DOD Woke Agenda

‘Get This Woke Garbage Out’: GOP Senators Push Back on Effort to ‘Force’ Women into Service

By Sarah Holiday  |  Washington Stand

Many have argued that the U.S. military has a number of misguided priorities under the Biden administration. With President-elect Donald Trump set to take office in a little over a month, it appears Americans at large are eager for some major course correction. After all, recruitments for nearly every branch of the military have been notably low. Even retention rates are far from ideal.

As to what might have led to what some regard as an unprepared military, the blame has commonly been cast on the invasion of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives as well as the increased push for LGBT ideology.

Another issue that’s resurfacing for the third year in a row is Democrats’ push to mandate that women register for the Selective Service System (SSS).

While “we currently do not have a draft,” explained Family Research Council President Tony Perkins on Thursday’s episode of “Washington Watch,” the purpose of “the Selective Service is … to get young men 18 and older … to register in the event that we have a draft.”

The controversial provision is up for debate in the current National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which Congress hopes to pass before adjourning for Christmas recess.

In the last few weeks, several conservative leaders have gone on the record in “strong opposition” to this idea. That includes a group of Republican senators, led by Missouri Senator Josh Hawley, who is vigorously pushing against certain aspects of the legislation.

The NDAA is the annual bill that sets the budget for the Department of Defense. Hawley and his fellow senators are specifically calling for the removal of the provision to draft America’s daughters.

He told Perkins on Thursday’s episode that both chambers of Congress are still awaiting the final text of the NDAA, but he emphasized that he and his colleagues sent a letter to their leadership urging them to strip the controversial language out. “It is an absolute travesty to try and force women to register,” Hawley argued. “Compulsory service for women in the military is totally wrong.”

According to Perkins, there are likely “two motivating factors behind this” crusade to include women in the draft. The first is that the Left continues their push to “erase the difference between genders. We see that on so many fronts.”

But the second, he added, is that “they have foisted upon our nation’s military this woke agenda. They’re not meeting their recruiting numbers because young people are not wanting to join the military.”

Hawley agreed, stating that “the Left has tried to turn the military … into a giant social experiment.”

But the senator was quick to clarify that he wasn’t simply guessing when he said that.

“I know this, because I talk to folks, particularly enlisted men and women, all the time.…

What I hear from them all up and down the chain of command … is that they have this woke agenda shoved down their throats.

What they want to do is defend the United States of America. That’s why they enlisted. It’s why they want to be in the service.”

He further explained “Right now, we are paying for transgender surgeries in the military with our tax dollars. They’re trying to use our tax dollars to pay for abortions in the military. They want to have compulsory draft of women in the military. My view” he contended, “is stop all of this social experimentation and get back to defending America. That’s what we should be focused on.”

It’s as though “they want to rely upon the women to fill the void created by the decline in those that are voluntarily joining the military,” Perkins speculated.

And while many believe there’s no chance a draft will occur, Perkins argued that with “where military recruitment is headed, we may have to see a draft.” As Hawley noted, “Especially under this administration, which is thankfully on its way out the door … we are just inches away from having boots on the ground in Ukraine.”

Ultimately, he continued, when “you think about our military commitments, they’re not getting smaller overseas. They’re getting bigger, which is its own problem. But … as our real numbers of both recruitment and retention decline … we may well have to go to a draft. And the idea that we would compulsorily draft women, I think, is wrong.”

“I could not agree with you more,” Perkins emphasized. “I’m happy if my daughters would want to serve in the military. I’ve got one that’s in law enforcement, one that’s a nurse. But … to be a nation that would force women to defend and fight for us, something about that … is wrong.”

Not to mention, Hawley argued, “It sends the wrong message in all kinds of ways.” Perhaps most of all, It sends a message that we don’t respect the personal choice of women. … Let’s be clear that this would be a massive infringement on the rights of women without them having any say in it whatsoever.” If a woman chooses to serve voluntarily, he added, “that’s awesome. That’s wonderful. That’s not what this is.”

Both agreed that it’s “time to put this issue to rest.” In fact, Hawley stated, “You see voters decisively rejecting this.

And I think this is the time to draw the line and say, ‘We’ve got to get this woke garbage out of our national government and out of the military.’ …

No more spending on trans surgeries and trans care. No more spending on abortions. No more trying to force women into the draft.

We need to stop all of this and recalibrate, get back to the basics, and get back to defending this country.”

For those who want to help, Hawley offered this advice: “Contact your members of Congress, your senators, and members of the House of Representatives. …Tell them, ‘Don’t vote for the defense bill if it includes the draft our daughters provision.’ We need every conservative member of Congress to stand up and say, ‘We will not support drafting our daughters. We want it out of the defense bill.’”

“We’re going to vote on this likely next week,” he concluded, “so this is the time to act.”

First published on Washington Stand

Hawley Leads Colleagues in Opposing Potential NDAA Provision Forcing Women to Register for Draft

Today U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) led colleagues in opposing any potential language in the Fiscal Year 2025 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that would require American women to register for the Selective Service System.

Senators Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Steve Daines (R-Mont.), James Lankford (R-Okla.), Mike Lee (R-Utah), Roger Marshall (R-Kan.), and Eric Schmitt (R-Mo.) joined in opposition.

“For the third time in four years, Democrats are attempting to force women into the draft. Let’s be clear: American women have a proud legacy of service in our Armed Forces, especially so because their service has always been voluntary.

Never in our history have women been forced to register for the draft.

Yet the Biden administration and Senate Democrats want to discard this longstanding tradition and force women to fight in wars against their own will,” the Senators wrote in a letter to Senator Jack Reed (D-R.I.), chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee and Representative Mike Rogers (R-Ala.), chairman of the House Armed Services committee.

The senators continued, “President Trump ran in part on a platform of avoiding World War III and ending the progressive policies infecting our military.

he American people gave him a resounding electoral mandate.

The Senate should prioritize America’s national security instead of turning defense legislation into a tool of liberal social policy.”

For years, Senator Hawley has successfully led the fight to stop the left from forcing women to register for the draft.

Read the full letter here or below.

December 5, 2024

The Honorable Jack Reed                            The Honorable Mike Rogers
Chairman                                                         Chairman
Senate Committee on Armed Services       House Committee on Armed Services
United States Senate                                     United States House of Representatives
728 Hart Senate Office Building                  2469 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20510                                  Washington, DC 20515

Dear Chairman Reed and Chairman Rogers,

We write in strong opposition to the provision in the Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25) National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) forcing American women to register for the Selective Service System (SSS).

For the third time in four years, Democrats are attempting to force women into the draft. Let’s be clear: American women have a proud legacy of service in our Armed Forces, especially so because their service has always been voluntary. Never in our history have women been forced to register for the draft. Yet the Biden administration and Senate Democrats want to discard this longstanding tradition and force women to fight in wars against their own will.

America’s daughters, sisters, wives, and mothers can decide to join the military themselves. President Trump ran in part on a platform of avoiding World War III and ending the progressive policies infecting our military. The American people gave him a resounding electoral mandate. The Senate should prioritize America’s national security instead of turning defense legislation into a tool of liberal social policy.

As the FY25 NDAA process continues, we strongly urge you to remove the provision in the Senate-version of the NDAA compelling women to register for SSS. Americans rejected social progressivism in 2024, and NDAA conferees should take this lesson to heart.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter.


Josh Hawley
United States Senator

Tom Cotton
United States Senator

Ted Cruz
United States Senator

Steve Daines
United States Senator

James Lankford
United States Senator

Mike Lee
United States Senator

Roger Marshall, M.D.
United States Senator

Eric Schmitt
United States Senator

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