Did a woke West Point professor mock then Rep. Michael Waltz over his concern of racial indoctrination of cadets at the...
Tag - William Prince
The “Deep State” at West Point. Say it Ain’t So!
By Col. Bill Prince, USA ret, USMA ’70 MacArthur Society President Comments on West Point’s Involvement in Providing...
Are the Motivations to Serve Missing in Today’s Military? A Conversation with Three Leaders
STARRS & Stripes Host CDR Al Palmer, USN ret, was joined by the presidents of three veterans organizations who are...
Your MacArthur Society Fact-Finding Visit to West Point . . . Ah, Not So Fast
By Col. Bill Prince, US Army ret, USMA ’70 President of the MacArthur Society of West Point Graduates MacArthur...
USMA Grads talk about West Point mission change
Jeanne Ives, USMA ’87 interviews MacArthur Society President Col (ret) Bill Prince, USMA ’70 on her show, The...
Does West Point still reflect “Duty, Honor, Country?”
Col. Bill Prince, US Army ret, USMA ’70, and President of the MacArthur Society of West Point Graduates was on the...
When a Diversity Conference Could Benefit from an Increase in Diversity
Col. (Ret.) William F. Prince, U.S. Army Special Forces USMA 1970, MacArthur Society Board Member From 30-31 August 2023...
Yet Another Scandal at West Point? You Be the Judge (Part 3)
By William F. Prince, COL USA (Ret.), USMA ‘70 Sharp-eyed readers of the STARRS newsletters, editions 11 (15 Oct. 2021) and...
Yet Another Scandal at West Point? You Be the Judge (Part 2)
By William F. Prince, Col, USA (Ret), USMA ‘70 The editors of the STARRS newsletter have graciously allowed me to divide...
Yet Another Scandal at West Point? You Be The Judge (Part 1)
By Bill Prince, Colonel (Ret), US Army, USMA ’70 Scandal, cover-up?! Certainly, the apparent quibbling and stonewalling on...