Email from Lt. Gen Rod Bishop to the USAFA Superintendent: Rich–as a die hard Falcon football fan, I certainly share...
Category - STARRS Authors
What do Climate Change, DEI and Integrity Have in Common?
By MG Joe Arbuckle U.S. Army (ret) STARRS Vice Chairman The below opinion is about the connections between political...
Understanding the ‘Always Blue’ Mindset
By Greg Salsbury STARRS Board of Advisors Republicans are invariably frustrated that facts don’t move the dial in elections...
Four Great Military Reads for This Winter
By Lt Col Eric M. Vogel, USAF ret, USAFA ’73 Solitary, Giora Romm (2014) Devotion, Adam Makos (2015) Indianapolis, Lynn...
Captain Rose versus The System
Part of the mission of STARRS is to educate/call-out unlawful/harmful policies/practices in the military, like the illegal...
BOOK REVIEW: Strange New World
By Lt Col Eric M. Vogel, USAF ret, USAFA ’73 Strange New World: How Thinkers and Activists Redefined Identity and...
Cardiologist Dr Peter McCullogh Testimony on COVID Virus and Booster Shots
By Capt Joseph R. John, US Navy ret, USNA ’62 Dr Peter McCullough, an American Physician, and a world renown...
Mike Rose: DEI is manifesting itself in the military in very dangerous ways
Mike Rose, STARRS Executive Vice President and General Counsel, as well as a 1969 graduate of the US Air Force Academy gave...
Book Review: American Doctor Coming Home to War
By Capt. Brent Ramsey, USN ret American Doctor Coming Home to War, by John Hughes, MD (available in paperback and Kindle)...
MacArthur Society of West Point Graduates incorporates as 501c3 charity
The MacArthur Society of West Point Graduates today announced its incorporation in Colorado as a 501(c)(3) charity, the...
Army: An Alternate Opinion of its Readiness
By LTC Tricia Vinson, US Army ret My topic is the COVID-19 vaccine mandate and potential impacts on the military’s readiness...
The Navy and Diversity
By Capt. Brent Ramsey, US Navy In recent years, the Navy has put a lot of emphasis on “Diversity”. If you visit the Navy’s...
All Engines Stop, Rudder Amidships: Our country is in extremis.
By CDR Tom Klocek, USN ret One of my Calvert Group ( colleagues quoted Fleet Admiral King as saying, “The...
The Role of the Smartphone and Digital Content in the Left’s Revolution
By Greg Salsbury STARRS Board of Advisors Christopher Rufo, Douglas Murray, and Victor Davis Hanson have all pointed out...
Where Does Loyalty Reside?
By Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney (USAF ret), USMA ’59 Major General Paul E Vallely (US Army ret), USMA ’61 Col...
The United States Air Force Academy’s White Boy #2
By Dr. Scott Sturman, MD US Air Force Academy ’72 Over the past 15 years the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) has...
Congress Has the Power to Fix Our Military
By Elaine Donnelly President, Center for Military Readiness (CMR) STARRS Board of Advisors Several measures passed in both...
The Mistake of Introducing Tenure at the United States Air Force Academy
By Major General Bentley Rayburn, USAF ret STARRS Board of Advisors It was recently discovered that the United States Air...
A Patriot Day Remembrance: 9/11 Twenty-Two Years Later
By Lt. Col. Darin Gaub, US Army ret Co-founder of Restore Liberty On September 11, 2001, I was sitting in class in Fort...
Looking Only at Merit on Military Promotion Boards
By Lt Col Richard Coe, USAF ret Regarding military Officer Effectiveness Reports/Enlisted Performance Reports, all DoD...
Our Navy is “in extremis,” a nautical expression that indicates imminent danger
By Capt. Brent Ramsey, US Navy, ret “Now Hear This” is the classic alert in the Navy that something important for all hands...
Who Are the Real Racists?
By Col. Sam Thiessen, US Army ret, USMA ’73 STARRS Vice President for Education The Senate Armed Services Committee...
Subversion of the US Constitutional Republic: KGB Yuri Bezmenov Interviews
By Capt. Joseph R. John, US Navy ret, USNA ‘62 Former FBI Chairman, Combat Veterans For Congress In the above video KGB...
Generational Responsibility
By Captain Tom Burbage, USN, ret; USNA graduate President, The Calvert Task Group Look up the word ‘generations’ today and...
We must win this culture war, the battle for the soul of America
By Lt. Col. John Ragan, USAF ret, USAFA ’71 Currently a State Representative to the Tennessee House of Representatives...
The federal government colluded with social media to control content. So what?
By Greg Salsbury STARRS Board of Advisors Thomas Jefferson was no fan of newspapers, but famously said about the proposition...
The Navy and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)
By Capt. Brent Ramsey, USN ret The Navy is all in for DEI. At the Navy website if one clicks on “who we are,” one of the...
The USAA’s embrace of wokeness is a betrayal of its military members
By Dr. Scott Sturman, MD US Air Force Academy ’72 Since 1922, the United Services Automobile Association (USAA) has provided...
Where the DEI/CRT Indoctrination Came From, Part III
By Forrest L. Marion, Ph.D. Retired U.S. Air Force officer and military historian For many months, mainland China’s...
Ideological warfare: Woke culture is poisoning the military
By Bodi Williams, former Navy surface warfare officer There is no other way to put it: We are at war right now. Our...
Rekindling the warrior spirit: Why embracing traditional masculine virtues is vital for the US military
By Dr. Meaghan Mobbs West Point 2008 graduate and former US Army officer In a rapidly changing world, our national security...
Why Is Ridiculous Woke Ideology Being Accepted By America’s Military?
According to the Atlantic, in “2018 three scholars—James Lindsay, Helen Pluckrose, and Peter Boghossian—wrote 20 fake papers...
Military leadership is trying to hide its efforts to force leftist ideology on the ranks
By Col. Ron Scott, PhD, USAF ret, USAFA ’73 STARRS President Since the summer of 2020, members of Stand Together...
Where are the generals and admirals willing to defend the military from wokeness?
By Dr. Scott Sturman, MD US Air Force Academy ’72 If the United States military had to undergo a comprehensive, annual...
The destruction of the military by euphemisms
By Dr. Scott Sturman, MD, US Air Force Academy ’72 Marxists are masters of patience, disguise, and the use of...
Leftist obsession with diversity has conquered the US military
By Forrest Marion, PhD, retired USAF officer and military historian As 1919 began, the victors of World War I gathered in...
There is no justification for the Navy’s DEI push
By Capt. Brent Ramsey, USN ret The Constitution is the supreme law of the land. The oath that I took upon commissioning was...
Woke ideology is at odds with the oath military service members swear
By John Cauthen, USNA ’02, former Naval officer Every commissioned officer and enlisted member of the armed forces swears an...
What my first platoon sergeant taught me about military service
By Tony Lentini, USMA ’71, Army Captain Founding member of the MacArthur Society of West Point Graduates There are three...
Is the US military trying to lose wars?
By John Hughes, MD, USMA ’96, Veteran of OIF/OEF More than 10 years ago, military analysts declared the war in Afghanistan...
To push woke ideology, Biden illegally gutted military academy oversight boards
By Michael Rose, USAFA ’69 and STARRS General Counsel and Richard Epstein The military academies present positive...
Wokeness is antithetical to military service
By Tom Klocek, USNA ’69 Member of the Calvert Group “Wokeness” is all about oneself. It is political correctness on...
How DEI infiltrated the military
By Dr Scott Sturman, MD, USAFA ‘72 STARRS Board of Advisors How is it possible that in a matter of a few years, the...
Woke initiatives are creating division in the US military
By Lt. General Rod Bishop, USAF ret, USAFA ’74 STARRS Chairman of the Board Biography What is wrong with today’s...
America’s Veterans Must Unite To Defend The Republic
By LTC Paul Gardiner, USA ret America needs its millions of military veterans to become strong activists to defend...
BOOK REVIEW: Defending the Constitution Behind Enemy Lines
By Capt. Brent Ramsey, USN ret Dear Shipmates, Friends, and Colleagues, “Now Hear This!” is very familiar to all...
The Oath
By Captain Tom Burbage, USN, ret; USNA graduate President, The Calvert Task Group In June 1965 I raised my right hand in...
Freedom Matters
By CDR Dale Lawson, USN ret, test pilot Member of Calvert Group “When in the course of human events” (hopefully sounds...
Biden’s Permanent Diversity Industrial Complex
Retired Air Force Col. Rob Maness interviews Elaine Donnelly, President of the Center for Military Readiness, on his show...
Like Bud Light, The U.S. Navy Steps On A Rake With Drag Influencers
By Elaine Donnelly President, Center for Military Readiness STARRS Board of Advisors The U.S. Navy has embarrassed itself...