Yet another military event featuring the infamous Space Force Col Bree Fram pushing The Agenda.
The Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency calls itself “America’s Gatekeepers” and personnel there are apparently called Gatekeepers. DCSA is the “largest security agency in the federal government dedicated to protecting America’s trusted workforce and trusted workspaces.”
In other words, it is where anyone in the DOD gets their security clearance as well as providing other counterintelligence and security services for the military.
A recent DOD news article reveals that DCSA launched a “Living DCSA’s Values Campaign” in 2024, which is
“centered on spreading awareness of DCSA’s values, providing resources to help employees exemplify agency values, and giving recognition to exceptional Gatekeepers through Gatekeeper spotlights.”
Whatever that means. On its website, the values listed are: Committed to mission, Invested in people, Passionate about service, Unwavering in integrity, Driven to innovate.
So someone there (maybe the same geniuses who made Gatekeepers take “LGBTQIA + ally training featuring the ‘gender unicorn‘) decided that transgender Col Bree Fram—who is supposed to work for the Space Force but instead is constantly seen pushing the DEI agenda everywhere—would be a good speaker at their December 2024 event exemplifying their values.
Is this word “values” a new cover word to get around the DEI agenda which have driven people out the military? From some of the quotes we’ve come across:
“I’m doing mandatory transgender training. I’m being told we have to respect them. I remember one of the female’s asked if a transgender female could use women’s restrooms. The answer was yes and we had to accept it. I knew then I didn’t want any part of this Army. I got out several months later…no regrets getting out.”
“….I also had to give gender equality training that heavily consisted of transexuals and their transitioning process. It was clear what was happening and I’m glad I got out when I did.”
“When I was in, they allowed transgenders and it didn’t make any sense. We got talked to by an admiral and did like 10 meetings on transgender sensitivity training. I am no longer in.”
“As an active duty sailor, it gets worse. I once had a supervisor who was in “transition”. This was a 6’6” man who would abuse authority and anyone who he felt made him feel “oppressed” received a negative eval, which made it impossible to progress to rank up. This is an epidemic.”
“My trans station commander is personal responsible for at least 4 people deciding to get out and over 20 recruits not getting In because they weren’t woke enough. I was a recruiter until last year. She couldn’t even pass her PT test but was untouchable. Toxic is an understatement.”
“I left the Department of the Army after having to attend mandatory transgender sensitivity training in 2018. I no longer recognize the country I love.”
“I did 32.5 years and am so glad I am out. The military is an embarrassment. We can no longer go fight, kill, and win. Now they are worried about wholeness. I had a fellow Soldier in the Army transition from a female to male Soldier it was a nightmare. They were treated like a celebrity, they were the promised child.”
“In 2016 I remember my first “transgender awareness training”. Because of my political and traditional beliefs people were trying to out me and destroy my life in the military. It worked because in 2018 I chose separation. I would never recommend my children or anyone else to join.”
How about DCSA respecting his values?
Here is the article and hopefully this will be the last of DOD feting this self identity-driven Colonel. (See other posts where this Colonel keeps popping up)
Living DCSA Values Campaign: U.S. Space Force Col. Bree Fram
By Dantavius Swift
Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency
“Living my values means being my authentic self, no matter the space or room I enter,” said U.S. Space Force Col. Bree Fram, who spoke as a part of Living DCSA’s Values Campaign on Dec. 19, 2024. Gatekeepers gathered in person and virtually to listen to Fram discuss the values of service and people.
In July 2024, the agency launched the Living DCSA’s Values Campaign, which is centered on spreading awareness of DCSA’s values, providing resources to help employees exemplify agency values, and giving recognition to exceptional Gatekeepers through Gatekeeper spotlights.
Fram is an author, podcaster, keynote speaker, active-duty colonel and an astronautical engineer. Fram also co-leads the Department of the Air Force LGBTQ+ Initiatives Team, dedicated to eliminating barriers to LGBTQ+ military service in the Air and Space Force.
Currently stationed at the Pentagon, Fram develops the requirements for future Space Force capabilities. Prior to recommissioning into the Space Force in 2021, she served 18 years in a wide variety of Air Force positions including a research and development command position and an oversight role for all Air Force security cooperation activity with Iraq. In earlier assignments, Fram served in the Air Force Directorate of Strategic Plans, as a legislative fellow at the U.S. Capitol, and deployed to Qatar and Iraq as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Fram touched on being a member of the LGBTQ+ community and serving the country under the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy. “As members of the community, we always had to use our mental energy to protect our identity and hide who we were,”,” said Fram. “Doing this for a big chunk of my career, prevented me from being the best leader I could be.”
She acknowledged several challenges in her tenure. “For much of my career, I was perceived as Captain America with a shield in front of me. It was not until I transitioned and displayed my own humanity and vulnerability that my people were willing to open up and bring me their issues.” She noted her most notable challenge as a transgender service member occurred when an executive order reversed the allowance of transgender service members in the military. During this time, Fram recounted relying on her values and the oath that she took to uphold the U.S. Constitution. “What am I going to do today? I’m going to lace up my boots and get the job done.”
Fram highlighted the significance of knowing her personal value and the oath that she took to protect and serve the United States. “When your beliefs are challenged, it is important to remember your internal reservoir that emphasizes your value.”
“I can be better tomorrow than I am today,” said Fram. She emphasized the importance of operating in a growth mindset, noting that it is important as leaders to not only invest in us, but to also invest in the next generation. “When the hard times arise, we can ensure that our investments have prepared us as a country to conquer the obstacles ahead.” Fram was adamant in her of belief of ensuring that everyone feels included no matter how big or small the assignment is.
She ended the conversation stating that the three most important characteristics that defined and led to success in her almost 20-year career in the Department of Defense are: “authenticity, passion and the value of multiple perspectives.”
Photos from the event:
This one looks like these investigators are conducting a CI/Security Interview.
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