A second DODEA school for military children had a protest against the Commander-in-Chief and the Secretary of Defense’s orders regarding the removal of the divisive, Marxist-rooted CRT/DEI ideology in the military.
This time it was kids from a DODEA school in Japan, before it was a DODEA school in German during the SECDEF’s visit at the base.
Military kids are more likely to join the military since they grew up in that environment. But what kind of indoctrination will they be bringing into the military?
The above screenshot is the end result of a disturbing far-left agenda/ideology being pushed in DODEA:
Pentagon Secretly Institutionalized DEI In Its K-12 Public Schools
US Military Base Schools Indoctrinating Children in Left-Wing Ideology: Report
SUPPOSEDLY they’re protesting government interference in their classrooms. What do they think DEI/CRT was? Could the idea of meritocracy make these kids uncomfortable? Or could it be entrenched DoD bureaucrats fearful for their jobs influencing their children?