Testimony from member of the Military Readiness and Merit Coalition, Kendall Qualls, former US Army Captain and President of...
Category - Army
Statement to DACODAI – Lt Col Allen West
Statement to DACODAI by Lt. Colonel Allen West, US Army ret, former Member of Congress Greetings to the members of the...
Statement to DACODAI – Scott McQuarrie
Statement to DACODAI by Scott McQuarrie, USMA ’72, President of Veterans for Fairness & Merit A RECOMMENDATION FOR...
Statement to DACODAI – Colonel Tim Hughes
Statement to DACODAI by Colonel Tim Hughes, US Army ret I am registering to attend the Defense Advisory Committee On...
Why DEI Rejects Assimilation
By Maj. General Joe Arbuckle, US Army ret STARRS Vice Chairman May 1969, a commercial bus full of sleepy recruits stopped...
SecArmy Can’t Explain Why Race Should Be A Factor In Recruiting
By Micaela Burrow | The Daily Caller News Foundation Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth could not explain in a hearing...
What exactly are “Army Values?”
By Capt. Gene Thomas Gomulka, US Navy ret In 1992, while serving as the Deputy Chaplain of the U.S. Marine Corps, I was...
Army Seeking Retirees To Come Back To Work Amid Manpower Crisis
Desperately calling up retirees again. If you go back in, stand up against DEI, what do you have to lose? You already had...
West Point Leadership Turns Its Back on ‘Duty, Honor, Country’
by Francis P. Sempa | American Spectator The headline in the Washington Times reads: “West Point deletes ‘duty, honor...
Pushing the Woke Agenda on the Military: A preview in a 1973 letter from a combat veteran
First, a commentary by Scott McQuarrie (President, Veterans for Fairness and Merit, USMA ’72) about the below article...
Congressman brings veteran, advocate against vaccine mandate to State of Union address
(Press Release) U.S. Congressman Matt Gaetz (FL-01) brought former U.S. Army Captain and Green Beret John Frankman as his...
Army Says It Took Action After Instructor Tried To Wedge Systemic Racism Into Official Trainings
By Micaela Burrow | The Daily Caller News Foundation The Army removed a slide on systemic racism one of its instructors...
More transgender madness in the military
Military watchdog journalist Sam Shoemate posted on his X account (@samosaur) a statement from a female service member who...
US Army cutting force by 24K amid recruiting shortfalls
As the U.S. Army struggles with recruitment, the service is cutting its force by about 24,000 in a restructuring that it...
Three Dozen Troops Killed in One Year of Military Aviation Mishaps — Pentagon Response Unclear
By Kristina Wong | Breitbart News At least three dozen service members have been killed in military aviation mishaps in...
These military men have had enough
Two soldiers from The Old Guard and a Naval Aviator seem to be done with today’s progressive culture: 2 Fort Myer...
“It’s about what you do and who you are, NOT about what you look like.”
DOD’s DVIDS is trotting out its obligatory Black History Month stories. Here is a snippet from an article that shows...
‘First Woman’ Battalion Commander Meghann Sullivan Fired For Sexual Harassment
Can’t make this up. This is what she said in 2021: “I’ve been in the Army over twenty years as an engineer, diversity...
The Gift of Faith
By Andrew P. O’Meara, Jr., West Point ’59 I confess to being a slow learner. It took me several years of fighting Communism...
The Army Recruiting Ad Featuring a Soldier with 2 Moms Just Got Harder to Find. Here’s Why.
The Army has delisted its advertising campaign titled “The Calling” on YouTube, making it harder to find the...
Boomer Marine Exposes the Military
Former Marine shows what the Few, The Proud is about. And also the Army. And the Air Force: Marine Gunnery Sgt Exposes the...
The Military’s Increasing Politicization
By William Thibeau, Army Ranger veteran This testimony was delivered during a hearing of the House Oversight and...
Army Sees Sharp Decline in White Recruits
You can’t make this up: “…the drop in white recruitment has baffled Army staff…” Really? Did...
‘Be All You Can Be’ and the TikTok Mutiny
By William Thibeau, Army veteran, The American Conservative With a recruiting slogan like “Be All You Can Be,” it’s no...
Meet the American who rowed Washington across the Delaware on Christmas, sailor-soldier John Glover
General John Glover delivered a priceless gift to the nation. He saved the cause of American independence on Christmas Day...
The US military grapples with a recruiting crisis. One Army vet says he knows why
The U.S. military missed its recruiting goals in 2023 by 41,000 and faces a recruiting crisis heading into the new year...
Only 3% of Soldiers Who Refused COVID Vaccine Rejoin Army
More and more Army soldiers are reenlisting after being discharged for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine, according to...
Top Army Official Can’t Say What’s Been Done To Convince Americans The Military Isn’t ‘Politicized’
“I don’t know what that is.” So clueless, living in a bubble not even being aware of that so many service...
In battle over COVID-19 mandate, Army general served with criminal complaint by whistleblower
By J.M. Phelps Mark Charles Bashaw, a former Army first lieutenant, was removed from service in June for refusing the...
The Military Does An About-Face After Woke Garbage Tanks Recruiting
By Morgan Murphy, former national security advisor and Pentagon press secretary The Daily Caller News Foundation Last week...
“Digging ourselves out of a hole”: Thoughts on recruiting crisis
By Martin Stanton, retired US Army officer Small Wars Journal In the past year we have been bombarded by stories about the...
DEI at Walter Reed
A recent article on DOD’s DVIDS talks about an Army Captain at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center with...
Retired Army Officer says he was barred from publicly recognizing ‘Woke’ policies are harming recruitment
By J.M. Phelps, The Epoch Times The Pentagon is aware of how progressive policies are contributing to the U.S. Army’s...
Interview with Army MG Joe Arbuckle (ret)
STARRS Vice Chairman MG Joe Arbuckle (US Army ret) was a guest on Rightside Radio with host Col. Phil Williams (USA ret)...
Senator Demands Answers Re Service Members Discharged for Not Complying with C19 Vaccine Mandate
(Press Release) Senator Eric Schmitt recently sent a letter to Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth demanding answers on...
Frontlines of Freedom Radio interviews John Hughes, BG Chris Petty
The following are two consecutive weekend programs of Frontlines of Freedom with interviews of MacArthur Society President...
Army Tries to Woo Back Troops They Kicked Out Over Vaccination Mandate
By Nathan Worcester, The Epoch Times Amid a historic military recruiting crisis, unvaccinated soldiers who were kicked out...
Soldier’s last day in the Army turns sours after he is charged for equipment he was ordered to leave in Afghanistan
So will senior military leaders get charged when they retire for the Billions of dollars of expensive, advanced military...
The Army’s Two-Faced Covid Memo
By Major Chase Spears, US Army ret This month the Army quietly released a memorandum that circulated through its recruiting...
Army sent letters to soldiers separated for vaccine refusal asking them to come back
Soldiers who were forced out of the Army for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine have received letters with instructions on how to...
The Rise and Fall of Empires
STARRS Vice Chairman MG Joe Arbuckle, US Army ret, was recently on the Dan Happel Connecting the Dots podcast. He was joined...
Combat Veteran Dr. John Hughes: Coming Home To War
Information Operations podcast host Host L Todd Wood (USAFA grad) speaks with AFP contributor Dr. John Hughes, West Point...
Army recruiters now boldly advertising that no Covid vaccination is required to join military
First the Army releases a recruitment video with all white males. NOW their recruitment flyers show above all other...
The US Army discovers woke doesn’t win wars — but is it too late?
Are the powers that be planning a war? The US Army last week “released a recruitment ad that critics argue is a sure sign...
Military Service Academies Over the Years
Videos looking back at the US military service academies over the years. What are your memories? The Making Of A West...
“NOW” the Army wants white males
The US Army recently tweeted a recruitment video featuring an all-white male group of soldiers jumping from a helicopter: 💪...
Our Best Americans Speak Truth To Power
Col. Rob Maness, USAF ret, interviewed John Hughes, MD, USMA ’96, about John’s powerful new book, American...
Army Soldier Tells World the Military Paid for His Transgender Surgery
A US Army Staff Sergeant’s disturbing TikTok video went viral and seen by over 5 million people after he underwent...
Army Insights
STARRS Vice Chairman MG Joe Arbuckle has been in contact with an active-duty Army field grade officer who has provided the...
Forcing the Alphabet Agenda into West Point and the Army
A recent article in West Point’s publication, “Modern War Institute,” laid out a long plan for all the...