Woke Agenda

MIT Ditches Requiring Diversity Statements; Academies Next?

From CDR Salamander’s Substack:

Of all places, look at what MIT just did.

For a long time, they like many education institutions were open in their racialist policies. For instance, in 2016;

“Race is one of many factors we consider. It is never a controlling factor, so it is never the only thing that we consider, but it is one part of the whole. Our process is an individual, holistic admissions process, which means we look at every student in their entirety.”

In the last few years as a critical mass of people who no longer tolerated this mid-20th Century concept of race in the 21st Century, efforts were made to explain, or hide what they were doing…but you can’t hide something this pernicious for long. It can’t survive the light of day.

After the SCOTUS decision in the fall, they admitted rather openly that they were previously discriminatory against people based on race in admissions. They were struggling with the concept of merit, but they were accepting the fact we were at the end of the first quarter of the 21st Century.

Another part of the Cultural-Marxism infused racialist ideology we are fighting, is the compelled speech, ideological filtering tool known as “Diversity Statements.

Along with the full spectrum of critical studies socio-political programs at our service academies, as we covered a little over a year ago, Diversity Statements are in use at our service academies. The leftist cadre in the administration and faculty were a little late in the game copying the worst leftist trends in academia they fanboi around, but the SCOTUS shield will ironically ensure that racial discrimination in admissions might have the US military as its last holdout.

Sad, really, The US military to its great credit led the nation in the 20th Century implementing integration and equal treatment for all. It is sad that we find ourselves in the 21st Century seeing the US military as the last redoubt of retrograde racialist policies. Diversity Statements may linger there longer until new leadership comes in with the top-cover to end this disgraceful policy.

However, MIT has seen the elephant on Diversity Statements;

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology said on Monday that it would no longer require candidates applying for faculty positions to write diversity statements, which have been denounced by conservatives and free-speech advocates as forcing a kind of ideological conformity.

In their statements, generally a page-long, candidates were required to explain how they would enhance the university’s commitment to diversity.

Such statements have become enshrined in faculty hiring at many elite public and private universities, as well as in corporate life. Academics have defended them as necessary in judging whether a faculty member can reach out to an increasingly diverse student body.

In announcing the change, M.I.T.’s president, Sally Kornbluth, said diversity statements constituted a form of compelled speech that do not work.

Good for MIT.

There will be setback, and there will be advances. It can be hard to tell looking directly at it … but if you take it from the vertical and lay it towards the horizonal, you can eventually see the signal build.

Keep pushing, everyone who can. More light. More fresh air. More discovery.

In our little experiment in a self-governing polyglot republic, we have to eliminate any kind of system of spoils that provided benefits or takes away opportunity based on immutable characteristics, especially the sectarian accelerators related to race, sex, and ethnicity.

It’s a good fight.

Read CDR Salamander’s Substack

One of the comments on his post:

“Young man I taught to fly and helped get into USAF flying Mud Hens (yeah I know) resigned recently. Top of his class. Test pilot school grad. Combat tours. Reason? Military brass has gone too woke. 🙁

Mandatory DEI Statements Are Ideological Pledges of Allegiance. Time to Abandon Them.

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