Statement to DACODAI – CDR James Rampey

Statement to DACODAI by Commander James Rampey, US Navy ret

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the continuing deterioration of US Military Readiness.

Further, it is patently obvious that the indoctrination and application of CRT/DEl (or similar) principles has played a significant roll in the overall reduction of Military Readiness.

The application of ideologies surrounding CRT/DEl are antithetical to those values critical to building trust and cohesion in a military unit, especially a Military sworn to protect the US Constitution.

I do not make this assertion without some level of personal understanding and practical experience.

I am a veteran. In fact, I am third generation professional military. I grew up in military housing. I grew up along side children whom the purveyors of CRT/DEl would have sought to emphasize (superficial) differences.

Accordingly, the purveyors of CRT/DEl would then have to “teach us” that some of us deserved to be treated different (be it better or worse) based upon those “differences”.

Though we were but children at the time, my friends and I could have told you that nobody really wants to be treated different; especially based upon some ill-conceived notion of group identity!

We wanted to be accepted for who we were as individuals. This is a natural and universal TRUTH. The application of CRT/DEl runs counter to that truth. This is not “rocket-science”.

As a young adult (in the 80‘s), I experienced first hand traditional military indoctrination, assimilation, and training. I received training based on principles and techniques that have been developed, tested, and perfected (by various militaries) for literally thousands of years.

As I rose through the ranks of responsibility and leadership, I appreciated even more those time tested principles and techniques. I am not speaking based upon academic theory. I am speaking from decades of personal experience and practical application.

Any objective observer must admit that the transition toward principles of CRT/DEl has been a detriment to military readiness.

In 2011, Military Leadership Diversity Commission acknowledged they were proposing a radical departure from time tested military ethos. Change always implies potential risk; radical change all but guarantees substantial risk.

I submit that the United States Military can no longer afford to continue down the path of CRT/DEl at the expense of readiness and National Security.

With Respect,

James W Rampey

STARRS Volunteer

Endowed by The Creator
Guaranteed by the Constitution
Protected by Patriots


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