes and then you just kind of ad libbed, I do that a lot. So does Trump.

Matt Lohmeier
Yeah, he does. And I know he respects that about real men. So I thought as I sat there on the stage for a whole hour listening to this town hall, most of which I couldn’t really hear very well, I had a question in front of me that was driven by, polling numbers, and interest, and they gave us very strict instructions: don’t depart from the script that we’ve given you.

I understand why they do that, but I had to ask myself honestly as I sat there, is this why I’m here? To read a scripted question to the president? Or do I speak from the heart to a man who will recognize that and try and solve a problem?

And that’s exactly what I elected to do. And, felt led to ask exactly what I asked and to propose exactly what I proposed. And I, and I could tell that he recognized that judged accurately, that I meant what I said and was interested in solving the problem with me, which I very much respect about him.

Dan Ball
That’s amazing, I love it. And then right after you had that big, 15 seconds, 15 minutes of fame with the president on a national stage, on live television, you put a tweet out to your fellow service members, and I want to put that up and read that on this show, because I know we have a lot of veterans that watch this network on this program.

And, folks, let me tell you what Matt wrote here.

A NOTE ON THE NEW TASK FORCE: Since last night, when President Trump suggested at his Fayetteville Town Hall that he would put me on a special task force to rid the military of wokeism and DEI, I’ve had troops sending me screen shots of trainings they’re still receiving: pro LGBTQ agenda, pro trans, pro anti-white racism, anti-Americanism etc.

I HAVE A REQUEST OF OUR TROOPS: please start capturing screenshots today of emails and trainings you’re receiving. They will try to hide and delete and cover up evidence of their involvement if Trump wins, but there will be accountability. We will ensure we eliminate this rot from the military. Many patriotic, America-loving men and women wish to serve in the world’s greatest military. We can make it strong and great again but we need accountability. You can help us with that. Capture the evidence.

I wanted to put that all call out Matt to the Active-Duty troops or veterans that may have gotten out recently, and maybe you took screenshots. You saved some emails. Send them to Matt and Matt. How do we do?

So I know you have this amazing. Is it a nonprofit? I checked your website today STARRS, that’s STARRS.US.

Matt Lohmeier
STARRS dot US, STARRS with two R’s. It is an education based nonprofit that’s focused on educating Americans about the Marxist rot that’s even infiltrated our military. It champions the greatness of the American ideal, the oath that all of our veterans and our current active duty service members took to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

And it’s truly nonpartisan. I mean, it is an education platform. It’s a phenomenal website. You can contact me and us there. We have a list of, I think it’s now 200 pages of boots on the ground perspective, feedback, unsolicited from our troops that we’ve gathered from online and that they’ve sent directly to us about what they’re seeing by way of training in the military. (1,900 comments showing CRT/DEI agenda hurts recruitment, retention and moral)

Please send it to that website and we’ll continue to collect it, compile it, and make sure that it’s, it’s reviewed thoroughly every single submission that we get so that I can take that with me to that task force if Trump ends up in office again.

Dan Ball
Well, again, we’ll end where we began. God willing, the 45th president will become the 47th. And then there’s a whole lot of work to do in this country, from foreign policy to the economy to the border. But the military, if we don’t have one, we’re not a country. We have to have a strong military, a non woke military that is battle ready at any moment and right now.

And I hate saying this when I say it on live television to the enemy, but I don’t feel under this regime our fighting forces are as ready as they used to be because of the woke training, because of all the people that got kicked out and because of the people that left over all of this. Matt, thank you so much and I will keep you, let me tell you what, you’re on speed dial from now on. You know, you’re an ex Air Force guy that went Space Force. I’m an old Air Force guy as well. I worked for Air Force back in the day. So I informed you and made you laugh while you were flying.

So. We all had our role to play, right? And we have to fix this. It has to be fixed. Matt Lohmeier, folks look up his website. His charity nonprofit rather nonprofit with two R’s. And if you’re active duty or veteran, help him. We’ve got to get this wokeism out of our active duty. Matt God bless you, brother. You take care.

Matt Lohmeier
Thanks, Dan. We’ll see you. Yep.

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1 Comment

  • Brilliant!
    This is the MOST SIGNIFICANT ACTION, STARRS has seen since its start.

    This kind of strategy, is what wins!

    Matt Lohmeier, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! You need to be made a Four Star!!!!!!

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