By Tony Lentini, USMA ’71 See West Point Needs a Reset, Part 1 On Sept. 12, Real Clear Defense published my...
Category - STARRS
DEI: A Cancer on the Armed Forces
By Maj. General John Deyermond, US Army ret STARRS New Hampshire State Leader Today our military services face growing...
Tribute to the Leadership and Legacy of Warfighter General Robert F. Titus, “Earthquake”
What makes a military leader truly exceptional? Brigadier General Robert F. Titus, known as “Earthquake,”...
What would they say?
By Edwin R. Jonas III STARRS North Dakota State Leader For more than 40 years, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial has stood as a...
BOOK REVIEW: “Social Justice Fallacies” by Thomas Sowell
By Capt. Brent Ramsey, US Navy ret STARRS Board of Advisors Dr. Thomas Sowell is a national treasure. The reason most people...
Proposed Amendments to the USAFA AOG Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws
By Lt. General Rod Bishop, USAF ret, USAFA ’74 In response to a retired USAF Colonel who stated he was a “Past...
RIP: U.S. Air Force Brigadier General Bob “Earthquake” Titus
By Bill Scott | Substack A dear friend and great American patriot “flew West” on 8 September 2024. U.S. Air Force...
West Point Needs a Reset
By Tony Lentini, USMA ’71 When I attended West Point back in the late ‘60s and early ‘70s, cadets used to joke that we got a...
Preserving Military Excellence through Leadership and Unity with Tom Burbage and Bruce Davey of the Calvert Task Group
Join STARRS & Stripes podcast with host CDR Al Palmer, US Navy ret, for an inspiring conversation with leaders of the...
Electing the Next Commander-in-Chief
By Elaine Donnelly, President of the Center for Military Readiness Republican and Democrat Platforms Reveal Stark Contrast...
Upholding the Warrior Ethos in the Military: Interview with MOH Recipient Drew Dix
STARRS & Stripes host CDR Al Palmer, USN ret interviews retired Army Special Forces Major Drew Dix, Medal of Honor...
Demographic Diversity Is Not Our Strength
By CDR Phillip J. Keuhlen, USN ret, USNA ’71 There is an old saw in leadership circles, “You get what you inspect.” It...
Don’t Give Up the Ship book: CTG President Tom Burbage on the Ike Wingate Show
Calvert Task Group President Capt. Tom Burbage, US Navy ret, USNA ’69 was interviewed on the Ike Wingate Show about...
BOOK REVIEW: The Perilous Fight by Dr. Ben Carson
By Capt. Brent Ramsey, USN ret STARRS Board of Advisors The Perilous Fight: Overcoming Our Culture’s War on the...
STARRS President Interviewed on KOA Radio
STARRS President Col Ron Scott, PhD, along with Laureen Boll, state coordinator for FAIR, the Foundation against Intolerance...
Marxist Indoctrination and Infiltration at West Point
Col. Rob Maness, USAF ret, interviewed Matthew Newgent, USMA ’96, and member of the MacArthur Society of West Point...
Reactionary Regressives
By CDR Phillip J. Keuhlen, USN ret, USNA ’71 Introduction: The American Revolution and the Constitution designed to protect...
EVENT: A Public Conversation on Marxism in CT, Trafficking in America, Rank Choice Voting, and Election Integrity – 18 Sept 24
STARRS Chairman Rod Bishop will be speaking at this evening event in Westport, CT on 18 September 2024. Buy Tickets for in...
EVENT: Diversity Without Division, Is It Possible? 12 Sept 24
STARRS President Ron Scott will be speaking at this event in Greenwood Village, Colorado, on 12 September 2024 from 6:00 to...
Cigarettes, DEI and Our Military
By Dr. Greg Salsbury STARRS Board of Advisors In the early part of the last century, the popularity of smoking was at its...
Flying the F-14 Tomcat: Lessons in Leadership and Camaraderie with Navy Commander Dave Baranek
Ever wonder what it takes to fly one of the Navy’s most iconic jets? Join STARRS & Stripes podcast with host CDR...
Response to a Retired Major General
By Col. Ron Scott, PhD, USAF ret, USAFA ’73 STARRS President & CEO Dear General _____, This is just a quick note...
Your MacArthur Society Fact-Finding Visit to West Point . . . Ah, Not So Fast
By Col. Bill Prince, US Army ret, USMA ’70 President of the MacArthur Society of West Point Graduates MacArthur...
Matthew Lohmeier on the Military Justice Today Podcast
On this episode of Military Justice Today, attorney Robert Capovilla interviews former space-based missile squadron...
The Corrupting Influence of DEI on Military Education
By CDR J.A. Cauthen, USN ret, USNA ’02 By now, the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) industry’s capture of...
Matt Lohmeier on Marxism, CRT, and the Unmaking of the Military joins Take FiVe
“I really want to emphasize that men and women have no better opportunity in their lifetime to exhibit courage on the...
Major General Joe Arbuckle on Meritocracy, Accountability and Military Reform
What does it take to rise from a private to a Major General in the U.S. Army? Major General Joe Arbuckle, US Army ret, joins...
A Navy in Extremis
By Capt. Brent Ramsey, USN ret STARRS Board of Advisors Since 2017, I have written about the decline of the U.S. Navy. We...
Top military leaders to blame for woke culture destroying armed forces
By J.M. Phelps | World Net Daily Throughout the Biden-Harris administration, hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars have...
Duty, Honor, Country replaced by Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
Letter to the Editor of the Connecticut Examiner by Colleen Roberts, a STARRS Supporter To the Editor: Are Duty, Honor...
DEI Is Costing Lives and Resources in America’s Military
Col. Rob Maness, USAF ret and STARRS Board of Advisors interviews CDR Randy Arrington, USN ret on The Rob Maness Show: The...
Shifts in Military Culture: Insights from Lt General Rod Bishop
Is the U.S. military compromising its unity and readiness for the sake of progressive ideologies? Join STARRS & Stripes...
Two DEI Contradictions Exposed
By Greg Salsbury STARRS Board of Advisors Now that she has been picked as a presidential candidate, Democrats as well as...
Expert: DEI Policies Are ‘Offensive’ to Servicemembers Who Want to Be Trained as Leaders
By Sarah Holliday | Washington Stand Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) measures have created their fair share of...
Letter: DEI policies don’t belong in the military
Letter to the Editor of The Forum newspaper in Fargo-Moorhead. Write similar letters to your local newspapers! By Edwin R...
STARRS Leadership Announces ‘Rally for Our Republic’
“The rally will uncover the truth behind the dangerous and divisive Marxist ideology infiltrating the military...
Lt General Rod Bishop: From USAFA to Leading Seven Commands
Meet STARRS Chairman of the Board Lt. General Rod Bishop, USAF ret, USAFA ’74, interviewed by STARRS & Stripes...
‘Draft Our Daughters’ Legislation Smacks Of Trojan Horse For Government Social Credit System
By Elaine Donnelly, President, Center for Military Readiness STARRS Board of Advisors Members of the Senate Armed Services...
Matt Lohmeier Uncovers How DEI Is Undermining the U.S. Military
Matthew Lohmeier, STARRS Executive Vice President, was on Washington Watch With Tony Perkins to discuss how DEI is...
Woke Politics Are Endangering Our Military And Our Nation
Col Rob Maness, USAF ret and STARRS Board of Advisors member interviews LCDR Bruce Davey, USN ret, USNA ’69, former...
The Man Who Brought Socrates to the Military
By Scott Sturman, USAFA ’72 STARRS Board of Advisors Last week when I read of Brigadier General (ret) Malham Wakin’s...
The DOD Net Zero Climate Change Program Must Be Immediately Suspended
By Scott Sturman, USAFA ’72 STARRS Board of Advisors and Doug Goodman, USAFA ’72 In 1988 the United Nations...
From USAFA to Air Force Leader: Discipline, Mentorship, and Duty with Colonel Ron Scott
STARRS & STRIPES Interviews: Meet STARRS President and CEO Col. Ron Scott, PhD, USAF ret, USAFA ’73 — his...
DEI’s Impact on Military Unity, Readiness and Historical Lessons for Today
Are our military forces less prepared today than they were after World War II? Join us as Commander Al Palmer, USN ret, and...
Interview with Calvert Task Group
CDM Host L Todd Wood speaks to Tom Burbage and Bruce Davey of Calvert Task Group on efforts to save the Naval Academy from...
War Stories – CMOH Recipient Maj Drew Dix – Tet Offensive Vietnam
USAFA grad and former USAF Special Ops L. Todd Wood speaks with Maj Drew Dix (USA, Ret) on his experience during the Tet...
What I learned from the Air Force Thunderbirds
By Lt Col Phil Bail, USAF ret STARRS Wisconsin State Leader Published in the 1 August 2024 print version of the Ozaukee...
Politics or People: What Does the Navy Value?
By Capt. Brent Ramsey, USN ret STARRS Board of Advisors Board Member, Calvert Task Group From “According to...
Combat Carve-out Ploy Advances “Draft Our Daughters”
By Elaine Donnelly President, Center for Military Readiness STARRS Board of Advisors Members of the Senate Armed Services...
Lohmeier: DEI is Crushing Military Morale and Readiness
STARRS Executive Vice President Matthew Lohmeier was recently interviewed on the Brian Thomas Morning radio show about his...