Navy Vax

Navy Whistleblower Rips Leftist Woke Military in Retirement Speech

By Kristina Wong  |  Breitbart

. . . Whistleblower Ted Macie served as first class petty officer for 11 years as a seabee before commissioning as an officer and joining the Navy’s medical service corps and serving as an administrator for 11 more years.

In 2022, Macie — who fought the Biden-Harris administration’s COVID vaccine mandate that was responsible for kicking out more than 8,000 troops — posted a video discussing Navy statistics showing a spike in potential vaccine injuries.

He was told to take down the video, investigated, and told he was suspected of violating Uniform Code of Military Justice Articles 92, Failure to Obey an Order, and 133, Conduct Unbecoming an Officer. Macie was never told what actions he committed to warrant the investigation or charges

Despite a court injunction freezing the vaccine mandate for sailors and Congress revoking the mandate altogether, Macie was effectively forced out of the Navy by not being promoted.

“The [Department of Defense] made it very clear that there would be zero tolerance for not receiving the shot. And I made it very clear that that was not something I’m willing to do. This exact scenario of forcing emergency use authorization shots along with service members had already been played out in court over the anthrax shots years ago, back from the early 2000s, which the government lost,” Macie said during his retirement ceremony.

“This fight enlightened me to how I wasn’t living up to my role in participation in our government, how we are complacent and expect authority, be it doctors or politicians, to do what is right in the best interest of the people and to protect the armed forces so that we can, in turn, protect the country and its citizens. Problem is that those things aren’t true,”

Macie said during his speech, adding:

The American people have relinquished their power and their role in government. This makes it impossible for military to protect them.

We need the American people to step up. It’s not just the military that needs to defend our nation and our constitution. We need the citizens to fight, and I’m joining you guys in that fight as a citizen.

Tyranny ended my career. Think about that. My career in the United States Navy is over because I resisted tyranny. People are too comfortable to fight tyrannical government. This path only leads us into more tyranny.

Complacency is not an option. The only way to restore our nation is to fight back. And just as I fought illegal orders.

Just as I fought to get to retirement, to inform people of the dangers, both of them physically and to our way of life, I will continue to fight.

The oath I took does not expire, and it was not to any officer appointed over me or to any politician or to the President. The oath was to the ship’s namesake, the Constitution of the United States. And for that, I will fight and if necessary, die.

Some people will never know or comprehend what others have given up for them, and that’s fine. In fact, it’s essentially the purpose of doing it.

But I would rather be the one giving something up than the one who is ignorant to those sacrifices.

Still, this is no excuse for complete complacency and apathy. We are responsible for leaving a strong foundation for our future generations.

I wish that I could say that I’m leaving the United States Navy better than when I joined, but unfortunately, I’m not.

What I can say is that I did what I promised to do. I kept my oath to the Constitution and to the American people. What was the most difficult mattered the most.

I fought illegal orders, I exposed corruption, and I raised red flags…This may be the end of my Navy career, but I’ve only just begun to fight.

. . . . (read more on Breitbart)


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