No, not THAT Culture Club, but close. (Only people from the 1980s will get this) A look at identity-based clubs at the...
Category - Woke Agenda
The Kinder, Gentler Military
There has been 30 years of sustained bludgeoning of the warrior culture that used to be the thing that attracted young men...
NCLS speaker tells cadets they need to be prepared to do what’s “uncomfortable and inconvenient” in the name of justice
Rather awkward press release from USAFA in light of what an anarchist Airman did this week in DC “in the name of...
Anti-Woke Caucus Targets DEI Committee At DOD Primary Schools
by Henry Rogers | The Daily Caller News Foundation Republican Indiana Rep. Jim Banks, who serves as Chairman of the Anti...
DOD’s Equity Action Plan 2023 Update
DoD recently released a report called “Equity Action Plan 2023 Update” (pdf). Written like something out of the...
Military Recruitment Is Down. Good.
By Christopher Skeet, former US Marine | PJ Media I come from a family with generations of military tradition. Our first...
The more diversity officers and DEI training, race relations get worse
From former Army Captain Kendall Qualls, President of TakeCharge and STARRS Board of Advisors: Gallup has been tracking race...
DOD Contractor MITRE paid Billions by Pentagon set to host CRT author, hold ‘White Fragility’ Book Club
By Spencer Lindquist | The Daily Wire A federal contractor that’s received over five billion taxpayer dollars since...
Liberals Against DEI: Who Knew?
By Capt. Brent Ramsey, US Navy, ret Conservatives understand DEI as the practice of critical race theory (CRT). CRT derives...
Radicalism of US Airman who set himself on fire in uniform
All the indicators show that Aaron Bushnell became a radicalized far-left socialist/anarchist who hated the military while...
America’s military decline is deliberate
By Richard Kline, USMA 1967 Served in the US Air Force, Senior Executive Service in the govt Our military recruiting...
British Military’s 111 diversity champions ‘undermine combat effectiveness’
Can’t help but be amazed by UK’s Ministry of Defense seeking “champions” for service members with...
Thoughts on NCLS for Superintendent
Letter from Col. Ron Scott, PhD, USAF ret, USAFA ’73 STARRS President and CEO To the USAFA Superintendent Dear General...
True Nature of DEI Agenda Revealed to the World: No White Males Allowed
Those who push the CRT/DEI agenda in the military will often wax on about the need to treat others with “dignity and...
Toxic Bosses Like United Airlines’ Vaccine-Pushing CEO Must Be Held Accountable
More on ’89 USAFA grad with a sterling woke pedigree: By Stella Morabito | The Federalist Every American should be...
Service Members Speak Out Against DEI Training in the Military
By JM Phelps | The Epoch Times Over 200 individuals currently serving in the U.S. military voluntarily participated in an...
The Unconscious-Bias House of Cards
Here’s evidence that “unconscious bias” training in DoD is based on pseudoscientific theory to advance a...
VA Psychologist Reassigned after Publicly Opposing Men in Female Vets’ Medical Spaces
Note this from the article: “A psychologist recently hired in Waldrep’s department said her favorite pastime was...
NATO has embraced the woke DEI cult with “Cognitive Warfare”
In the cognitive warfare concept, NATO has embraced and refashioned the leftist ideology of the woke DIE cult, both based...
Architects of the Woke Military
Whether or not it is the cause of recruiting shortfalls or not, rising left-wing ideology in the military is cause for...
By Capt. Brent Ramsey, US Navy, ret The Defense Advisory Committee on Diversity and Inclusion (DACODAI) was formed in 2022...
DACODAI: A Little-Known Cultural Agent Pushing the CRT/DEI Agenda in the Military
The DEI agenda push in the military has been harmful to recruitment, retention, and morale, which has led to the current...
The Military’s Woke Agenda Is Terrifying
In this “Chicks on the Right” episode, The Chicks are joined by special guest Matt Lohmeier, a former lieutenant...
Run down on woke speakers at USAFA’s 2024 NCLS
23 FEB 24 Update: Cadets have advised that this year’s NCLS and the speakers “did not resonate with any of...
Open Letter on the Air Force Academy’s Cultural Change
A letter to the Superintendent of the Air Force Academy by 1973 graduate Col. Ron Scott, PhD (ret). His class was...
Does West Point still reflect “Duty, Honor, Country?”
Col. Bill Prince, US Army ret, USMA ’70, and President of the MacArthur Society of West Point Graduates was on the...
Race, Merit, and The Future of Our Republic
“To expect diversity in any institution means that you will sacrifice meritocracy. That is the sad bottom line...
What’s Wrong at West Point?
Today, in 2024, the United States Military Academy is in jeopardy, as well as the other academies. Its recent graduates are...
Biden’s Defense Department Is Trying to Hide Its DEI Agenda
By Max Eden | American Enterprise Institute (AEI) Two years ago, when such things still surprised some people...
Military Continues to Drop Standards to Reach Recruitment Goals
By Sarah Holliday | The Washington Stand The military has been struggling to meet recruitment goals since COVID...
CMR Challenge to Congress – Let’s Do More in 2024
By Elaine Donnelly, President Center for Military Readiness View this report as a PDF In 2023 the 118th Congress proposed...
Internal Documents Shed Light On Biden Administration’s Plan To Impose DEI On Pentagon-Run Schools
By Micaela Burrow | The Daily Caller News Foundation The Department of Defense agency that runs schools for military...
‘A Huge Blow’: Decline In White Recruits Fueling The Military’s Worst-Ever Recruiting Crisis, Data Shows
By Micaela Burrow | The Daily Caller News Foundation Each U.S. military service saw a notable decline in white recruits...
What DEI research concludes about diversity training: it is divisive, counter-productive, and unnecessary
“When it comes to harmony and tolerance, DEI does not make things better, but it can make things worse.” So why...
Meet Dr. Kathleen Hicks – SecDef Austin’s Presumptive Replacement Woke Deep-Stater
By Bob Bishop | Sonar21 Lloyd Austin underwent an invasive surgical procedure called a prostatectomy for his prostate...
UK Defence Secretary Grant Shapps: Woke policies are divisive
By UK Defence Secretary Grant Shapps I am a strong believer that our Armed Forces should represent the people they serve...
U.K. defense chief vows to stamp out distracting ‘woke culture’ in armed forces
WOW, let’s hope someday a smart American defense chief will do the same thing! By Mike Glenn | Washington Times In...
Sports and the Military
By Capt. Brent Ramsey, US Navy ret STARRS Board of Advisors The largest U.S. sports attract 200+ million fans, generating...
“DEI itself is racist because reverse racism is racism”
The continuing education of a liberal who has awakened to the true nature of the DEI agenda. Bill Ackman’s original...
British Flag Officers: Remove DEI ideology from British Armed Forces
This letter was posted on X (Twitter). The woke mind virus has infected more than just the American military, and retired...
The Hostile Takeover of the Air Force Academy
By Scott Sturman, MD, USAFA ’72 STARRS Board of Advisors The transformation of the Air Force Academy (AFA) from a...
Pentagon Secretly Institutionalized DEI In Its K-12 Public Schools
Another important investigation, this time by government watchdog OpenTheBooks who followed up on their previous...
Briefings for DACODAI Committee
The Defense Advisory Committee on Diversity and Inclusion (DACODAI) was set up in September 2022 by SECDEF Austin to...
The Architects of the Woke U.S. Military: Military Woke Complex
This important investigation by Fred Lucas of the Capital Research Center exposes a “band of nonprofits—some very well...
Women Opt To Reenlist In The Marine Corps At Higher Rates Than Men
But the bigger question is why are men deciding not to stay? “My son, who wanted to be a Marine his entire youth, left after...
Air Force Resorts To Recruiting Retirees Due To ‘Critical Manning Shortages’
Look for your letter in the mail. By Micaela Burrow | The Daily Caller News Foundation The Air Force will open its ranks...
Members Of Congress Call On VA To Reject Proposal For ‘Gender Affirming Surgical Center’
By Micaela Burrow | The Daily Caller News Foundation Members of Congress are calling on the Department of Veterans Affairs...
“It’s about what you do and who you are, NOT about what you look like.”
DOD’s DVIDS is trotting out its obligatory Black History Month stories. Here is a snippet from an article that shows...
Leftist “Newspeak”: Why Words and Definitions Matter
By CDR Breck Henderson, US Navy veteran, nuclear submarines Writes “The Truth Is Out There” Substack I have to...
Politics Ruins Readiness
By Capt. Brent Ramsey, US Navy ret STARRS Board of Advisors Navy Mission: “The United States is a maritime nation, and the U...