Category - STARRS

What would they say?

By Edwin R. Jonas III STARRS North Dakota State Leader For more than 40 years, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial has stood as a...

West Point Needs a Reset

By Tony Lentini, USMA ’71 When I attended West Point back in the late ‘60s and early ‘70s, cadets used to joke that we got a...

Reactionary Regressives

By CDR Phillip J. Keuhlen, USN ret, USNA ’71 Introduction: The American Revolution and the Constitution designed to protect...

A Navy in Extremis

By Capt. Brent Ramsey, USN ret STARRS Board of Advisors Since 2017, I have written about the decline of the U.S. Navy. We...

Two DEI Contradictions Exposed

By Greg Salsbury STARRS Board of Advisors Now that she has been picked as a presidential candidate, Democrats as well as...