Navy Woke Agenda

Navy Seals on DEI Results: No merit, no accountability for failure, mission drift

Former Navy Seals Sean Ryan and Erik Prince discuss a wide range of issues relating to how the government failed to protect President Trump against assassination.

Including this short clip on Erik’s take on DEI in the government, ie the lack of merit.

Sean Ryan: Do you think this is the result of DEI within within the government?

Erik Prince: It’s a result of a culture of no accountability for failure and that allows people to drift so far off the mission. If the mission is to be zero failure to protect or whatever the mission is of a federal agency, it allows them to distract into Green initiatives, DEI initiatives, all kinds of other things that that truly distract from what the actual mission of what they’re supposed to be doing. Yeah, DEI is a factor but it’s really a culture of political correctness and no merit. That’s what’s exceedingly dangerous: we become every bit as rotted as the Soviet society was before the Soviet Union collapsed.

And this on who in the government he has confidence in:

Sean Ryan:
Do you have confidence in any Federal Institution that exists?

Erik Prince: I have a lot of confidence in the men from the units than the kind of units that we came from. I don’t have Supreme confidence in all the officers but I have a lot of confidence in let’s say O-4, O-5 and below because they’re the right kind of people. I recently attended a Special Forces Q course graduation and it was it was so heartening. It was 220 studs; they knew exactly which bathroom to use. They were there to serve their country and it was great.

Sean Ryan: I’m glad they know what bathroom to use, that’s great to hear.

Watch the whole episode:

Erik Prince is an American entrepreneur, former U.S. Navy SEAL Officer and founder of the private military company Blackwater. Returning as a guest and fan favorite on SRS, Erik joins Shawn for an in-depth exploration of the recent assassination attempt on former President Donald J. Trump. Together, they delve into unresolved security and operational issues surrounding the tragic event, speculating on how the situation might evolve as new information emerges. Leveraging their backgrounds, Shawn and Erik offer distinctive perspectives rarely found in mainstream media coverage.

00:00 – Introduction
03:08 – Assassination analysis
14:39 – Was this a conspiracy from higher up?
23:55 – Types of security needed
31:30 – Obama
38:16 – A positive outlook
49:05 – Who is ‘they?’
1:05:50 – Agency overreach
1:26:33 – Defending against drones
1:28:49 – Israel
1:41:25 – Affluenza


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