The Commander-in-Chief and the SECDEF have removed identity-based activities which separate service members from one another.
In SECDEF Hegseth’s guidance to the force, Identity Months Dead at DoD, he said,
” Our unity and purpose are instrumental to meeting the Department’s warfighting mission. Efforts to divide the force – to put one group ahead of another – erode camaraderie and threaten mission execution.”
OPM issued a memo on Wednesday entitled, Further Guidance Regarding Ending DEIA Offices, Programs and Initiatives which discusses identity/affinity groups in the government.
Based on that guidance, West Point issued a memo disbanding identity-based activities at the military academy.
The MacArthur Society of West Point Graduates said of this,
“The cadet clubs disbanded were based on immutable characteristics of “race” or gender. And, one club was based on the sexual behaviors formerly celebrated during Pride Month.
They were exclusionary of all others – and by definition “racist” and “sexist” – in their singular inclusion of like members based on birth only. Also, they only included a politically correct list of identity political affinities.
Subordinate organizations promoting affinity by race or ethnicity, gender, or country of origin divides any organization into “us and them.” Ending affinity groups is good news for USMA, the Army, and the Nation.
But now the legacy media is engaging in a coordinated political warfare campaign to negate the President and SECDEF’s agenda by pushing the same narrative that innocent “women and minority” groups were disbanded because of Trump and Hegseth’s “evil” orders.
See what they are doing?
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What People Are Saying
Comments on the above legacy media articles
“DEI only served to divide us. We don’t need that in our Military.”
“I am a USAF veteran, served during ODS. One of the first things taught when joining the armed services is: In the military, you are not a race, gender, sex, religion, etc. You are a soldier, the person standing next to you, is a soldier. The person leading you is a soldier. The person following you is a soldier. In a place like West Point they are teaching young people how to lead soldiers. Clubs like ‘The National Society of Black Engineers, the Society of Women Engineers Club’ are not conducive to that ideology. If they want a National Society for Engineers, fine. As soon as you start to divide people in demographic groups, you break the ideology that allows our military to work as a single cohesive unit.”
“Good, get back to warfighting functions and multi-domain operations.”
“Good they should never have happened in the first place soldiers should only see one color and that is the color of the uniform nothing else.”
“Good! Now they can focus on being the best warfighters!”
“You’re all green in the Army. Stop dividing yourselves.”
“Good. The military has no business fostering racial and cultural divisiveness. We are Americans and we don’t need hyphenation and certainly not discrimination in violation of the Constitution sponsored by a government agency.”
“As someone who knows many cadets currently at West Point, I promise the vast majority of cadets and instructors at West Point support this notion.”
“The headline should be rephrased – West Point disbands clubs segregated by gender and race. There are tons of clubs at West Point that any cadet can join regardless of gender or race. The way it should be. –A West Point grad.”
“Good. These officers need to focus on winning our wars instead.”
“West point has 1 goal. Training the future officer core of the greatest army known to man. Anything that isn’t directly oriented towards that goal needs to go.”
“The only people complaining are the ones who have never served. One team, one fight. Creating subgroups is pointless and the military not catering to political correctness is a good thing. The military has one purpose.”
“As a soldier we are one and your life may depend on that, doesn’t matter race, nationality etc. We are brothers and sisters a family and a team, promoting division because of all those other programs are BS.”
“I once had a U.S. Marine officer, tell me that the reason they break down the civilian individualism within each soldier, is to remove any division or diversion to the over all cohesion to the unit. Everyone is green as my Dad used to say. So it’s about having everyone think as one…. Working together to get the job done.”
“Clearly some of you have never served in the military. We care of no one’s gender, race or religion…you are a Soldier, Sailor, Airmen or Marine and are treated as such. Caucasian, Black, Hispanic, Asian, Native or Islander you are treated the same. Your colors are Green or Blue and you bleed red, white and blue.
Our mission is train American men and woman to stand ready to deploy and engage the enemies of the United States of America, both foreign and domestic and do not have time to cater to woke agendas or policies.
We care more for our comrades who don’t look like us, talk like us or pray to a different deity, than you can possibly imagine and will lay down our lives for those we call brothers and sisters in arms. We do not label people or place them into groups or limit their cultural relevance to a day or a month.
We are professionals and are the 1%.”
“If they want to be involved in these activities and clubs then go to another college or university. West Point was created to train military officers to lead our nations soldiers. These cadets are on a full scholarship payed by the taxpayers of this nation to prepare them to lead in the Army period.”
“When you serve you belong to the greatest group. Meet the standards set in front of you and stop asking for special inclusions and favors. Go Army, one team.”
“It is about time! Unity makes the military work. All for one and one for all. No focus on differences, just in mission and preparedness.”
“After 29 years in uniform, this type of stuff is very divisive and shouldn’t have existed at all.”
“Finally focusing on unity of people to purpose instead of division.”
“Exactly how it should be. All those DEI clubs do is divide everyone. Aren’t they all there to be patriotic supporters of the US?”
“There is only one club needed at West Point. That club is “The Long Grey Line.”
“I spent almost 25 tears in the USAF. When i went to basic training at Lackland AFB , our TI ( Technical instructor in the USAF, told us our color was blue and everyone in there was USAF blue. There were no races or colors. That was in 1972 Lt. Col,, USAF, Retired”
“I joined the US Army Reserves after 9/11 and served as a medical officer in Kuwait. In my brief time there, I was struck by the multiple soldiers of different races, genders (just 2) and ethnicity working together as one unified force to crush our enemies, without regard for their personal differences. Never was there a better example of our national motto: “E pluribus unum.” (From many, one)”
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